The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 735 Star Trading

Although the 'fall of stars' can produce many treasures and cherish resources, the destruction and destructive power caused by the fall of stars is undoubtedly far beyond the destruction of ordinary stars.

Needless to say, Liang Ji and Peng Yue had just advanced to the fifth level of stars. Even if they encountered the opportunity of ordinary star destruction, they could only pick up bargains on the periphery. They did not dare to enter the core area of ​​​​star destruction, let alone stars. Fall.

Even third-level immortals such as Wu Shan and Chu Yue, although they are stronger, can only enter the core areas where ordinary stars are destroyed to search for some resources and treasures, but they absolutely dare not enter the core areas of fallen stars to search for resources and treasures. Of treasure.

Not to mention how terrifying the power of destruction and destruction that erupts in the core area when a star falls is not something that ordinary third-level immortals can withstand. It is the 'black hole' that is gradually formed during the star's fall that cannot be resisted by ordinary third-level immortals. Yes, once it is swallowed into the newly formed 'black hole', it will be difficult for even a third-level immortal to escape, and in the end they can only perish in the 'black hole'.

Even now, with the help of the "Dragon Snake" starship, Liang Ji and others can at most penetrate deep into the inner region of the fallen star, but they are absolutely unable to get close to the core area.

It is usually a place where only high-level star masters can enter and search for resources and treasures.

However, whether it is the destruction of stars or the fall of stars, it is basically in the core area where the destruction, explosion, and energy collision are the most intense that the most precious, high-level, and cherished resources and treasures can be born.

Therefore, after Wu Shan learned that the stars in front of him naturally aged and died, and would continue for several years, he directly made a suggestion to sell the location and information here, which would not only allow everyone in the team to make a lot of money; Some high-level star masters are here to take charge, so that the treasures and resources born in the core area of ​​​​the star's fall will not be swallowed up and taken away by the void demon clan.

And with these high-level star masters in charge, Liang Ji and the others don’t have to worry about any accidents in the process of collecting treasures and resources, such as high-level void monsters that are difficult to deal with, or even enemies of other super-level civilizations, or enemies in the void. Unknown dangers, etc. are naturally much safer for them. They can also search for and seize more treasures and resources under the care of high-level star masters.

It can be said that it accomplishes multiple things with one stone.

After hearing Wu Shan's words, Liang Ji had not yet responded. Lu Yuetong, who was standing aside, immediately said: "Fellow Daoist Liang, I agree with Daoist Wu's opinion!"

"Furthermore, if Fellow Daoist Liang agrees to pass on a copy of the coordinates and news of the fall of the star here to the Herborist Group, I dare not say anything else. I can guarantee that the Herborist Group is absolutely willing to come up with an outer world life star to leave a mark on fellow Daoist Liang and Daoist Peng. , for you to seize the source of the stars."

Lv Yuetong and other teammates naturally understood the reason why Liang Ji and Peng Yue had to rush to explore the outside world this time, when the Star Alliance was about to start the "Pioneering War".

The purpose is to find and occupy more life stars in the outer world, leave a mark, and seize the source of the stars for their own use.

Therefore, the conditions proposed by Lu Yuetong can be said to directly target the areas where Liang Ji and Peng Yue need them most.

Of course, this is also because the starship "Dragon Snake" is now deep in the outer star sea, far away from the scope of the Covenant. Even the nearest "Behemoth Star" requires a starship to sail for several years. Now it can contact the Covenant here. There were only two people inside, Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Therefore, even though there were two third-grade immortals, Xia Wujiu and Lu Yuetong, stationed by Shan Delou and Herborist Group in the starship, they could not get the news in time and had to discuss and trade with Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Moreover, when Liang Ji signed the investment agreement with Shandelou and Herborist Group on behalf of the team, it was agreed that during this expedition to the outside world, the team's decision would be made by Liang Ji. Although the two groups stationed two third-grade immortals, they also needed Follow Liang Ji's decision.

Therefore, it is also up to Liang Ji to decide whether to pass the news to Shandelou and Herborist Group.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Yuetong finished speaking, Xia Wujiu said the same thing: "We at Shande Tower are absolutely willing to take out a star of life from the outside world and let Fellow Daoist Liang and Fellow Daoist Peng leave their imprint and seize the source of the star!"

Shandelou and Herborist Group are both large companies and forces in the Star Alliance that span multiple star regions. Not only do they have high-level star masters and outland exploration teams within them, but they also sponsor the 'Dragon Snake' team. I don’t know how many foreign expedition teams there are.

Such large companies and powerful forces are no less competitive than some high-level star master families. Often, behind these large companies are one or several high-level star master families. In this way, they occupy some life stars and spiritual vein stars in the outer star sea. Naturally, Nothing surprising.

It is also not strange to be willing to use the origin of one or two stars to seize authority to make a deal.

It can only be said that as Liang Ji's cultivation and level gradually improved, the things he came into contact with and experienced naturally became wider and wider and higher-level.

It can even be said that the transactions they are doing now are not really high-end. The real high-end is probably to directly trade the private stars as commodities, instead of just trading one or two "grab the source" authority like today.

However, for Liang Ji and Peng Yue, this kind of transaction is enough.

With their cultivation and strength, they can't reach the high-end game like star trading for the time being. Now they can leave their mark on a few more life stars and spiritual vein stars in the outer world, so that they can grab enough stars when needed. Just the source.

Therefore, after hearing what Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu said, Liang Ji already agreed. However, he did not agree directly but looked at Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Peng Yue to ask for their opinions.

Although Liang Ji is considered the captain of the 'Dragon Snake' expedition team, the opinions of the team members must still be respected and listened to.

Peng Yue naturally nodded in agreement. His idea was the same as Liang Ji's. She would be satisfied if she could trade a few stars to "grab the source", so she naturally had no objection.

Chu Yue has no objection. If she can invite some high-level star masters to take charge, she can also be safer when collecting resources and treasures from fallen stars, and even go deeper to collect some more precious treasures and resources, which will be beneficial to her. Of course I have no opinion.

Wu Shan nodded directly and suggested: "Liang Ji, Peng Yue, I suggest that we follow the conditions proposed by Fellow Daoist Lu and Fellow Daoist Xia as the trading conditions, and sell the news and coordinates of the star's fall here directly to the Star Alliance."

"I won't say much at that time. There should be no problem in trading for you and Peng Yue the authority and qualifications to 'seize the origin' of seven or eight life stars in the outer world!"

"Okay! Let's do it like this!" Seeing this, Liang Ji nodded directly.

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