The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 710 Star Spirit Yuan Fei The Beginning of Transcendence

Before leaving Snake Xiu City and returning to Kunlun Star Palace, Liang Ji met Peng Yue again. In the past five years, Peng Yue had also been making an all-out impact on the fifth-level star master realm.

The fourth-order Void Golden Snake Demon Pill that she needs to refine for her natal star is much easier to find and hunt than the fourth-order Void Mirage Demon Pill that Liang Ji needs. She has already hunted enough in the past ten years.

Therefore, in the past few years, I have been able to stay in my hometown and work hard to refine the demon elixir, improve my natal stars, cultivate my family members, and improve my cultivation.

Liang Ji has now reached the level of fourth-level star master and is ready to attack the fifth-level star master. Peng Yue is not far behind. According to her current speed, she will be able to reach the level of fourth-level star master in half a year at most, and will return to Wanxiang by then. Star Palace breaks through to the fifth level Star Master.

The two have agreed that when the Star Alliance Development War begins, they will join forces to join the war. With their cultivation as fifth-level Star Lords, if they can get some help, or even other Star Lords to help, they may be able to The Covenant made a difference in the pioneering war.

After bidding farewell to his family, Peng Yue and his hometown, Liang Ji took a starship to Penglai City, teleported back to Kunlun City through the 'Starlight Portal', and returned to the Kunlun Star Palace.

He had already applied to the Star Palace through the Star Network for a secret room for retreat and breakthrough. After returning to the Star Palace, he would deal with some chores. Senior Sister Bian had graduated, and seniors such as Qi Changge, Ge Yuanchao, Xu Mao, etc. were not in the Star Palace either. Exploring outside the realm, or busy within the Covenant.

The news of the Star Alliance's pioneering war is no longer a secret to these Star Palace Star Master students, and everyone is preparing for the upcoming war.

Master Chiyu is still in seclusion to break through to the eighth-level star master and has not yet come out.

Now that Liang Ji is in the Star Palace, he can only visit the mentors of the 'Jin Ding Lineage', give him some gifts he brought back from the outer star sea, and maintain some personal relationships.

After everything was settled, Liang Ji went directly into the secret room of the Star Palace to practice and make breakthroughs.

The fourth-level star master's breakthrough to the fifth-level star master is not like the low-level star master's breakthrough that requires the 'body and the Tao', 'the Qi and the Tao', and the 'soul and the Tao' to break through. That is the stage of laying the foundation. Continuously strengthen the connection between the monk himself and his natal stars.

Now, entering the intermediate star master stage, the connection between the star master and the natal star is deep enough, and he can even be reborn in the natal star after the death of the star master himself, which naturally ends the 'Daohe' in the low-level star master stage. 'Practice.

Entering the intermediate star master stage, the star master's practice and breakthroughs begin to be fed back by his natal stars.

At the fourth-level star master stage, the ‘golden elixir seeds’ are cultivated in the natal stars, which allows star master monks to cultivate the best golden elixir.

Now, the fourth-level star master has reached perfection and will advance to the fifth-level star master. The feedback of this natal star will continue to deepen.

The 'Golden Elixir Seed' in the natal star will cultivate Yun into the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei', and then a little bit of the spirituality created by the stars will be separated from this 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei', and enter the golden elixir of the star master before it can be lit. Transforming the golden elixir allows the star master's golden elixir to truly nurture and advance into the Nascent Soul.

At this point, Star Master's practice has completely surpassed the practice paths of human immortals, ghost immortals, qigong masters, gods and other outsiders.

After all, among the outsiders, even the Qi Alchemist Taoist lineage can also form golden elixirs, but without a little spiritual blessing given by the natal stars, it is difficult for the Qi Alchemists to enlighten the golden elixir and let the golden elixir be cultivated and grown into Nascent Soul. Even the soul, so he can only continue to practice and refine the golden elixir, so that the golden elixir can advance to the third-level immortal realm at the third, sixth and final nine levels. However, it has reached the end and there is no way to move forward.

Only star master monks, who are fed back by their natal stars, can enlighten the golden elixir, nurture the soul, promote the soul, and then step by step refine the emptiness, merge with the Tao, and finally transcend to become a heavenly immortal and ascend to sainthood.

The intermediate star master stage is the stage where star master monks are detached and different from other heretic monks.

Therefore, if Liang Ji wants to break through and advance to the fifth-level star master stage, he needs to first cultivate the 'Star Spirit Embryo' in his natal star.

This step is much safer than the 'union of soul and Tao' when the third-level star master is reincarnated, but it is not simple.

Liang Ji entered a closed room to practice cultivation, and his mind, consciousness, and even soul all entered the natal stars.

At this time, the dependents, ghosts and gods from both the yin and yang realms of the natal stars have been ordered by Liang Ji to hold grand sacrificial ceremonies.

As soon as Liang Ji's soul entered the natal star, he sensed the strong power of incense faith, family members, and heroic souls coming together. At this time, he entered the natal treasure "Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth."

The soul walks in the pagoda, walking layer by layer under the pagoda, and walks into the ten-story pagoda below. The pagoda has been connected with the natal star, the nine springs, the underworld, and the origin of the soul.

With the help of the natal treasure "Thirty-three-story Pagoda", Liang Ji's soul and consciousness, protected by the incense faith and power of faith of many family members, ghosts, gods, and heroic souls, entered the spiritual veins and origin of the natal stars. .

Liang Ji explored the outer stars in the outer star sea, entered and saw the star spiritual veins and even the origin of many outer stars.

But now, it was the first time that he entered the spiritual veins and origin of his own natal star, and intuitively saw the scene in the spiritual veins and origin of his natal star.

After all, among other stars, Liang Ji still has his natal stars to protect him, so that he will not be swallowed up and assimilated by the star spiritual veins and origins of other stars.

However, in his own natal star, he can only enter the spiritual veins and origins with his soul, and he has completed the practice of 'soul and Tao integration' early, so that his soul and breath are in harmony with the spiritual veins and origin of his natal star. The origin is one, and if you are not careful, you will be swallowed up and assimilated by the natal star spiritual veins and origin.

When the time comes, even if you perform the 'hedao' in advance, your cultivation and preparation will not be enough, and you will definitely die.

Therefore, this step is also very dangerous. He must complete it under the protection of the natal treasure "The Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth", and he must gather the power of belief and belief such as the family members, ghosts, gods, and heroic souls to protect him, so he is fully prepared. Only then could we carefully enter the spiritual veins and origin of the natal stars.

Entering it at this time, what you see is also a river of starlight flowing, and a "God List" is suspended in it, swallowing starlight, blooming with divine light.

Liang Ji immediately reached out and made a move, and the 'God List' flew directly to his soul, suspended behind him, and shrouded his soul with divine light.

With the protection of the "God List", Liang Ji's soul is in the spiritual veins and origin of the natal stars, so he can be safer and move freely.

After doing enough to protect himself, Liang Ji's soul went straight into the depths of the spiritual veins and origins of his natal stars, and the astrological seeds and golden elixir seeds of 'star immortality' appeared before his eyes.

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