The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 727 The Earth Goes to War

In the void of the outer domain and the boundless sea of ​​stars, the starship "Dragon Snake" sailed in the void. The starlight fluctuations that lured the void mirage continued to spread out from the starship and spread to all directions.

After Liang Ji decreed the fiefdom, he ended the retreat after experiencing the effects of the power of the stars and the earth, the laws of elements, the amplification of the bloodline of the family members, the improvement of the original quality of the stars, and the promotion of the growth of 'Tao Fruit'.

He could clearly sense that although the main combat power of the fifth-level clan, the 'ship', had not yet been cast, the vitality, bloodline, combat power, etc. of his clan had been greatly improved after the imperial fiefdom. It will definitely be much easier and smoother for his fifth-level dependents to hunt down the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle.

Liang Ji now wishes he could find some opponents to verify the fighting strength of his family members and land warriors.

However, it is difficult to find the target in this vast void. Not to mention the Void Golden Eagle, it is the Void Mirage and the Life Star that I have been looking for. The starship has been sailing and exploring in this void for several months, but still found nothing. .

Liang Ji could only suppress the thoughts that were about to stir up for the time being.

In the main control cabin of the starship, only Chu Yue is sitting in charge, occasionally paying attention to the operation of the 'Demon Lure Formation'. The rest of the team is either cultivating or practicing in seclusion in their respective cabins.

Peng Yue has also been practicing in seclusion in her cabin for several months. It took her less time to advance to the fifth-level star master than Liang Ji. There are also many inheritances and methods of the fifth-level star master in the Vientiane Star Palace, which she needs to digest as soon as possible. To enhance the strength and means of his family and himself.

Therefore, since the 'Dragon Snake' starship left the Three Sacred Stars System and started new exploration again, Peng Yue began to practice retreat directly in the cabin, which lasted much longer than Liang Ji.

"Senior Chu." Liang Ji greeted Chu Yue first and said, "Senior, you have worked hard these past few months."

"Fellow Daoist Liang." Chu Yue returned the salute and said with a smile: "It's not hard work. Most of the time, the formation operates on its own. I only occasionally make adjustments."

"Just taking this opportunity, I carefully studied the 'Demon Lure Formation' and some of the formation knowledge passed down by the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent', and tried to improve the 'Directed Demon Lure Formation' .”

"If I can improve it to meet the certification standards of the Star Alliance Formation Masters Association, then I can apply for a patent from the Formation Masters Association and sell this 'directional monster luring formation' to the entire Star Alliance."

When Liang Ji heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Congratulations to senior. This 'directional demon luring formation' will definitely be very popular among the Star Alliance. By then, senior will probably earn more spiritual stones than he can count."

The Star Alliance has detailed and clear protection, dissemination, and sales processes for various high-end technologies and inheritances. For example, the inheritances purchased by Liang Ji from the official websites of the Star Alliance associations are all protected by the association and the Star Alliance. certification and protection.

Every time Liang Ji purchases inheritance from the official websites of these associations, part of the spiritual stones spent goes to the association, part goes to the inheritance and technology patent owners, and of course part of the tax revenue goes to the Star Alliance.

For example, Senior Chu Yue, if he can perfect the 'directional monster luring formation' and obtain the patent certification from the Star Alliance Formation Masters Association, he can put it on the official website of the Formation Masters Association and sell it to the outside world.

The monks in the Star Alliance have to pay a patent fee to Master Chu Yue to purchase the inheritance of this 'directional demon luring formation'.

In view of the demand of many star master monks in the Star Alliance to hunt specific void monsters, Liang Ji believes that this 'directional monster luring formation' will definitely be very popular and a big seller.

At that time, Master Chu Yue will really be waiting to receive the money.

"Haha..." Hearing Liang Ji's congratulations, Chu Yue couldn't help but chuckle and said: "I would also like to thank fellow Daoist Liang and fellow Daoist Peng for providing me with the 'Heritage of the Heavenly Snake Saint' and from the 'Second Star Port Team' Help me get the 'Demon Lure Formation' inheritance there, so that I can gain something based on these foundations."

"If this formation patent is truly successful by then, I will definitely thank you Daoyou Liang and Daoyou Peng."

Liang Ji waved his hands when he heard this and said with a smile: "Senior Chu, you're welcome. The inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake' is in the Heavenly Snake Academy. There are many people who have received the inheritance over the years. The 'Demon Seduction Formation' is even more common outside the Star Alliance." A formation commonly used among the Tuo Legion has been passed down and spread widely."

"But over the years, no one has been able to innovate and go further on the basis of these inheritances to develop this 'directional monster luring formation'."

"So in the final analysis, it is your formation level and your extraordinary talent in the formation, Senior Chu, that enabled you to achieve this breakthrough."

"These are all your own abilities, Senior Chu! Peng Yue and I are just the icing on the cake."

Liang Ji said a few compliments, Chu Yue smiled and said a few modest words, and they were having a good chat.

Suddenly the sound of 'Ship Spirit' came from the starship cabin. Chu Yue turned around and smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Liang, this starship has been advancing in the void for several months, and the directional monster luring formation has also been operating for several months. Nothing has been gained.”

"Now that you have arrived, you have discovered and harvested the directional demon luring formation. It seems that you, fellow Daoist Liang, are in good luck!"

Liang Ji had also looked at the screen displayed by the 'ship spirit' at this time, and could see a large piece of fog rolling into the void ahead, rushing towards the starship. Apparently there is a void mirage, attracted by the 'directional monster luring formation' on the starship.

"Looking at the scope and concentration of this fog, I'm afraid there is a sixth-order void mirage in it."

Liang Ji hunted and killed many void mirages, and even refined a hundred void mirage demon pills in his natal star. He already knew the situation of this void mirage very well, but he just looked at the range and concentration of the incoming fog. You can basically judge the strength of the attacking void mirage.

"I was just trying to find some enemies to test the earth's methods and strength, but unexpectedly these void mirages came to my door." Liang Ji immediately smiled and said: "Senior Chu, leave these void mirages to me to deal with. "

"Since the void mirage has appeared here, there are likely to be life stars in the nearby starry sky. Could you please control the detection array in the starship and carefully explore the surrounding void to see if there may be some discoveries."

"Okay!" Chu Yue heard the words and agreed directly. She was not worried that Liang Ji could not deal with the incoming void mirages. After all, she was a team member who had cooperated many times. The student's strength and means of fighting across levels are quite clear.

Chu Yue began to take over and operate various detection formations on the starship, while Liang Ji mobilized the power of the natal stars and the Nascent Soul of the Sea of ​​Consciousness to open the 'Star Gate' in the void.

This time, there were not a large number of Familia and flying boats flying out from it. Only some fifth-level Familia and some newly sealed lands came out of the 'Star Gate' and rushed directly towards the incoming void mist.

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