The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 729 Behemoth Stars

In the outer star sea, in the unnamed galaxy just discovered by the "Dragon Snake" starship.

The starship is currently staying in the void outside a star. This star is at a moderate distance from the stars in the galaxy. It is a mixed color of yellow and green, and has an obvious breath of life and spiritual energy.

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Peng Yue, Wu Shan, Lu Yuetong, and Xia Wujiu who were in seclusion had also received notifications from their respective cabins and gathered in the main control cabin.

At this time, various detection formations and detection magic weapons on the starship were under the control and operation of Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu, the two formation masters and weapon masters, trying their best to explore the situation in the yellow and green stars in front of them.

"It's definitely a spiritual star, but it's only the third level..."

"The landforms in the stars are dominated by grasslands, forests, and loess mountains, and there are a lot of lives there..."

"The dominant life in the stars has been determined. It is not the common humanoid alien race, but various giant beasts..."

As the two of them operated formations and explored magic weapons, messages and images appeared on the three-dimensional light curtain in the main control cabin.

Liang Ji and others also saw the giant beasts that ruled the star. Each one was at least tens of feet in size. Hundreds of feet and hundreds of feet were also common. They were entrenched all over the star like hills and rivers.

As for the appearance of these giant beasts, they are quite ordinary. Most of them look like common beasts and birds, but for some reason they have become very large and have many variations on their bodies.

"Hey, some human-like life civilizations were discovered..."

At this time, Chu Yue suddenly let out a light sigh, and then operated the detection array. A picture quickly emerged and enlarged on the three-dimensional light screen, and appeared in front of everyone.

But in the picture, some humanoids with wolf heads gathered into a small tribe and were holding a sacrifice in the tribe.

The object of their sacrifice was a giant wolf-shaped beast, and the sacrifices were some bull-headed aliens, sheep-headed aliens, etc.

"It seems that there are no humanoid natives born on these stars. It's just that because these giant beasts occupy a dominant position, the humanoid natives can only survive under the pressure of the giant beasts and become food or slaves."

"And these humanoid natives worship these giant beasts as gods in order to survive."

In the three-dimensional light screen, the sacrifices of the wolf-headed alien tribes are still being made. The wolf-shaped giant beast that was enshrined and sacrificed was still not satisfied after devouring the sacrifices, and opened its mouth to devour a group of wolf-headed alien tribes who participated in the sacrifice.

However, these devoured wolf-headed alien natives did not dare to resist at all, and did not even have the consciousness or thought to resist. Instead, they kept kowtowing to the wolf-shaped giant beast, their faces full of fanaticism and even excitement.

It seems that being swallowed by a wolf-shaped giant beast is not a terrifying thing, but something worthy of excitement and glory.

Looking at this scene in the picture, Wu Shan, the human immortal with the most experience and knowledge, couldn't help but shook his head and said: "The humanoid natives of this star have had their souls and civilization destroyed by giant beasts, leaving only ignorance and servility. They want to completely Saving them is not easy.”

In the starship cabin, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Lu Yuetong and others looked at the scene in the light curtain with different expressions. Although they come from a star palace or a large group and are well-informed, it seems that this is the first time they have seen this scene.

Liang Ji couldn't help but remember that when he was a third-level star master, he was an intern in the Star Alliance's "Security Department" and performed tasks in Senior Yang Yun's team. He once broke into a cult organization, the "Pantheon", which was secretly operating in the void star sea within the Star Alliance. A star base.

Among them, humans are raised to worship the evil gods, providing faith and souls to the evil gods. They even directly use humans to perform blood sacrifices, offering flesh, blood, souls, and everything else to the evil gods.

The scene he saw at that time was so similar to the scene in the ‘Behemoth Star’ in front of him.

They are all beings that are dominated and nurtured. From flesh and blood to souls and thoughts, they do not belong to themselves, but belong to the beings being enshrined.

The law of the jungle is so realistic and bloody in this vast starry sky.

"However, this may be a good thing for us." The immortal Wu Shan changed the topic at this time.

Liang Ji and others couldn't help but look at him when they heard this. Wu Shan explained with a smile: "The Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War' will start in about twenty years. I believe you, Daoyou Liang and Daoyou Peng, will choose this time to come to the outer lands to explore and search for The purpose of the life stars is to find and occupy more life stars in the outer realm, so as to increase one's own strength and heritage."

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard this. There was nothing to hide in this matter.

"So, when we discover new life stars in this expedition, we need to capture and occupy them as quickly as possible to save time and speed up progress."

"Now, with the rule model of the giant beasts and stars in front of us, we only need to eliminate and eradicate the dominant giant beasts. Then we can naturally replace the rule of the stars maintained by these giant beasts and become the new rulers and controls of the humanoid natives. Stars, without wasting time on extra communication, tedious work, etc.”

Liang Ji couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this. This was indeed a good idea.

Moreover, the giant beast star in front of us is only a third-level star, and although the giant beast is strong, it is only a third-level existence. Even if Liang Ji and Peng Yue were worried about causing serious damage to the stars and causing the backlash of the stars' origins and avenues, they could only send third-order family members into the stars, but it was still very easy to deal with these indigenous behemoths.

Soon, the 'Dragon Snake' starship flew several times around the 'Behemoth Star' in front of them to explore the situation in the stars. Liang Ji and the others also formulated a strategy to invade and occupy the stars in front of them.

In fact, there was no need for any strategy. Under the absolute crushing strength, Liang Ji and Peng Yue directly sent some of their third-order family members into the stars, killed those giant beasts, and seized control of the stars.

Above the 'Behemoth Star', two 'star gates' opened in the void at the same time. Liang Ji's family members and Peng Yue's third-level family members rushed out of them and rushed directly into the stars.

Since Liang Ji advanced to the fourth-level star master, the fourth-level family members are basically sent in every battle. Now the fifth-level family members are the main force in the war. The third-level family members have not participated in the battle for many years.

However, compared to the time of the third-level star master, the basic quality, combat power, etc. of the third-level dependents in the natal star have been greatly improved. They will only become stronger, not weakened.

After all, the origins of the fifth-level natal stars are stronger and the laws of the great road are more perfect. Even if the dependents are at the same level as the third level, their heritage, foundation, quality, etc. have been improved deeper and stronger.

Third-level half-dragons, Chaofeng Familia, Chikiss Familia, Baxia Familia, etc., generally have a body size of about one and a half feet in normal state, far exceeding the size of third-level Star Lord Shi Familia.

With such a body shape, even if they can't use the great magical power of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth', they can only use the magical power of 'Small and Small Ruyi', each and every third-level Dragon Vein Familia can also grow their bodies to a hundred feet, or even hundreds of feet in size. Compared with the giant beasts in the stars, they are no less generous.

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