The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 721 Fifth level inheritance

The mocking wind brings the wind of void, the kiss of Chi brings the rain of lost souls, the opening of the shell of the pepper picture brings the cold air that freezes all things and spreads everywhere.

Ba Xia moved the Five Mountains to seal the void. When the Suan Ni roared, endless thunder came to the world. When the Suan Ni spit out, the endless sea of ​​fire burned the sky.

When Liang Ji's family members advanced to the fifth level, the bloodline magical powers they mastered were promoted to the power of great magical powers, and their power suddenly increased dozens of times, and even exploded in the void to compete with those of the fifth-level void demon clan. The power of natural disasters is also comparable.

At this time, the various great supernatural powers set off by the fifth-level clansmen of each lineage constantly collided and clashed with the golden light, golden sand, golden wind and other natural disaster powers set off by the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle on the opposite side, either torn to pieces or annihilated. It can break the power of natural disasters set off by the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle, but most of these great magical powers are also consumed.

The remaining power continued to bombard these fifth-level void golden eagles, and it was even difficult to break through the protective golden light that erupted around the golden eagles.

Nowadays, the fifth-level dependents only rely on their larger numbers, and under the siege, they slowly consume the golden light of several fifth-level void golden eagles.

Seeing this, Liang Ji didn't know how much time would be needed, and if he continued like this, it would be difficult to stop a few fifth-level void golden eagles from escaping. Obviously, relying only on the power of the bloodline magical powers mastered by these fifth-level dependents, although he was already able to compete with the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle, The Void Demon Clan confronts and fights, and even does not lose, but if you want to kill the fifth-level Void Demon Clan with this, more time and strength are needed.

Perhaps, when he returns to Kunlun Star Palace and accepts the inheritance of the fifth-level star master, and allows the family members to master more of the power and means of the fifth-level family members, it will be easier and faster for the fifth-level family members to kill the fifth-level void demon clan. .

But now, since he has tested out the combat and magical powers of the newly promoted fifth-level family members in the natal star, he is not willing to continue to waste time here. You must know that what Liang Ji lacks most now is time.

At the moment, Liang Ji passed down the oracle, and the fourth-order family members who had been swarming around also joined the siege in flying boats.

This time, they didn't even need to fly the airship to form a battle formation. They just activated the power of ghosts and gods blessed on the airship to sweep out, distorting the power of natural disasters set off by the fifth-order void golden eagles and the brilliant golden light erupting around them. , dispersed, even without them continuing to attack, the various magical powers operated by the fifth-level family members have already followed closely.

Phew! Phew...

The sudden turn of events made several fifth-order void golden eagles frightened inexplicably. They howled in fear and then each set up a golden light to escape.

But at this time, they had already been surrounded by the flying boats driven by the fifth-level dependents and the fourth-level dependents. How could they still have room to escape, but in the blink of an eye they were swallowed up by the great magical power of the fifth-level dependents.

This time, the power of natural disasters and the protective golden light were distorted and dispersed. The fifth-level void golden eagles could not resist the power of various great supernatural powers, and were killed on the spot one after another.

Liang Ji's family members cleaned up the battlefield and added six more fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pills in their hands. So far, the number of fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pills in his hands reached forty-one.

Coupled with the demon pill that his natal star has digested and the demon pill that is being digested, it is enough for his natal star to grow to the fifth level (43%), and even if he digests these demon pills at the fastest speed , it will take at least more than eighty years.

At this time, there were only about twenty years left before the Star Alliance's pioneering war. He must seize the last twenty years to see if he could find one or two more life stars in the outer star sea so that he could prepare more stars for his own life. Several objects for plundering the origin so that he can display the 'Dragon Star Spirit' and 'Half-Step Soul' states for a longer period of time.

At that moment, Liang Ji ended his hunting in the black hole of Yunxiao, thanked Zhang Yu and other hunters for their help, and teleported back to Kunlun Star Palace through the 'Starlight Gate'.

Master Chiyu is still in retreat, but he had already arranged for Liang Ji and other students to redeem the inheritance of the 'Jade Character Lineage' before the retreat.

In fact, because of the tutor's retreat, Liang Ji and other students' assessments for each level of perfection and advancement have become very simple. They only need to complete the basic assessment tasks of the Star Palace to advance to the next level and redeem their inheritance.

Liang Ji's previous assessment mission for the fourth-level star master was because he chose to serve in the pioneering legion and conduct expeditions to the outer realm. The basic assessment mission of the Kunlun Star Palace was to discover and occupy a spiritual star in the outer realm.

It can be said that Liang Ji has completed this assessment task a long time ago, so when the fourth-level star master reaches perfection, he does not need to conduct other assessments. He has already obtained enough credits to directly advance to the fifth-level star master. Now he can directly exchange for stars. The inheritance of the fifth-level star master.

For the inheritance of the dependent family, the nine-turn fifth-turn inheritance of Xuanyu from the ‘Jade Lineage’, and the fifth-turn inheritance from the Nine-Tripod Building Power of the ‘Golden Cauldron Lineage’.

Of course, there is also the most important thing, the inheritance of the Star Master himself, the sacrificial inheritance of the ‘Bang of Gods Earth Edition’.

After all the inheritances were settled, Liang Ji began to look for suitable inheritances on the official website of Xing Palace, as well as the official websites of Star Alliance Artifact Refiner Association, Formation Master Association, Talisman Master Association, and Alchemy Master Association.

First-level talisman, second-level weapon, third-level formation, fourth-level flying boat, and fifth-level spaceship. The star master advances to the fifth level. The natal star contains fifth-level spiritual materials and resources. The dependent family can advance to the fifth level and can combine the four levels. The airship cast at the first level was upgraded and upgraded to a fifth-level spaceship.

Compared with the flying boat, the spaceship is not only larger in size, but the formations and restrictions arranged on it have also been further improved, reaching the fifth level, and the power that can be exploded is naturally increased by dozens of times.

If the fifth-order Familia had previously been hunting the fifth-order Void Golden Eagle, with the cooperation of the fifth-order 'spaceship', they would have been able to directly kill the fifth-order Void Golden Eagle without even having the fourth-order Familia drive the airship or use the power of ghosts and gods to help.

Liang Ji will continue to explore the outer lands next, looking for more life stars. He probably won't come back before the Star Alliance's pioneering war begins, so he must be fully prepared.

The inheritance of the 'God List', the inheritance of the family members, the inheritance of the spaceship, and even the inheritance of the fifth-level talisman master, alchemy master, weapon master, array master, etc., naturally need to be purchased before leaving the Star Alliance and sent to the natal star. Let the family members slowly digest and learn, so that the fifth-level family members can truly grow up and possess fifth-level combat power, instead of just relying on the power of blood and acting like wild beasts.

Fortunately, the Star Alliance's upcoming pioneering war will cause the prices of many spiritual materials, resources and other materials to skyrocket, but it will not have much impact on the prices of these inheritances.

After all, spiritual materials, resources and other materials can directly affect the war, but various inheritances cannot directly affect the war, so naturally they will not increase prices indiscriminately.

After Liang Ji sold two more seventh-level spiritual materials obtained from the 'Three Holy Stars' and collected some high-grade spiritual stones, he finally purchased these basic and necessary inheritance.

Because the spiritual stones and meritorious deeds are now at their lowest point, and because he exploited the 'Three Holy Stars' and the 'Wooden Meteor Star' too much, Liang Ji did not even purchase the remaining fifth-level inheritance of the 'Seven Hundred and Twenty Lines' life type.

Now everything is only to improve the combat power of the family members. As for the inheritance of life, he can only consider it after he earns enough spiritual stones and meritorious deeds.

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