The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 741 Killing the seventh-level void demon clan

The seventh-level Void Monster Clan has mastered a large amount of origin and power of laws. With a single thought, it can distort the power of stars and laws in the void, turning a place into a place shrouded in laws and natural disasters, either destroying stars, or... Twisting void.

The void around Liang Ji and others was suddenly eroded by the power of the source and distorted the law, turning the void into a large sea of ​​fire. It was obviously the work of the seventh-order void demon clan.

Facing the actions of the seventh-level Void Demon Clan that twists the void and causes natural disasters, the Familia under Liang Ji and Peng Yue, even if they have the power of gods, or the chaos of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', or the Familia's spaceship There are inheritance arrangements of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent' above, but they are unable to withstand the attacks of these laws and natural disasters.

One spaceship after another was burned and exploded in the sea of ​​fire, and both the fifth-level and fourth-level dependents on them were burned to ashes by the sea of ​​fire.

Among them, the Familia summoned the phantom bodyguard of the fifth-grade "Bloodline God", but the earth only consumed the little bit of divine power blessed by the origin of the stars and the power of the law of the great road. Facing the endless surroundings, burning the void, and distorting the origin, Under the burning flames, they were annihilated and burned in an instant, and it was even difficult to delay the time when many family members were burned to ashes.

Star Palace students, mid-level family members, Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others relied on the Star Palace inheritance, saint inheritance, and the help of the origin of the stars to enable the family members to fight and fight across levels, and easily wiped out the sixth-level void with the fifth-level family members. The demon clan, with its divine power and the power of the furnace, can easily defeat and disperse the natural disasters of the sixth-order void demon clan.

However, when they actually bumped into the seventh-level Void Demon Clan, the gap between the middle-level and high-level ones was instantly apparent. Both the blessings of the Star Palace inheritance and the saint's inheritance were instantly crushed and destroyed.

Even Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong, who had previously been unmatched in the sixth-order void demon tide, were defeated one after another in the twisted and manifested sea of ​​​​fire of the seventh-order void demon clan.

The power of origin and law mastered by their third-level immortal cultivation can enable them to withstand the burning and roasting of the surrounding sea of ​​burning void fire. However, the lack of power of origin and law makes it difficult for them to continue such a confrontation for too long. Able to retreat to the starship while fighting.

If you want to deal with and hunt down the seventh-level void monsters in this void star sea, you still have to rely on the powerful attack power of the high-level formations and immortal weapon restrictions on the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

In the main control cabin of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu were running the protective formations, restrictions, and detection formations and restrictions on the starship with all their strength at this time, while resisting the flames burning the void all around. Burning, while searching for the figure and location of the seventh-level void monster clan that attacked the team.

"Found it!" Suddenly, Xia Wujiu shouted deeply, but when he saw him activating the detection artifact on the starship, a picture appeared in the light curtain of the cabin. What was displayed on the picture was the edge of the void sea of ​​fire. A huge beast as big as a mountain or a volcano is entrenched there, and the sea of ​​​​law fire that burns the void and distorts the laws is spit out from its mouth.

"It's a Void Fire Slug! It's really rare for a Void Fire Slug to grow to the seventh level!"

Liang Ji also recognized the origin of the seventh-level void monster clan that launched the attack and twisted the void into a sea of ​​fire, and was quite surprised.

Star Palace students study and practice in each Star Palace. What they learn is not only the unique inheritance of their respective Star Palaces, but also a lot of knowledge inside and outside the Star Alliance, and their understanding of various common and uncommon Void Demon Clan, Naturally, learning and mastering information is also included.

"The key point on the Void Fire Slug is the head!" Peng Yue also instantly gave out the key information about the 'Void Fire Slug'. Apparently, he was also very careful when learning the knowledge about the Void Monster Clan in the Vientiane Star Palace, "And Void fire slugs also have the ability to cut off their tails to survive."

"When a starship attacks a void fire slug, it must be shattered with one blow or its head must be pierced to kill it."

"If it attacks other parts of its body, it will only frighten the Void Fire Slug and cut off the attacked part of its body, and then run away."

"When the time comes, this seventh-level void fire locust will probably target us and keep attacking us for revenge."

The middle-level Void Monster Clan has already produced spiritual intelligence and wisdom. The wisdom of these seventh-level Void Fire Slugs is comparable to that of many monks and immortals. Moreover, in the materials and information introduced by Star Palace, this kind of Void Fire Slug is He was very vengeful, and if he couldn't be killed with one blow, it would undoubtedly be a very bad thing for Liang Ji and others.

It may be difficult for them to continue to search for and collect treasures and resources in this 'falling star' field.



Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu naturally understood that Peng Yue's words were meant for them. After all, they would control the attack formations and immortal weapons on the starship to attack and kill the seventh-order void fire slug. Whether they can kill with one strike all depends on their methods and strength.

"I use the 'Dragon Snake Breathing Formation', fellow Daoist Xia, you use the 'Dingxu Pearl' fairy weapon!"

Chu Yue quickly gave a plan and said: "Let's take action together."


Xia Wujiu also directly agreed.

The next moment, the starlight and spiritual light gathered on the 'Dragon Snake' starship, and an illusory and real dragon and snake phantom appeared in the void, opening its mouth and spitting out a stream of starlight.

At the same time, a bead rose up in the starship, blooming with a large fairy light.

The starlight and fairy light crossed the void almost simultaneously, attacking the seventh-order void fire slug at the edge of the sea of ​​fire.

As the attack approached, the seventh-level void fire slug clearly realized that something was wrong. Fire erupted all over its body and tried to escape, but was instantly swept away and immobilized by the immortal light of the 'Dingxu Pearl'.

Almost at the same time, the starlight spit out by the 'Dragon Snake Phantom' also instantly hit the head of the seventh-order void fire slug, instantly piercing and smashing its head.

The next moment, the seventh-order void fire slug was beheaded, and the sea of ​​fire transformed by the twisted void suddenly lost control. The body of the seventh-order void monster also began to disintegrate, and a large number of flames and flowing fires containing the power of the law of natural disasters collapsed from it. It came out, burning and twisting the surrounding void.

"Quick, charge forward!" Liang Ji saw this and immediately raised his voice: "These seventh-level void fire slugs are full of treasures, we can't let them go to waste."

A seventh-level void demon clan possesses seventh-level demon elixirs, demonic materials, the origin of natural disaster laws, etc., which are undoubtedly resources comparable to high-level spiritual materials and treasures.

They were attacking and fighting everywhere in this 'fall of stars' field, in order to search for these high-level spiritual materials and treasures, and the high-level resources and treasures that could be harvested from a killed seventh-level void demon clan, It can even surpass them in killing and searching more than ten times.

Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu naturally understood this, and immediately activated the defensive formations and restrictions on the starship, as well as the flying formations and restrictions, to break through the out-of-control void fire sea, and then charged towards the beheaded seventh-level void fire slug. The corpse rushed away.

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