The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 709 War Preparation, Fourth Level Completion

Facts have proved that although Liang Ji has only risen for a few decades, the power he unleashed after he decided to go all out to prepare for the "opening up war" is not small.

Over the years, under his care, his parents have almost all held important positions in the Xiu She City Government. They have accumulated a considerable fortune just by relying on various benefits and subsidies from the Star Alliance.

But these are still the big ones. There is always a shortage of speculators in every family, relatives, etc. The Liang family also has them, but they didn’t have the opportunities or connections before. After Liang Ji became the star master and was admitted to the Kunlun Star Palace, he saw that As his cultivation becomes stronger and his status becomes higher and higher, there are naturally many members of the Liang family and relatives who want to pull his skin and embark on the road of speculation.

It was also at this time that Liang Ji learned from his family that in just a few decades, various members and relatives of the Liang family had opened no less than ten companies.

These companies are taking advantage of him, and they are well taken care of in Xiu She City and even on the Serpentine Star. There are also many star master companies and large groups such as Shan De Lou, Herborist Group, Penglai Trading Company, etc. who are willing to take care of him.

Therefore, these companies established by the family have made a lot of money over the years.

Now that Liang Ji has come back to seek support from his family, these tribesmen, relatives, friends, companies, etc. who are under his care and trying to take advantage of him will naturally have to contribute money, people, and efforts.

In just half a month, the family raised more than 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones for him.

This asset is more than what he earned when he found the Yuyang Star on his original expedition and sold it to the Star Alliance.

He couldn't help but marvel at the abilities of these clansmen, relatives and friends, and at the same time he marveled at the value of his status as the student of the Star Master of Kunlun Star Palace.

The fact that the family was able to produce more than 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones this time means that they usually earn more than 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones because of his identity as a student of Kunlun Star Palace. In the eyes of family, relatives, friends, company, and influence, there are definitely more than 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

High-grade spiritual stones are generally cultivation resources and equivalents that can only be used by high-level monks.

One hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones are worth a glance for many seventh-grade star masters and third-grade immortals.

Just like Liang Ji, although he is a fourth-level star master now, if one hundred thousand middle-grade spiritual stones were placed in front of him, it would still be enough to make him look at him with suspicion.

This shows that in the eyes of the people and forces who take care of his family, relatives, friends and company, their expectations and predictions for him are at least a seventh-level star master and a third-level refining cultivation level.

With thoughts floating in his mind, Liang Ji made sure that his family now had a certain status and influence on Serpentis, and then left many of the initial preparations to his family.

For example, he can collect all kinds of spiritual materials, magic weapons, elixirs, etc. needed for war from the market. These can be collected and purchased slowly through conventional means and the market, without him having to waste time, energy and favors.

Only some resources and artifacts that are difficult to buy on the regular market require Liang Ji to come forward in person, or purchase them through various associations and internal official websites of organizations, or through star palace channels.

Prepare for the upcoming ‘Pioneering War’.

Half a month later, Peng Yue also rushed back from the outer sea of ​​​​stars. After meeting with Liang Ji for discussion, he also began to collect various materials and spiritual objects through his family and make preparations.

Peng Yue's family power is greater and broader than that of the Liang family, especially since her grandmother was also a Star Master monk for a long time. Although she was not born in the Star Palace, with her status as a Star Master monk, and later Peng Yue was admitted to the Vientiane Star. With the palace's support, the Peng family has already expanded its family power to the entire Penglai Star Territory over the years.

Nowadays, when the Peng family takes action, the scale and movement are far beyond what the Liang family can compare with.

At least, all the Star Lord families in Snake Repair City have gradually become aware of it, and they all have their own connections. Naturally, they all soon found out that the Star Alliance was about to start a new "Pioneering War", so they all took action on their own.

However, to the turbulent undercurrent of the "Pioneering War" of the entire Star Alliance, the participation of the Liang family, the Peng family, and even the entire Xiu Snake City are just small waves and cannot stir up much movement at all.

After Liang Ji handed over these matters to his family, he put more energy and time on his own practice.

After all, if you want to make a difference and gain something in the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War", the war materials, spiritual materials, manpower, etc. prepared in advance can only be regarded as the icing on the cake.

What really plays a key role is his own cultivation and strength.

Therefore, his main focus and energy now need to be on his own cultivation, the promotion of his natal stars, and the cultivation of his family members.

Time flies by, and it has been five years since Liang Ji returned home. This can be said to be the longest time he has stayed at home since he became the Star Master.

In the past five years, his main focus has been on cultivation. As the hundredth level 4 void mirage demon elixir was refined by his natal star, the strength of Liang Ji's natal star spiritual veins also increased to Fourth level (100%), the fourth level star master has completed his cultivation.

In order to be able to complete the remaining stages of practice within five years, Liang Ji even spent a lot of meritorious deeds, spiritual stones, etc. to speed up the speed at which the natal star digests the fourth-level mirage demon pill, so as to enhance the natal star's improvement and advancement. speed.

Now, everything is serving the upcoming pioneering war. Liang Ji would rather trade meritorious service, spiritual stones, etc. for time, in order to improve his cultivation and strength as much as possible before the war begins.

Now that the fourth-level star master has completed his cultivation, Liang Ji is preparing to advance to the fifth-level star master.

However, he is not planning to stay in the family to complete this advanced matter. Instead, he is planning to return to Kunlun Star Palace and complete it in seclusion in the star palace.

Although the breakthrough of the fourth-order star master to the fifth-order star master is not as dangerous as the breakthrough of the third-order star master to the fourth-order star master. It requires the soul to enter the natal star for reincarnation, and it must be in a safe enough place with good enough conditions.

However, when it comes to his own practice and advancement, Liang Ji naturally does not want to be careless or careless and return to the Kunlun Star Palace to make breakthroughs. The Star Palace has the best and most complete retreats for star master monks to break through and advance. As a student of Xing Palace, Liang Ji could directly apply to use the secret room, so he naturally did not want to waste this condition.

After finishing his training in the family, Liang Ji first paid attention to the family's preparations for the pioneering war over the years.

In five years, the news that the Star Alliance was about to launch a "pioneering war" had spread to a certain extent. At least many middle-level families and forces in the Star Alliance had basically received the news and began to prepare for the war.

The prices of various war materials, spiritual materials, etc. on the market have more than doubled compared to five years ago.

Fortunately, the Liang family relied on Liang Ji's news and started purchasing these materials five years in advance, so it was not greatly affected.

However, according to Liang Ji's intention, the preparation of war materials cannot stop collecting before the start of the 'Pioneering War'. If the price doubles, the collection will continue in small quantities. After all, before the war starts, the more fully prepared the family is, the better.

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