The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 720 The Great Divine Power of the Fifth Level Familia

Yunxiao Star Territory, in the black hole of Yunxiao.

There was a loud roar, and a star made of metal was pecked and torn by numerous golden eagles in the void. Finally, it couldn't hold on and exploded and was destroyed.

Countless firelight and golden light swept through a large amount of broken metal, turning into stardust and sputtering in all directions.

Phew! Phew...

The sound of eagles chirped, and a group of void golden eagles dispersed like large golden clouds, sweeping up a large storm of golden light and golden sand. They pounced into the exploding golden light and stardust, chasing and swallowing the starlight and stardust.

At the same time, the devouring power of the black hole exploded, swallowing up the large firelight, golden light, and stardust formed after the destruction of the metal star. When nearly half of it was swallowed, a strange spitting power erupted from the black hole, swallowing up the remaining pieces in the void. Nearly half of the firelight, golden light, stardust, etc. were all swept and spit out, and sprayed out of the black hole.

After these firelight, golden light, and stardust are ejected from the black hole, they will scatter and flow in the clouds and star fields. The stardust gathers firelight, golden light, starlight, etc., and condenses into red or golden clouds, floating in the star field. among.

Of course, because the material and light of the stardust ejected from the black hole in the sky are different, the clouds formed by the gathering of starlight in the star field will also bloom in various other colors.

Red clouds, golden clouds, cyan clouds, black clouds, orange clouds, yellow clouds, etc., all kinds of clouds float in the star field, forming a unique scenery and environment, which is why it is known as the "Yunxiao Star Field".

In the black hole in the sky, Liang Ji stood on the starship and once again witnessed the spectacular destruction of stars. Although it was only a small star that was no more than a thousand miles away, because it was made of metal, the mass and energy contained in it But it is also very huge.

Therefore, the fire, golden light, etc. that erupted after its destruction were also powerful and frightening.

However, with Liang Ji's current cultivation level and his experience over the years, although he lamented the scene of such destruction of stars, he was not too surprised. At most, he lamented that he had been hunting the void in this black hole in the sky for the past few years. Although the Golden Eagle has seen many scenes of the Void Golden Eagle pecking and tearing apart metal stars, it has never seen the Void Golden Eagle completely destroy the stars.

Unexpectedly, before he was about to end the hunt and leave, he encountered this scene, which seemed to be a farewell for him.

With a sigh in his heart, Liang Ji focused more on the starlight and stardust spit out by the 'black hole', although he already knew the origin of the 'Yunxiao' in the Yunxiao Star Territory and had seen them in the past few years. A 'black hole' appears to be spewing out stardust, but what we have seen before is only dozens or hundreds of stardust ejected on a small scale. It is difficult to form a 'cloud' when entering the outer star field, but slowly gathers together.

Nowadays, it is rare for such a star to be destroyed, and the stardust to be ejected from the black hole and condense directly into the "cloud sky" in the star field, which makes him feel quite eye-opening.

Phew! Phew...

At this time, the sound of eagles was heard, and the golden eagle of the void, which had just destroyed a metal star in the black hole, was about to fly out of the black hole after chasing the stardust and rush towards the newly formed 'clouds'.

Seeing this, Liang Ji withdrew his eyes and mind, and directly opened the 'Star Gate' in the void, summoning his family members and flying boats to intercept these void golden eagles.

He will leave the Black Hole in the Sky and end his hunting of Void Golden Eagles. These Void Golden Eagles are the final target of his hunting operation, so naturally he must start well and end well.

This time, facing the Void Golden Eagles, even the leading fifth-level Void Golden Eagles, Liang Ji's family members did not rush to activate the formations on the flying boat to restrain the breath of condensed elements, nor did they rush to activate the flying boat. The power of ghosts and gods blessed by God also did not rush to fly the flying boat to form a battle formation.

Instead, tall dependents who were several feet tall and possessed the power of elements such as wind, fire, thunder, and rain all over their bodies walked out of the airships, and each used their bloodline magical power to attack the incoming void golden eagles.

For a moment, in this black hole void, the figures of the family members quickly expanded to reach the size of thousands of feet. The next moment, the wind and rain filled the sky, the sea of ​​fire filled the sky, Lei Ze came to the world, the five mountains were sealed, the trees withered, the ice was absolutely frozen, and the yin and yang reversed. chaos……

The power of all kinds of great supernatural powers was exerted from the hands of these dependents who used the magic of heaven and earth to directly engulf the group of golden eagles in the void.

These tall dependents are the newly promoted fifth-level dependents in Liang Ji's natal star.

After his natal star digested the first fifth-level void golden eagle demon pill and advanced to the fifth level (1%), the ceiling of the same level in his natal star was opened. Many of the stars had already practiced and grown to the extreme, and entered the infinite. Those who can advance will break through their limits and advance to the fifth level.

These dependents have advanced to the fifth level, their life spans have been greatly extended, and their bloodline power has been greatly improved. Although they have not yet returned to Kunlun Star Palace to accept and learn the inheritance of the fifth-level star master, the power and magical powers born from their blood have been obtained. Transformed, promoted, and reached the level of great supernatural powers.

Nowadays, these fifth-level dependents have transformed the magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi" into the great magical power of "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth", but each of them can rely on their own strength to display the great magical power of "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth", transforming their bodies into thousands of feet. It's big and small, even if it's against a fifth-level void demon beast alone, it can kill and fight.

There is no need to rely on the power of all the family members, the power of battle formations, etc. as before to be able to exert the great magical power of "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth".

Not only that, these fifth-level dependents of each lineage also have bloodline magical powers such as 'breathing wind', 'calling rain', 'driving thunder and lightning', 'moving mountains', 'ice soul', and 'breathing flames' born from the bloodline in their bodies. After advancing to the fifth level, they grow together and advance to great supernatural powers, which contain the power of great supernatural powers.

As a result, great magical powers such as summoning wind and rain, sea of ​​fire filling the sky, sealing off the five mountains, and coming into the world of Lei Ze were easily displayed. Without the help of ghosts and gods, natural disasters such as golden light and golden sand storms were spread around the attacking group of void golden eagles. Swallowed, torn apart, and blown apart by its power.

Even a large number of fourth-level Void Golden Eagles in the Void Golden Eagle Group had no resistance at all under these great magical powers. In an instant, they were torn apart by the storm, melted by the showers, bombarded by thunder, shattered by the five mountains, and frozen into powder. , burned to ashes by the sea of ​​fire...etc.

Just a round of the great magical power of the fifth-level family members passed by, and the attacking Void Golden Eagles were directly smashed. All the Void Golden Eagles below the fifth level were killed on the spot.

In the void, there were only seven fifth-level Void Golden Eagles left in the blink of an eye. They screamed and cried. They set off more and more violent golden light, golden sand, golden wind and other natural disaster forces, and rushed towards these fifth-level dependents. They wanted to be beheaded. Kill the Void Golden Eagle to take revenge.

These fifth-level void golden eagles have not seen the power of ghosts and gods blessed on the flying boat, nor have they seen the scene where the power of ghosts and gods directly distorts and disperses the power of natural disasters caused by them, so it is not like when Liang Ji hunted the void golden eagles before. , Most of the fifth-level Void Golden Eagles fled one after another after a round of fighting.

They can only see the great magical power of the fifth-level dependents now. Although it is powerful, it does not have the power to cause the fifth-level golden eagle to collapse and flee. Instead, they think they can counterattack these fifth-level dependents.

Therefore, the remaining fifth-level void golden eagles did not escape at all, but continued to charge forward to destroy the enemy and take revenge.

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