The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 711 Dragon Soul and Star Spirit

After Liang Ji became a third-level Star Master and completed the reincarnation of the 'union of soul and Tao', he cultivated the 'Star Immortality' star technique seed in the source of the stars, which was only as big as a little starlight.

But now, as Liang Ji has been practicing as a fourth-level star master for decades, the natal stars continue to grow and improve. The golden elixir in the sea of ​​consciousness not only grows, but also interacts and improves with the astrological seeds and golden elixir seeds in the origin of the stars.

Liang Ji's soul now entered the spiritual veins and origin of his natal stars. When he saw the star magic seeds and golden elixir seeds again, he felt that they had grown from a little starlight into a big sun, hanging high above the spiritual veins and origins of his natal stars. , the light shines in all directions.

"Enlighten the Yuanling, create the Yuan embryo, and nurture the star spirit!"

Liang Duanyu reviewed the knowledge and inheritance he had learned in the Kunlun Star Palace, chanted the mantra in his mouth, formed the true seal on his hand, and raised one finger to point at the 'seed' hanging in front of him like the sun.

On this finger, there is the power of the surrounding spiritual veins and the power of the origin; there is the power of faith and belief of the family members, ghosts, gods, and heroic souls who protect Liang Ji; there is the origin of the 'God List' manifested behind him Divine light gathers on it; it has the power of the natal treasure "The Thirty-three-layered Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth"; and Liang Ji's soul, blood, golden elixir, etc. are all integrated into it.

With one finger falling, all the power from the natal star to the family members and Liang Ji himself merged into the hanging 'seed', colliding with, evolving and creating creation with the power contained in the 'seed'!

Gradually, there seemed to be a trembling sound, and the 'seeds' hanging high in front of me vibrated slightly, like the fluctuation of the heart, like the rhythm of life.

The next moment, more dazzling starlight bloomed from it. This blooming starlight was full of mysterious creation and endless meaning.

This starlight and creation are far inferior to the "light of creation" that Liang Ji saw in the void sea, but it is also full of charm and mysterious opportunities, making Liang Ji seem to see his natal star refining first again. After a first-level demon pill, the first ray of life was born from the star that was originally the Death Star, as if reincarnated from death.

It is like a 'seed' hanging high in the sky before your eyes, and it is as if you are 'reincarnated from death' at this moment, from which vitality, the rhythm of life, and the mystery of creation bloom.

The next moment, like the creation of the world, the sun-like 'seed' split from it, and a figure made of starlight emerged from it, opening up the 'seed' world, standing majestically in the spiritual veins and core of the original star, swallowing the stars. The spiritual veins and origins also absorb the divine light of the 'Bang of Gods', as well as the power of beliefs and beliefs such as family members, ghosts and gods, and heroic souls. They also absorb the power of Liang Ji's own soul, blood, and golden elixir.

During this period of inhalation and inhalation, Xingguang's figure continued to change, one moment like a star, another moment like a member of the Ten Meridians, but in the end it gradually took shape and manifested into the appearance of Liang Ji.

However, compared to Liang Ji, this starry figure still seemed a bit illusory, weak, and lacking in intelligence. However, the mysterious starlight and sacred Taoist charm blooming around him were far beyond what Liang Ji could compare with.

This is exactly the ‘Star Spirit Yuan Fei’ that is cultivated in the origin and core of the star after the star master cultivator has successfully cultivated the fourth-level natal star and advanced to the fifth-level natal star.

The Star Spirit Yuan Fei, as the name suggests, is the young stage of the 'Star Spirit', and the Star Spirit is the starlight giant that Liang Ji has seen in the past when the high-level star masters took action!

When a Star Master monk advances to a high-level Star Master, this 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' can truly grow up and become a real 'Star Spirit', transforming into a starlight giant in a flash, moving stars, repairing galaxies, and tearing apart the void. , traveling unimpeded in the sea of ​​stars in the void.

Therefore, when the fourth-level Star Lord advances to the fifth-level Star Lord stage, the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' enlightened and cultivated in the natal stars is the beginning of the Star Lord's Taoism transcending other outsider Taoisms. It is the beginning of transcendence. beginning!

At this time, the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' among the natal stars was successfully enlightened and cultivated, and Liang Ji's natal star was also successfully promoted from a fourth-order star to a fifth-order star, but because he had not yet refined one. The demon elixir of the fifth-level Void Demon Clan, so these fifth-level stars can only be fifth-level (0%).

According to the normal process of star master's practice, Liang Ji's soul will leave his natal star and return to his body. At the same time, the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" contained in his natal star will also spit out a little spiritual light and origin, and return to his body with his soul. Among them, the golden elixir submerged in the dantian of the sea of ​​consciousness becomes the key to enlightening the golden elixir and breaking the elixir to achieve Yuanying.

But at this time, a somewhat unexpected accident happened that seemed to be being cleaned up.


But hearing a dragon roar, the dragon soul that had been entwined on Liang Ji's natal star raised its head and roared. The next moment, it flew from the natal star, circled around, and rushed directly into the origin of the natal star. Among them, it pounced directly on the newly cultivated 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' and submerged into it.

The Dragon Soul and the Star Spirit Yuan Fei merged into one. The "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" that was originally illusory and young quickly changed and became real, solid, and powerful. It seemed to grow from a child's form to a teenager's form in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the image of the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' has also undergone some changes based on Liang Ji's sacrifice. It has illusory dragon horns on top, illusory dragon tails behind it, real dragon scales on its body, and surroundings. The real mirage is surrounded by clouds, and it turns into a dragon!

Liang Ji looked at the changing state of the dragon in front of him, and a thought occurred in his mind. Then he felt that the perspective had changed, and he had actually entered the perspective of the dragon star in front of him. At this moment, he became a dragon star. ’, looking at the spiritual veins, origins of the natal stars in front of him, and the body soul standing in front of him from the perspective of the ‘Dragon Star Spirit’.

This feeling is quite wonderful, like a clone. At the same time, through the perspective of this 'Dragon Star Spirit', Liang Ji looks at the spiritual veins and origins of the stars around him and feels very friendly, as if he can command and control them at will. The stars seem to hold supreme power and are omnipotent.

Liang Ji just paused for a moment before he realized that the dragon soul wrapped around his natal star was originally his split soul. However, before, he was not strong enough and had insufficient means to use this dragon soul split soul, so he could only let it Wrapping around the natal star, it helps the natal star block external attacks, refines things that enter the star, and nourishes and mutates the dependents in the star, etc., to provide assistance.

But now, he has advanced to the fifth level Star Master, and successfully cultivated the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' in his natal star. It seems that he has finally achieved the cultivation, personality, and means of transporting the split soul dragon soul. The dragon soul can directly Combining it with the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" nurtured by the natal stars will not only utilize the power of the dragon soul, but also greatly increase the strength and means of the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei".

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