The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 712 The hope of transcending the next level

Star Spirit is the key to the transcendence of Star Lord Taoist monks from other monks, so the ‘Star Spirit Yuan Fei’ that is perfectly cultivated by the fourth-level Star Lord is the beginning of transcendence.

However, after completing the fourth level and even advancing to the fifth level Star Master, the 'Star Spirit' nurtured by the Star Lord's natal star is still only in the 'Yuan Fei' state, which appears to be very illusory and weak. Limited effect.

Most of them should stay in the natal stars and circulate some natal star sources, magic weapons, etc. to cooperate with the star master himself to fight.

Just like when Liang Ji saw fifth-level star masters such as Senior Bian Yujiao and Senior Chen Zhao in the Void Sea Battlefield, they were able to sacrifice the body of the "Gods List" contained in their natal stars to fight and kill.

This is undoubtedly possible because of the cooperation of the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" cultivated in their natal stars.

Therefore, the fourth-level star masters of the Kunlun Star Palace can only control the projection of the "Feng Shen Bang" to fight, while the fifth-level star masters can already command the "Feng Shen Bang" to fight in its own body.

Even when Liang Ji thinks about it now, he is afraid that Senior Bian Yujiao's "Pseudo Star Projection" was performed in advance as a fifth-level star major, and even Senior Chen Zhao Wushang's "Starlight Escape Technique" was probably all about the natal stars. A means of leveraging and using the power of the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei'.

Although each has its own wonders, it is undeniable that the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' contained in the natal stars of the fifth-level star masters has always been weak in ancient times, and its combat power and role are limited.

Only when you advance to the sixth level of Star Master and the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' contained in your natal star has grown, at least to the form of a teenager, can you truly exert some of the powerful and mysterious combat power of the 'Star Spirit'.

It is also for this reason that Senior Bian Yujiao was eager to pass the Kunlun Star Palace assessment and advance from the fifth-level star master to the sixth-level star master, just to advance as early as possible before the Star Alliance Expansion War. Cultivate more sixth-level natal stars, thereby promoting the growth of the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' contained in the natal stars as much as possible.

After all, the more 'Star Spirits' grow at this time, the stronger the combat power and power they can exert in the Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War'. For those who want to make contributions and make a difference in the 'Pioneering War' For senior Bian Yujiao and even the Bian family, this is even more advantageous.

In fact, not only Senior Bian Yujiao, but also Liang Ji, although he has stayed in his hometown to practice and advance in the past few years, he also knows a lot about the news in the Star Palace and the Star Alliance.

In the past few years, it can be said that Kunlun Star Palace has ushered in a 'graduation wave'. There are a large number of Kunlun Star Palace star master monks who have applied to enter the graduation assessment and are busy advancing from fifth-level star masters to sixth-level star masters. Increased, far more than before.

Even Senior Chen Zhao applied and passed the examination a few years ago, and has now advanced to the sixth level of Star Master.

These seniors and seniors are all trying to cultivate "Star Spirits" as much as possible and improve the combat power of "Star Spirits" in order to make a difference in the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War".

But now, Liang Ji had just cultivated the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' in his natal star, but because of the entry of the dragon soul, the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' had grown into a juvenile form ahead of schedule, which is almost equivalent to the sixth level. Star Lord’s means and strength.

This naturally shocked Liang Ji's heart, and at the same time his thoughts were floating around.

Previously, because the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War" was just around the corner, but he had not had time to complete the training of the fifth-level Star Lord, he was unable to advance to the sixth-level Star Lord before the war started. He was worried that he would not be strong enough by then and would not be able to open up in the Star Alliance. Make enough achievements in the war and obtain enough benefits.

But now, the change in the combination of the dragon soul and the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' undoubtedly made something strange happen in his heart.

With this method, he may not be able to make a difference in the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War" at the fifth-level Star Lord stage and earn enough merits and benefits!


But at this moment, Liang Ji sensed a feeling of weakness and emptiness in the clone of the 'Dragon Star Spirit' that he had just controlled. Then a dragon roar sounded, and the dragon soul that was thrown into the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' Quickly fly out from it, return to the outside of the stars, and continue to be entangled in the natal stars.

After losing its dragon soul, the 'Dragon Star Spirit' that had just transformed into a boy's form quickly shrank and became illusory. In the blink of an eye, it turned into the original 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' appearance, illusory and young.

Liang Ji's mind, consciousness, and perspective also returned to his body and soul.

"This is..." Liang Ji couldn't help but was stunned, and then saw the dim appearance of the star spiritual veins and the source of the stars around him, and quickly reacted: "This is the star spiritual veins of the natal star, and the power of the source is too exhausted, and it is difficult to support it. Got it!"

The dragon soul merges with the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei', giving birth to the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' as the 'Dragon Star Spirit', which grows into the form of a star spirit youth. This is not without cost, but requires the consumption of a large amount of star spirit veins. , the power of origin to support temporary birth and growth.

Even after the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' grows into the juvenile form of the 'Dragon Star Spirit', every move requires the consumption of star spiritual veins and original power.

Therefore, just a moment ago, Liang Ji did not even use the 'Dragon Star Spirit' to do anything, but he had already consumed a large amount of star spiritual veins and source power, making it difficult to support the 'Dragon Star Spirit' form. The dragon soul had to break away and return to the stars, while the "Dragon Star Spirit" also shrank and turned back into the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei".

"So, in the final analysis, it is still a matter of the spiritual veins and origin of the natal stars!"

Seeing this, Liang Ji already knew in his heart that if he wanted to rely on the dragon soul to merge with the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" and catalyze the "Dragon Star Spirit" in order to make a difference in the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War", he would have to make enough plans. The meritorious deeds and obtaining enough benefits must ultimately be implemented in the improvement of the natal star spiritual veins and the origin.

"So, next, we still need to make the star veins of our natal stars as powerful as possible, and then try our best to explore the stars of life in the outer star sea, and use the projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' to plunder the origin of these stars of life!"

"I don't know if we can search for some life stars in the outer star sea in the remaining twenty years or so?"

"It would be great if I had the conditions like Junior Liu Xu, where my family directly controls a large number of life stars in the outer world, and can directly plunder enough star sources without having to search for them..."

With thoughts floating in his mind, Liang Ji sighed, and then his soul did not stay in his natal star for a long time, but returned to his body.

At the same time, a bit of the light of the star spirit's origin was spit out from the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei', and followed Liang Ji's soul back to his body, straight into the dantian of the sea of ​​consciousness, and submerged into the golden elixir.

Suddenly, the rhythm of life, the mystery of Taoism, and the mystery of creation were also born, flourished, and became stronger from this golden elixir.

After the golden elixir enlightens the spirit, it is also transformed from death to life, and the mechanism of Nascent Soul has been born and nurtured in it.

Next, Liang Ji's natal star only needs to refine a fifth-level void monster demon elixir, and the natal star is fully advanced to the fifth-level star power and infused with it, this golden elixir can directly break the elixir and become an infant to advance to the fifth-level element. The realm of infants.

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