The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 734 Opportunity

In the documents recorded by the Covenant, there are many reasons for the "fall of stars", but they are generally divided into three categories.

One type is when stars reach the end of their lifespan and fall naturally. After the death of such stars, they often form a large or small 'black hole' in the void.

After countless years of development, this 'black hole' has swallowed countless stars, stars, etc., and may evolve into a black hole in the center of the star field such as the 'Yinghai Black Hole', the 'Penglai Black Hole', the 'Yunxiao Black Hole', etc.

Of course, most of them only collapse and dissipate due to various reasons after existing in the void for many years, making it difficult to turn into a 'star black hole'.

The second type of "star fall" situation is when the star suffers a fatal attack and is destroyed.

Although stars are very powerful and can burn the void and destroy all things, they can also nurture life and create all things, but in the vast void star sea, anything can happen, and all kinds of powerful beings can be born.

In the vast expanse of space and the vast base, it is naturally inevitable that stars will be destroyed by terrifying existences in the void, or top-notch void monsters, super-level civilizations, etc.

Liang Ji even saw a record in some information recorded in the Kunlun Star Palace. In order to open up a star field more than 100,000 years ago, the Star Alliance took the initiative to destroy several stars.

That star field is the 'Quicksand Star Field', and it is also the boundary of the Star Alliance guarded by the Bitter Sea Star Palace.

It is said that the reason why the ‘Quicksand Star Field’ looks like a desert in the void is related to the several stars that were destroyed during the original war.

As for what kind of enemy the Star Alliance had to destroy stars to resist and fight, and even turned the star field into a 'desert', there was no record in the data recorded in the Kunlun Star Palace, and Liang Ji did not obtain it from other sources. Data and information were found locally.

According to his estimation, he would probably have to wait until he advanced to a high-level star master before he could have access to this information and data.

Of course, there is a third category of stars that fall.

That is, some treasure or creature is unexpectedly nurtured and born in the star. When this treasure or creature is born, it will often lead to the destruction and fall of the star.

And this kind of treasures and creatures that can be nurtured from stars and born at the cost of the star's fall are undoubtedly very powerful and cherished existences.

Liang Ji even heard a rumor that the Star Alliance's most precious innate spiritual treasure, the 'Celestial Star Array', was born in an extremely powerful, high-level, and sacred star.

Some of the famous and powerful spiritual treasures and other treasures in the Star Alliance records were born from the fall of stars.

Liang Ji even read a record in the Kunlun Star Palace. The birth of the Taiyi Star Palace was said to be related to a powerful creature born from the fall of a star.

However, Liang Ji was not a student of Taiyi Star Palace, and he did not know much about the specific situation and information.

However, no matter what kind of "fall of a star", it is often accompanied by huge opportunities and benefits.

Needless to say, stars that have fallen and nurtured precious treasures and powerful creatures are stars that have fallen naturally or been destroyed by external attacks. During their destruction, they will also release huge amounts of star energy and origin, as well as nurture many powerful and precious creatures. resources and treasures.

Look at this time, a wave of void demons has even formed in the void. Countless void demon clans of all kinds are rushing towards the direction of the 'falling stars'. It is these void demon clans that are attracted by the star energy and origin blooming from the falling stars. .

These star energies and sources are of great benefit to the Void Demon Clan. As long as the rushing Void Demon Clan swallows up enough star energy and sources, they can improve themselves and complete the advancement.

But similarly, these star energies, origins, etc. can also be of great benefit to star masters such as Liang Ji, and immortals such as Wu Shan.

In the Star Alliance, the 'Rain of Starlight', 'Rain of Moonlight', 'Rain of Sun', etc., which reward the Star Lord's natal stars, are transformed into the energy and origin of these stars through the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array' made.

Although Liang Ji and the others do not have such transformation power, they can collect the energy and origin of these stars, whether they bring them back to the Star Alliance to sell, or borrow the power of the Star Alliance to transform them into energy and strength that they can accept and digest. Can reap huge benefits.

What's more, there are various treasures, resources, etc. that were born in the destruction of stars. If you can get some, you can definitely make a lot of money.

"Open all formations and restrictions such as starship defense, detection, flight, attack, etc., fly towards the direction of 'Starfall', and check the details!"

Liang Ji immediately gave the order, and even the formation master Chu Yue and the weapon master Xia Wu took action one after another to take over the formations and immortal weapons on the starship. They fully operated and controlled the formations and restrictions on the starship. The demon tide in the void is heading towards the direction of 'fall of stars'.

Although it is said that the main purpose of Liang Ji and Peng Yue's expedition this time was to find more life stars so that they could occupy more spiritual stars as reserves for them to seize the source of the stars.

But now, when encountering a big opportunity like the 'Fall of a Star', they naturally cannot miss it. As long as they can harvest some rare treasures or even treasures from it, even if they don't use it themselves, they can get huge benefits by selling it to the Star Alliance.

It would even be a good idea to exchange them for a few outer realm spiritual stars as a reserve for them to seize the source of the stars.

The Star Alliance is vast, there are many expedition teams in the outer realm, and there are many high-level star master families who occupy multiple life stars in the outer star sea. Naturally, there are many of them who trade the stars in the outer realm.

It would be difficult for Liang Ji and the others to find enough Outland Life Stars as reserves in a short period of time, but if they could have enough wealth, it might not be a bad idea to purchase enough Outland Spirit Vein Stars as a 'blood bank'.

"No signs of battle or attack were found on the fallen star, ruling out the possibility of being attacked..."

"No sign of the treasure or the birth of the most powerful creature has been detected."

As the "Dragon Snake" starship continued to approach, Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu controlled the detection arrays and restrictions on the starship, and the information they detected on the fallen stars became more and more detailed.

"It can be basically concluded that the stars that fell this time are natural falls that have reached the end of their lifespan."

In the starship, Immortal Wu Shan heard this and quickly made a judgment: "If a star falls naturally, the process will be much slower, and it can often last for several years, or even more than ten years!"

"Can we judge the time progress of the star falling ahead?"

"It should have just begun to decline." Chu Yue made a quick judgment.

"Then it can last for at least a few years!" Wu Shan heard this and immediately said: "My suggestion is to contact the Star Alliance and sell the news and coordinates of the 'fall of stars' to make a profit first!"

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