The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 744 Taboo Arrangements on the Starship

It is determined that in the 'Star Fall' field, the aftermath and noise of the battle between high-level star masters and high-level void monsters will be much smaller. Liang Ji and others are also more relieved. At least they do not have to completely withdraw from this 'Star Fall' field. Territory, give up the opportunities and treasures obtained.

However, although this movement and aftermath are much smaller, it is only for Liang Ji and others on the starship, and for the living stars in front of them that have been shrouded in natural disasters and are heading towards destruction. At this time, any person in the 'Star Fall' field Any movement or aftermath is a fatal threat.

It will greatly aggravate the turmoil and destruction process of this life star.

At this moment, Liang Ji and others clearly saw that the aftermath of the battle between the high-level star master and the high-level void demon clan was coming. The life stars that were being destroyed in front of them were like duckweeds in the water. They were instantly impacted and shaken, and the earth in the stars accelerated to tear apart. Fissures and volcanic eruptions have become more severe, and all kinds of natural disasters and destructions have intensified.

A large amount of starlight, origin, treasures, etc. containing the power of vitality and spiritual veins burst out from the shaking and destroyed life stars, sputtering into the surrounding void.

A large number of mid- to low-level void mirages gathered in the void around the life stars, chasing and devouring these starlights, origins and treasures that contain the power of vitality and spiritual veins.

These middle and low-level void mirages did not chase and devour all kinds of resources and treasures that escaped from the 'falling star' like other void monsters. Instead, they focused exclusively on the destroying star of life. , but it allowed them to swallow up a lot of starlight and treasures in a short time.

Aboard the "Dragon Snake" starship, Liang Ji and Peng Yue saw this and activated the power of their Nascent Soul and natal stars, opened the "Star Gate" in the void, summoned their families, spaceships, and flying boats to kill those in the middle. Low level void mirage.

However, in the past few months, they had been fighting on the edge of the internal field of 'Starfall', collecting high-level resources and treasures, and even killed and fought with the seventh-order void monsters several times, so that their families, spaceships, etc. were also lost heavily.

At this time, the 'Star Gate' was opened again, and the number of fifth-level family members, spaceships, etc. summoned was less than half of the previous one.

However, with the blessing of the gods of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the chaotic power of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', the two people's families and spaceships still have no problem killing these mid- to low-level void mirages.

In just one round of charge and pursuit, a large number of middle and low-level void mirages surrounding the Life Star were torn apart and dispersed by the two men's families.

Later, Liang Ji and others left their families and spaceships behind to hunt down the void mirage monsters. After all, they also needed the void mirage monsters' demon elixirs and demonic materials. Since they encountered them at this time, there was no reason to let them go.

And they drove the starship and flew directly to the stars of life that were shrouded in natural disasters and heading towards destruction. At this time, various detection arrays, fairy weapons, magic weapons, etc. were all in full operation, exploring and searching inside the stars. with the most detailed information.

In the main control cabin of the starship, on the light curtain where the starlight is manifested, pictures of the interior of the stars are presented on the light curtain, showing the scenes inside the stars to Liang Ji and others.

"This star was originally supposed to be a fifth-level spiritual pulse star..."

"All the indigenous people and creatures living on it have become extinct..."

Information came together one after another, and Liang Ji and others also saw the corpses of indigenous people and creatures that had become extinct and died in the stars.

"The two realms of Yin and Yang in the stars have been out of order, reincarnation has collapsed, and ghosts in the underworld have begun to turn into monsters..."

Summary of all information: This life star has no saving value and can be harvested and destroyed at will!

Among the Star Alliance, the main idea is to protect the life stars and spiritual stars. There are even clear legal provisions in the Star Alliance that do not allow the Star Alliance's external expansion army and the outer domain expedition team to wantonly harvest and destroy the stars in the outer star sea. The discovered life stars and spiritual vein stars.

As before, they discovered that the life star in the outer world was on the verge of destruction. Liang Ji and others also needed to collect enough data and information to prove that the life star in the outer world was no longer worth saving. In this way, they could unlock some special arrangements in the starship. , allowing them to harvest resources, origins, and treasures from the stars at will, and even accelerate the destruction of the stars.

Without the verification of these data, the Star Alliance's team in the outer sea of ​​​​stars willfully harvest the life stars and recklessly destroy the spiritual stars, and they will be easily held accountable by the Star Alliance afterwards.

Therefore, Liang Ji and others did not rush to take action against the life stars that were being destroyed in front of them. Instead, they first waited for enough data and information to be collected in the starship to verify that the stars were no longer worth saving.

Sure enough, as the starship 'Ship Spirit' verified the situation of the life stars in front of them, a formation and restrictions emerged and started operating in the main control cabin, and some new equipment and arrangements appeared in the main control cabin.

Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu immediately took over the unlocked formations, magical weapons, etc., and controlled, operated, and became familiar with them. Excitement flashed across their faces.

"These are the forbidden formations and forbidden artifacts circulated among the Expansion Legion?"

"I didn't expect that one day we would be able to control and try these forbidden formations and forbidden magical weapons!"

Xia Wujiu tried to use the newly appeared fairy weapons and magic weapons, and said with some excitement: "Next, what should we harvest first?"

The so-called forbidden formations and forbidden magical weapons naturally have many rules and restrictions. The use of each forbidden formation and magical weapon will often cause some devastating damage and disasters.

Therefore, although these forbidden formations and forbidden artifacts are arranged on the starships and starports of the Star Alliance Expansion Corps and expedition teams, usually these forbidden objects are locked in the starships and starports. Among them, neither the 'ship spirit' nor the monks on starships and starports can easily use it.

They must be verified as before and comply with the usage procedures. Only then will these forbidden formations and forbidden artifacts be unlocked in starships and starports and allowed to be controlled and used by the monks on starships and starports.

Even the "ship spirit" of the starship cannot be used after these forbidden formations, fairy weapons, etc. are unlocked. Only the monks on the starship can control and use it. This is also true for these extremely lethal and powerful weapons. Restrictions on the use of forbidden items that are too destructive.

"Destroying a life star like this, although I have a lot of experience in the outer star sea, this is my first time!"

In the starship, Wu Shan also looked excited at this time and said in a deep voice:

"However, I have heard some similar sayings before. When faced with a life star that is being destroyed, the first step that needs to be done is to extract the star's spiritual veins from the star!"

"I suggest you draw the star spiritual veins first!"

Wu Shan said directly.

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