The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 728 Magical Powers and Power

In the void, faced with the mist of natural disaster sweeping over them, the Earthly Ones did not take action directly but let the fifth-level dependents take action.

The Half-Dragon Familia, the Chaofeng Familia, the Chikiss Familia, the Baxia Familia, the Suan Ni Familia, the Biuan Familia... the Jiaotu Familia, etc., each of the fifth-level Familia directly activates the great magical power of the 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth'. Individualized into thousands of feet in size, they are like sacred mountains lying across the void, firmly blocking the direction in which the fog sweeps forward.

The next moment, following the leader's 'Ice King''s order, all the fifth-level family members blocking the road began to activate their bloodline magical powers, calling for wind and rain, causing yin and yang to reverse chaos, sealing off the five mountains, filling the sky with seas of fire, thundering thunder to the world, and absolute freezing. ……etc.

These bloodline magical powers are not only powerful, but more importantly, there is corresponding divine light blooming in each of them.

This is the "Earth-only Blessing" for these fifth-level dependents by the gods of the ten-lineage and fifth-level dependents conferred by the 'Bang of Conferred Gods'.

At the beginning, when he was in the fourth-level Star Master stage, Liang Ji studied the 'God List' and the methods of ghosts and gods in order to improve the combat power of the Familia. He once tried to integrate the divine power blessed by ghosts and gods with the power of the Familia, flying boats, etc., in order to improve the combat power of the Familia. .

But it turns out that the power of ghosts and gods belongs to yin, and the blood of the family belongs to yang, and the two cannot be integrated well.

The power of ghosts and gods can only be better integrated with the ghost soldiers and battle formations in the underworld to enhance the power of the ghost soldiers and battle formations.

But now, as he advanced to the fifth-level star master, the natal stars were sealed with imperial beings. Among them, there were even fifth-grade green imperial ‘bloodline gods’ earthly beings that corresponded to the bloodlines of each family clan.

The divine power of these earth creatures is Yang, which is consistent with the combat power of the Familia clan, and the divine power of the fifth-grade Qingchi ‘God of Blood’ earth creatures is extremely consistent with the power of the blood of these Familia clans.

Therefore, even though they are just newly enshrined earth beings, they do not even need to be studied or trained. The "earth being blessings" and the power of the earth beings blessed by the fifth-level Qing imperial "bloodline god" for these fifth-level dependents are directly related to their bloodline great supernatural powers. The power is integrated into one.

The great magical powers of the fifth-level dependents are already powerful. Now that they are integrated with these earthly powers, their power has been increased dozens of times, and they also contain a certain power of laws. Unless they face enemies who also contain the power of origin and laws, it will be difficult to defeat them. Can resist.

At this time, the wind, rain, fire, thunder, mountains, and ice blasted into the sweeping fog, and the "earthly divine power" that exploded directly distorted and dispersed the natural disaster fog, revealing the body of the void mirage within.

Sure enough, as Liang Ji had judged, the leader among these void mirages was a sixth-order void mirage, followed by several fifth-order void mirages and dozens of fourth-order void mirages.

But at this time, the great magical power of the Familia clan containing the divine power of the earth was blasted down, and the fourth-order void mirage demon was instantly killed without any resistance. The fifth-order void mirage demon was also instantly blasted to pieces of defense, suffered heavy damage, and was even unable to escape. Only the leading six Although the Void Mirage also suffered heavy damage from the bombardment of the great magical power that contained divine power, it still had the energy to escape.

However, before it could escape very far, the first bloodline great magical powers of the fifth-level clans that were attacking from all sides came in one after another. The great magical powers were still integrated with the divine power of the earth, and their power almost reached the limit of the middle level, which was comparable to that of the sixth-level peak. Comparable.

This time, several fifth-order void mirages that had suffered heavy losses and were unable to escape were killed on the spot, while the sixth-order void mirages that had already escaped for a certain distance were also severely damaged and lost their ability to escape.

"One more blow and this sixth-order void mirage will be killed on the spot!"

Liang Ji looked at the situation on the field and made an instant judgment in his mind.

Before the earth creature takes action, it directly uses divine power to bless and integrate the bloodline magical power of the fifth-level dependents, and it already has the combat power to kill the sixth-level void demon clan across levels!

This shows how powerful the ‘Feng Shen Bang’ and the power of the earth are.

However, at this time, the fifth-level dependents in the void battlefield did not immediately send out the third attack, because the 'earthly divine light' that blessed and shrouded them suddenly dissipated.


Liang Ji was slightly surprised, immediately checked the situation, and quickly discovered the reason.

"Again, the source of stars is insufficient!"

The divine power only blessed by the fifth-grade Qingchi's 'God of Blood', combined with the combat power of the fifth-level dependents, has certainly greatly increased the power of these great bloodline magical powers, making it difficult for even the sixth-level void monsters to resist.

However, this huge power undoubtedly came at the cost of consuming the power of Liang Ji's natal star and Tao Fruit.

The fifth-grade Qingchi is powerful and consumes more star energy.

With his current source strength of the fifth level of his natal star (1%), he can only support two rounds of divine power blessings from these fifth-grade green orders.

The third round of divine blessing was actually difficult to maintain.

Liang Ji was helpless. Fortunately, the sixth-order void mirage demon had been seriously injured and was on the verge of death. Even without the blessing of the earth's divine power, the fifth-order family members in the battlefield used several more rounds of bloodline magical powers to besiege it and slowly grind it to death.

However, the sixth-level void mirage that was originally killed in just three rounds of attacks now took nearly ten rounds of attacks to kill.

Without the blessing of the earth's divine power, the gap between the fifth-level Familia who have just been promoted, many inheritances that have not yet been digested, and many methods that have not been mastered, and the sixth-level Void Monster Clan is still quite large.

The Familia quickly cleaned up the battlefield, and Liang Ji recalled the Familia and the earth to their natal stars, and used the projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' to plunder the origins from the Three Saint Stars and Wooden Meteor Stars, and restore the origins of the natal stars.

The Void Mirage was discovered here, and there are likely to be life stars in the nearby star field. He needs to keep the source of his life stars sufficient at all times to ensure the combat power of his family members, ghosts, gods, and earth creatures, so that he can go out and occupy the discovered life stars when needed.

This time, Liang Ji summoned a team to explore the outer star sea again. His purpose was very clear, which was to occupy as many life stars as possible in the outer realm and leave the projection of the 'God List' among them, so that his own stars could plunder enough at any time. The source restores its own consumption.

In this way, he can maintain the peak combat power of himself and his family members, so as to earn enough merits and benefits in the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War".

"Senior Chu, have you found the target star?"

After the battle in the void, Liang Ji had a general understanding of the current combat power of the Familia and the Earthly Ones. He turned his attention back to the starship and asked Chu Yue, who was in charge of the detection formation.

"We already have a general direction, but we need to get closer to carefully explore and confirm."

Seeing that Liang Ji had ended the battle, Chu Yue immediately controlled the starship and set off again, flying away in the direction she determined.

At the same time, the information and detected data collected by various detection arrays on the starship are becoming more and more detailed and accurate, and are displayed in the light curtain of the starship's main control cabin.

Gradually, a galaxy appeared in the light curtain. There was only one star in this galaxy. The distances and trajectories of the stars in the galaxy were also very complex with the living environment of many living stars summarized by the Covenant Alliance.

"found it!"

Suddenly Chu Yue said in surprise.

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