The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 713 Fifth Level Selection

He successfully cultivated the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' in his natal star, and enlightened the Golden Pill of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness to come into being. He only needed one fifth-level Void Monster Clan Demon Pill to advance to the realm of the fifth-level Star Lord. Liang Ji was also After finishing the retreat, he came out of the secret room.

This time of retreat was not long, only a few dozen days, but after leaving the retreat, it was obvious that the Kunlun Star Palace was much more lively than usual.

Many Star Lord students in the Star Palace who usually live in various places in the Star Alliance to practice or explore the outer star sea, now many people have come back, either to make friends or to make connections, and the entire Kunlun Mountain is lively. stand up.

Even after Liang Ji came out of seclusion, he received invitations from several friends he had met and made in the Star Palace to get together.

Therefore, he quickly learned that these Star Master students who returned to Kunlun Star Palace were basically informed by him that the Star Alliance was about to start a new 'opening war'. Be prepared for this 'pioneering war'.

Liang Ji was interested in staying in the Kunlun Star Palace and took this opportunity to make more friends with his seniors and sisters in order to take care of each other more during the 'exploitation war'.

However, he has finally figured out the priorities. The most important thing now is to improve his strength and level, and increase the star spiritual veins and origin of his natal stars, so as to improve his combat power.

After all, in the "Pioneering War", although connections, teammates, etc. are important, they are external things after all. Only one's own strength and combat power are the most critical and fundamental things.

Therefore, Liang Ji only stayed in the Kunlun Star Palace for a few days and attended a few gatherings of familiar star palace friends. Then he left the Kunlun Star Palace and teleported to the Thirty-Three Stars Domain of the Star Alliance through the 'Starlight Gate'. Yunxiao Star Territory 'Yunxiao City'.

Liang Ji had already made plans for the Void Demon Clan's demon elixir that the natal star would refine at the fifth-level star master stage, and chose a demon elixir from the Void Golden Eagle.

This void golden eagle, with its entire body made of red gold, controls the power of metal and natural disasters, and likes to devour all kinds of metal deposits containing star power.

Liang Ji has already investigated. This kind of Void Golden Eagle Monster Clan is found in the Thirty-Three-Star Domain of the Star Alliance. It is not as hard to find as the Void Mirage Monster hunted at the fourth level, but relatively speaking, it is still in Yunxiao Star. In the black hole at the center of the domain, this kind of Void Golden Eagle Demon Clan appears most frequently and in quantity.

And in fact, because there are a lot of stardust and starlight in the Yunxiao Star Field, which gather like clouds and envelope the star field, it is named "Yunxiao Star Field". Also because of this unique star field environment, the void gathered in it The demon clan is mostly composed of birds.

This is why, among the star master monks that Liang Ji has seen over the years who were born in the Yunxiao Star Region, most of the family members in their natal stars are dominated by the 'Feathered People' family members.

Even though the Void Golden Eagle mostly feeds on metal mineral deposits containing star power, it often appears in the Yunxiao Star Field and the Yunxiao Black Hole, chasing starlight and devouring stardust in the sky and sky.

Therefore, after Liang Ji selected the fifth-level star master stage hunting target, he left Kunlun Star Palace and teleported directly to Yunxiao City through the 'Starlight Gate'.

Liang Ji was already very familiar with hunting the void monsters in the Star Alliance's internal star fields and black holes like this when he was still a second- and third-level star master, so he didn't delay much.

When I arrived at Yunxiao City, I registered with the 'Outreach Department' in the city, and then through the introduction and recommendation of the 'Outreach Department', I joined several local 'Star Network Groups' who were hunting the Void Monster Clan to search for the fifth-order Void Golden Eagle. information.

Although the Black Hole in the Yunxiao Star Territory is dominated by all kinds of birds and Void Monsters, and Void Golden Eagles are also not uncommon, both the Star Territory and the black hole are vast and vast. With his own strength, he can find and chase the fifth-order Void Golden Eagle. It is undoubtedly a waste of time.

And these "hunting teams" who have been hunting various void demon clans in the local black hole area for a long time are undoubtedly the ones who have the clearest and most understanding of the distribution, location, quantity, and level of various void demon clans.

Just like when he was hunting the Void Whale Demon in the Black Hole of Yinghai, the 'hunting groups' he joined always had the most timely and accurate news.

Now it's the same at the black hole in the sky. He posted a reward among several "hunting groups" to find news about the fifth-order void golden eagle. In less than half a day, he had received four or five messages, all of which had accurate void information. Golden Eagle news, location and other information.

Liang Ji directly chose the nearest place, rented a starship in the 'Yunxiao City' and boarded it. Then he entered the black hole of the Yunxiao and hunted according to the information and coordinates provided by the 'Hunting Group'. go.

A few days later, Liang Ji saw his hunting target, a group of void golden eagles, in the black hole in the sky.

These void golden eagles stayed on the stars suspended in a black hole. The stars were as black as cast iron, and they were rare all-metal stars.

Generally speaking, such metal stars are subjected to the pressure and wear and tear of the black hole's swallowing power all day long in the black hole, and they must contain some rare and solid gold materials.

At this time, those void golden eagles gathered on the metal stars, constantly tearing and pecking at the metal containing star power in the stars, and the torn and broken star debris continued to scatter in all directions and into the black hole.

After giving up, Liang Ji could see these star debris floating in the black hole. Some were swallowed directly into the depths of the black hole, while others were swept up by the starlight surging from the depths of the black hole, and actually rushed out of the black hole area and entered. In the vast starry field outside, those starlights gathered into clouds and turned into the unique scenery 'Yunxiao' in the Yunxiao Starfield!

Although Liang Ji has been busy practicing in recent years, he has also traveled a lot and seen some star black holes in the Star Alliance, such as the 'Yunxiao Black Hole'. Normally, starlight rushes out of the black hole, sweeping up stardust debris. This is the first time I have seen the ones that turned into 'Nebula' and 'Yunxiao'.

“I don’t know what it will be like when this ‘Black Hole in the Sky’ reaches its big explosion period.”

As soon as a thought flashed through his mind, Liang Ji suppressed his thoughts. These had nothing to do with him for the time being. His most important thing now was to hunt down the fifth-order void golden eagle, seize the fifth-order demon pill and plant it into his natal star, and complete the transformation of his natal star. A complete transformation of the fifth level.

"But Lord Liang of the Kunlun Star Palace?" At this time, in the black hole beside the stars where the golden eagles gathered in the void ahead, a little white light suddenly appeared in the dark void, and a cloud-like starship quietly emerged, contacting Liang Ji's star through the star network There was a question coming from the other side of the boat.

"That's right." Liang Ji contacted the starship opposite, first identified himself, and then said: "Is this fellow Taoist Zhang Yu the opposite?"

Star Master Zhang Yu was the one who provided him with information about this place in the 'Hunting Group'. It is said that he is a fifth-level Star Master who graduated from the 'Yunxiao Academy', and he also led the team to pursue him in this 'Yunxiao Black Hole' for a long time. The old man of the Void Monster Clan is hunted.

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