The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 743 The stars of life in the falling stars

How strong and powerful the high-level star masters are, such as Liang Ji and Peng Yue, who have just advanced to the fifth-level star masters and cultivated the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" in their natal stars, can only get a glimpse of it and it is difficult to fully understand.

But one thing is certain, that is, the speed at which high-level star masters from western Zhejiang can escape in the void star sea is definitely faster than a starship, moving through the void faster than starlight.

Liang Ji and the others originally set off from the 'Behemoth Star' on the 'Dragon Snake' starship. They escaped and explored for several years before arriving at the void area where the 'star fell'.

Even during this process, due to the need to constantly search and detect the information and traces of the 'Void Mirage' and the living stars, the starship's flying speed did not reach the extreme.

But it also turned into starlight and moved forward in the void, at a speed that definitely reached the speed of normal starlight, and sometimes even moved across large areas of void.

But now, it has only been a few months since Liang Ji and the others sent the news and location of the 'fall of stars' back to the Star Alliance. Even the high-level star masters in the Star Alliance have been able to pass the 'Star Map Array' after receiving the news. Teleporting to the 'Behemoth Star' galaxy and departing from the 'Behemoth Star' galaxy, it took only a few months for the Dragon Snake starship to travel for several years.

This shows how fast these high-level star masters are advancing and flying in the void star sea.

"The high-level star master is here!" On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Wu Shan and others also noticed the starlight giants coming through the void. Wu Shan immediately said: "We'd better leave this area to avoid them."

"Once these high-level star masters fight and fight with the high-level void monsters in the inner area, the aftermath of the impact and movement will not be small. If we get too close, the starship alone may not be able to withstand it."

Hearing Wu Shan's words, Liang Ji couldn't help but think of the previous battle between the high-level star masters and the foreign objects in the void in the "Starlight Forest" during the 'Wood Meteor'. The aftermath of the impact even washed away a galaxy and destroyed a large number of stars.

Even the 'Wood Meteor', if it had not been protected by the 'Second Star Port Team', which formed a large formation of star ports and starships, would have been destroyed in the aftermath of the high-level star master's battle.

It can be seen from this that the commotion and aftermath caused by these high-level star masters fighting and fighting are powerful!

And that was just a battle between a high-level star master and the 'Starlight Forest'. Now in this 'fall of stars' field, there are already eight high-level star masters, among whom there are probably more high-level void monsters. .

Once these high-level star masters and the larger number of high-level void monsters fight and fight, how big will the commotion and aftermath be?

Even Liang Ji could not imagine it.

"This is in the field affected by the 'fall of stars'. It has huge devouring power, and the devouring power becomes stronger the further inside!" In the starship, Chu Yue mentioned: "High-level star masters and high-level voids Most of the battle movements and aftermath of the monster clan will be absorbed by the devouring force caused by the 'fall of stars'."

"The aftermath and movement that can really break out of the internal field should be limited."

"It won't be like what happened on the Wooden Meteor, where the aftermath of a high-level star master's battle almost destroyed a galaxy."

"Exactly..." Xia Wujiu, who was responsible for activating the fairy weapon exploration, also agreed at this time, and said: "When I was detecting the surrounding resources and spiritual materials, I detected some special spectra and fluctuations, and now they have also been detected." Ship Spirit' analyzed it."

"In the galaxy where this star is located, there were actually stars of life."

Xia Wujiu said, adjusting a picture to the 'light curtain' in the main control cabin and manifesting it in front of several people.

But the picture in the light curtain shows a star in the void, which is being shrouded in various natural disasters and destructive disasters, and is obviously heading for destruction.

Under these scenes of natural disasters and destruction, you can occasionally see some signs of civilization, such as cities, buildings, road projects and other signs of development of the stars.

In fact, even the current fluctuations of starlight emitted by the star, when detected and analyzed by the starship "Ship Spirit", contain the spectrum and information of vitality, which means that it is a life star and a spiritual star.

In the void around the star, there are even some low- to mid-level void mirages that are constantly chasing and devouring the starlight, power, etc. that erupted during the destruction of the star.

"What a pity!" Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh when he saw the scenes in these pictures.

In the outer star sea, life stars and spiritual vein stars are hard to find. This time they have been sailing in the void star sea for nearly seven or eight years and have not been able to find a life star.

But now, this rare life star happens to be in the galaxy where the "star falls". There is no doubt that this life star is dead and destined to destruction. No one can save the star or save the people above it. life.

After all, the birth of this star's life and the nourishment of its spiritual veins are obviously based on this falling star. Nowadays, the falling star is just a tiny movement. If it falls on this life star, it will cause a devastating natural disaster. ,as a result of.

"Come on, come over and take a look!"

In the starship, Liang Ji ordered.

Although this life star is destined to be destroyed, it is no longer possible for Liang Ji and Peng Yue to arrange methods in it to use it as a 'blood bank' for them to seize the source of the life star and make up for the consumption of their own natal stars.

However, this is also a spiritual star after all. The resources and treasures born during its destruction are not as good as the treasures and spiritual objects born during the star's fall, but they are definitely among the best in this galaxy.

Liang Ji and the others are now trying to avoid the battlefield where the high-level star masters are fighting and fighting with the high-level void demon clan, so it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to visit the collapsing life stars and collect some treasures on the spiritual vein stars.

Everyone in the team also agreed. At that moment, Liang Ji and Peng Yue opened the "Star Gate" to recall the released family members, spaceships, and spaceships to their natal stars. Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong had also returned to the starship.

At the moment, Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu flew up in the starship and flew directly towards the area where the detected life stars were.

The life star and the fallen star were both in the same galaxy. The starship flew with all its strength and reached the void where the life star was in just a few hours.

At this time, behind them, in the direction of the fallen star, several bright starlights could be clearly seen, as well as the light of various natural disaster laws erupting, and the roaring sound even rushed through the void.

It is obvious that the high-level star master has been fighting and fighting with the high-level void demon clan in the internal field of "Star Fall".

Fortunately, as Chu Yue said, in the field of 'fall of stars', the aftermath of the battle between high-level star masters and high-level void monsters was obviously much smaller than what was seen in the 'wooden meteor'.

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