The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 736 Familia Spaceship

Liang Ji agreed to Wu Shan's suggestion and sold the news, coordinates and address of the 'fall of stars' in exchange for the permission to 'seize the source' of the life stars in the outer world.

At the moment, he and Peng Yue each conveyed news and conducted transactions through their natal stars. They did not need to specifically find transaction partners. They directly reported to the Kunlun Star Palace and the Vientiane Star Palace, and then used the two star palaces to find the transaction target and complete the transaction. Can.

Anyway, there is absolutely no shortage of high-level star masters in the two star palaces. There are even more high-level star masters connected behind the star palaces. It is estimated that they can contact the high-level star masters of the entire Star Alliance.

Of course, such a 'small transaction' does not require contacting too many high-level star owners, but the two star palaces can probably digest it directly.

Moreover, conducting transactions through two star palaces can not only increase their connections and relationships in the star palaces, but also have the star palaces ensure the safety and success of the transactions, which also serves multiple purposes.

After passing on the news, Liang Ji and Peng Yue stopped caring about it. Kunlun Star Palace, Vientiane Star Palace, Xander Tower, and Herborist Group would naturally contact the high-level star masters as quickly as possible and come to the place of 'Star Fall'.

At this time, Liang Ji and other members of the "Dragon Snake" team began to rush into the "Star Fall" area in their starships to search for and seize the birth resources and treasures.

Stars naturally age and fall, and will gradually turn into "black holes". During this process, some treasures and resources will burst out from the stars, as if they are escaping from the fallen stars and do not want to be swallowed by the "black hole".

These "escaped" resources and treasures can be cultivated and survived in stars, so naturally they are extremely rare things. The lowest are fifth and sixth level things, and most of them are high-level things.

Even for third-level immortals such as Wu Shan and Chu Yue, it is also a valuable and valuable thing.

So after reaching an agreement and completing the deal, everyone in the team rushed over in the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

However, a large number of void monsters have gathered in the area where the star has fallen, and they are also chasing the resources and treasures that have sputtered and escaped from the star.

These sputtering and escaping objects basically contain the power of stars. Many low- and middle-level void monsters do not dare to directly devour the power of stars, so they chase and devour these resources and treasures that contain the power of stars. They are almost everywhere. A place where stars fall all around.

"Helios Ray!"

"Star Golden Yang Fire!"

"Star power crystallization..."

In the "Dragon Snake" starship, Chu Yue controlled the formations and Xia Wujiu controlled the magic weapons to detect the four directions. The resources and treasures that escaped from the fallen stars appeared in the main control cabin. In the scene, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan and others were excited.

It's just that these resources and treasures often appear on the light screen, and the next moment you can see many various void monsters rushing into the screen, rushing towards those resources and treasures that contain the power of stars, or sharing their food. , or swallow it all, tearing up and swallowing the precious resources and treasures that appear in the picture in a blink of an eye.

Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others were excited when they saw the resources and treasures in the picture, and it was undoubtedly heartbreaking to see these being torn into pieces and devoured.

"It's ruined! It's ruined! All these treasures have been ruined by these void monsters!"

Lu Yuetong looked at the scene in the light screen, her face almost twitching with distress, and she shouted repeatedly, wishing she could rush out of the starship immediately to snatch these precious resources and treasures from the mouths of the Void Monster Clan.

However, she also knows that under the current situation, let alone grabbing those resources and treasures, even if she is surrounded by a large number of void demon clans, she will not need to take action from high-level void demon clans, just mid- to low-level void clans. The monsters rushed towards her one after another, and they were able to tear her into pieces and swallow her.

So at this time, it is safe to act according to the plan determined by the team.

"Peng Yue." Liang Ji also said directly at this time: "Let's open the star gate together, summon the family members to enter the battlefield, block those void monsters, and collect those resources and treasures."

"Senior Wu Shan and Senior Lu Yuetong, please sit on the battlefield. If you see high-level void monsters attacking, you still need to take action to repel them!"

"Senior Chu Yue and Senior Xia Wujiu, you continue to control the starship and maintain the operation of the starship's formations and magical weapons. If there is an enemy or danger that neither senior Wu Shan nor Lu Yuetong can deal with on the battlefield, We also need to rely on you to control the starships to launch attacks or defenses and save the situation in time."

Liang Ji quickly made command arrangements based on the situation on the field.


"no problem!"

Peng Yue, Wu Shan, and Chu Yue all agreed and said there was no problem.

The next moment, outside the starship and in the void, two 'star gates' opened out of thin air. Spaceships, airships, and a large number of dependents flew out of the two 'star gates' and rushed directly into the surrounding large numbers of people. Among the Void Demon Clan.

The 'Dragon Snake' starship has been sailing in the void star sea for more than seven years, and Liang Ji and Peng Yue have been promoted to fifth-level star masters for nearly ten years.

Even for the Star Master's fifth-level stars, the speed of time on them has reached the same level as one day and one month in reality. Over the past few years, nearly three hundred years have passed on their natal stars.

Such a long time is enough for the many fifth-level 'spiritual seeds' and 'spiritual roots' originally planted in their natal stars to be cultivated, and various fifth-level spiritual materials and resources can be grown.

It is also enough for the fifth-level dependents in their natal stars to digest many fifth-level inheritances, including the inheritance of arrays, tools, runes, and even spacecraft construction.

Even Liang Ji and Peng Yue have built some spaceships among their natal stars.

This time, we go deep into the star fall area, fight and fight with the void monsters, and snatch resources and treasures from these void monsters. This is the time to verify the combat power of these spaceships.

But seeing Liang Ji's family members, the fifth-level family members were driving the spaceship, the fourth-level family members were driving the airship, and the third-level family members formed a battle formation, and each rushed towards the selected target.

The third-level dependents formed a battle formation to hunt down the surrounding low-level void monsters; the fourth-level dependents drove the flying boat, with the breath of elements flowing on it and the blessing of the earth's divine power, specifically to kill the fourth- and fifth-level void monsters.

The number of remaining spaceships piloted by the fifth-level family members is still limited, less than fifty. They are also surrounded by the breath of elements and blessed by the divine power of the earth, and they directly attack the sixth-level void monsters in the demon tide.

The spaceship can be said to be an advanced version of the flying boat. The first batch of spaceships built in Liang Ji's natal star are upgraded on the basis of the original "Wanxiang Mountain" flying boat. They are also mainly based on the magical powers of the family members and the power of elements. The power of breath and gods is the main combat power.

However, every power has been qualitatively improved based on the flying boat.

The magical power of the family members was promoted to the great magical power of the bloodline.

The elemental breath, which was originally just a simple elemental power that rotates, collides, and explodes rapidly, has turned into the fission of various elemental powers, making the elemental breath blasted from the spacecraft contain the power of fission and decomposition, and the power is increased by more than ten times.

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