The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 742 High-Level Demonic Material Dao Transformed into the Void

When the seventh-level Void Demon Tribe falls, the out-of-control power in its body, the power of the origin of laws, etc. will explode wantonly, affecting the surrounding void, and even forming a Taoist field, distorting the void, heaven and earth, and forming in the void star sea. Some unique sights.

Therefore, after the star master monks of the Star Alliance kill the high-level void demon clan, if they want to collect the demon pills, demon materials on their bodies, original essence, etc., they need the help of special means and artifacts, otherwise not only It is difficult to collect demon pills and resources, but it is easy to be injured by the fall of high-level void demons and the power of Taoism.

Although there are no high-level star masters among Liang Ji and others, the 'Dragon Snake' starship they piloted was originally designed and renovated by Chu Yue with the investment and funding of two large companies, Shandelou and Herborist Group, and it also installed Some formations, magical weapons, etc. to deal with this situation.

After all, even if Liang Ji and the others were exploring the outer star sea to search for life stars and spiritual vein stars, there was no guarantee that they would not encounter and kill high-level void monsters or natives from the outer realm.

Of course, you have to be well prepared so that you don't miss the opportunity when it comes.

At this time, the starship fully activated the defensive formations and restrictions, and the starlight and aura surrounded the starship to form layers of shields, which transformed the out-of-control sea of ​​fire and the fallen seventh-order void fire slug into the laws of natural disasters and the source of it. It blocks all bursts of force and attacks.

The starship rushed through the sea of ​​fire and rushed in front of the fallen seventh-order void fire slug. Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu immediately activated several specially arranged formations and fairy weapons on the starship, and suddenly there were streams of starlight and fairy light coming from the starship. It shot out from above, covering and pressing on the fallen seventh-level void fire slug.

These formations and immortal weapons are all tyrannical objects. The burst of starlight and immortal light immediately suppressed the void fire slugs that were disintegrating and transforming, temporarily preventing them from continuing to collapse and transform.

"Quick, collect demon pills, demon materials, and origins as soon as possible!"

In the main control cabin, Chu Yue’s voice spread throughout the starship and inside, saying:

"These formations and immortal weapons can at most suppress the Taoism of this void fire slug for half an hour."

"How much can be collected in half an hour."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong, who had already retreated to the starship, immediately rushed out of the starship again, flew to the beheaded seventh-order void fire slug, and used various methods to collect demonic materials from the fire slug. , demon pill.

Seeing this, Liang Duanyu and Peng Yue also sent their family members to follow, rushing to the corpse of the void fire slug to collect resources and treasures.

Their families are unable to withstand the power of natural disasters caused by the fire laws erupted by the seventh-order void fire slugs, but now their origin, the explosion and transformation of the power of laws have been suppressed by the formations and fairy weapons on the starship, and their families Naturally, he has no fear and can participate in cleaning up the battlefield and harvesting the demonic materials from the seventh-order void fire slugs.

In the busy harvest, half an hour passed by in a flash. The corpse of the seventh-level void fire slug that fell into the void had changed greatly. The demon skin on its body had been harvested, and most of the demon body was The flesh and blood burned by magma, the source of natural disasters in the law of fire, etc., were all harvested.

However, even though there are two third-level immortals, as well as a large number of dependents under Liang Ji and Peng Yue to collect and harvest, at this time, only half of the demonic body of the seventh-order void fire slug is still lying in the void.

Moreover, in the remaining half-demon body, raging flames, flesh and blood surging like magma, exploding flame laws, natural disaster sources and other forces are already surging and conflicting violently, even if there are starships shooting out of them. The suppression of starlight and fairy light has obviously been almost exhausted and it is difficult to continue suppressing it.

"I can't suppress it anymore, retreat quickly!"

Chu Yue's voice came from the starship.

In the battlefield, Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong, who were collecting the demonic materials from the seventh-level void fire slugs, did not hesitate at all. They directly put down their hands to collect ordinary demonic materials and resources, and quickly retreated to the starship with the harvested resources and treasures. above.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue did not hesitate and immediately ordered their families and spaceships to retreat.

boom! boom! Rumble...

As soon as Wu Shan, the family members and others withdrew, the remaining half of the void fire slugs suddenly erupted, like a huge volcano erupting in the void. Countless blazing magma, flames, and the source of laws and natural disasters exploded violently. Impacting all directions, twisting and transforming the surrounding void, turning the void into a more violent, twisted, and out-of-control void sea of ​​fire.

At this time, Liang Ji and others had already boarded the "Dragon Snake" starship and quickly flew away. They escaped from this void fire sea that was transformed into slugs and twisted, and continued in the void of the "Star Fall" field. Advance, search, and collect resources and treasures.

But this time, they slightly adjusted the direction of the starship.

The previous attack by seventh-level void fire slugs caused Liang Ji and his friends to lose a large number of family members and spaceships. It also made them understand that when they had been chasing and searching for various high-level spiritual materials and treasures in the past few months, they had already Unknowingly, he rushed into the inner field close to 'Starfall'.

If they continue to move in this direction, or if they only focus on chasing and collecting high-level resources and treasures, and the starships advance recklessly without discerning the direction, they may only get deeper and deeper into the internal field of "Starfall".

In this internal field, naturally more high-level spiritual materials and treasures are born, but this is also where high-level void monsters chase and fight.

This time they just bumped into a seventh-level void fire slug, and they were able to rely on the formations and fairy weapons on the starship to kill it, and even harvest the demon pills, demon materials, etc. from the seventh-level void demon clan. .

But if they continue, they may encounter more and stronger high-level void demon clans. By then, they don’t need too many or too strong. Just two or three seventh-level void demon clans will besiege them. I’m afraid they won’t be able to Resistant.

Therefore, Liang Ji and others had to adjust the direction of the starship and move in a direction away from the internal field of 'Star Fall'.

Although the various high-level resources and treasures born during the fall of stars are good, and the demon elixirs and demon materials on the seventh-level void demon clan are also rare treasures, Liang Ji and others are very aware of the strength of their team and want to To collect more and better resources and treasures, you must first put your own safety first.

In this way, Liang Ji and the others drove the "Dragon Snake" starship and wandered around the inner area of ​​the "Starfall" field, constantly searching for some scattered seventh-level treasures and resources. If they really couldn't find the seventh-level resources, , and occasionally don’t mind taking down some mid-level resources and treasures found.

During this period, it was inevitable that they would be attacked several times by the seventh-order Void Demon Clan, and they would either fight back or escape, and so on for several more months.

On this day, outside the field where the stars fell and in the void star sea, there were suddenly several starlights that cut through the void directly, and formed several starlight giant figures in the void.

The high-level Star Lord in the Star Alliance has arrived!

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