The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 746 The temptation of star spiritual veins

Star magic, star-catching hand!

This is not only the easiest star technique for star master monks to practice, but it is also a star technique with a very high upper limit.

Even the forbidden magical weapons deployed by the Star Alliance on the starships were refined using the star technique 'Star Picker' as a template, which shows its high upper limit, strong power, and ease of use.

At this time, as the giant starlight hand reached into the stars, it directly grabbed the star spiritual veins that were nailed and locked by the forbidden formation on the starship, and pulled them out of the stars like a giant pulling a tendon.

hold head high! boom! Rumble...

At this time, the star spiritual veins in the stars were vibrating and shaking more violently. Even though they had been nailed and locked by the forbidden formation, the entire star was still stirring and turbulent and cracking.

A loud roaring sound came from inside the star, like thunder, like the roar of a beast, and even the surrounding void was shaken and sent out ripples that spread in all directions.

Amidst the roaring and cracking sounds and the stars tearing apart, the giant starlight hands grasped a "long river of starlight" and tore it out bit by bit from the living stars below. It was the star spiritual veins in the stars below.

The bright starlight, the mysterious Tao rhyme, the vigorous vitality, and the creation of the Tao were all exposed from the torn 'starlight river' and spread in all directions.

In the starship, Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others could not help but stare at the 'Starlight River' being torn out of the stars bit by bit by the giant starlight hands, dazzled and excited.

Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others have all seen the spiritual veins of stars many times. Not only have they seen the spiritual veins of stars in the stars of life in the outer world, but they are also able to sense and observe the spiritual veins of stars in their own natal stars all year round.

But at this time, they discovered that the star spiritual veins were completely different from being torn out and exposed in the void when they were among the stars!

What they can see, feel, and comprehend from these two kinds of 'star spiritual veins' are almost completely different.

When the star spiritual veins are operating normally in the stars, the origin, vitality, avenue, creation, etc. contained in the star spiritual veins are not external. They are all integrated into the stars, maintaining the origin of the stars, the laws of the avenue, The movement of matter and spirit.

Even if Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others observe and sense the star spiritual veins in their own natal stars, it is difficult to clearly and directly feel, observe, and comprehend the great avenues, origins, and the power of creation in the star spiritual veins.

But now, the star spiritual veins have been torn and extracted, freed from the protection and obstruction of the stars. The origin, avenue, power of laws, creation mysteries, etc. contained in the star spiritual veins seem to have no cover and are all exposed. In the void, they were exposed to the eyes and spiritual senses of Liang Ji and others.

In an instant, Liang Ji and others were almost obsessed with the original avenue and the mystery of creation, making it difficult for them to extricate themselves.


At this time, a dragon roar rang out in Liang Ji's sea of ​​consciousness, and the dragon soul wrapped around his natal star suddenly flew up and rushed directly into the spiritual veins of his natal star, and merged with the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' contained in the origin of the star. It grew rapidly and transformed into a young dragon-like star spirit state.

Affected by this, Liang Ji's soul in the dantian of the Consciousness Sea immediately merged with Yuanying, turning into a half-step Yuan Shen and a young boy!

Under the control of the dragon-man star spirit and the half-step soul, Liang Ji just woke up from the obsession with the source of the avenue and the mystery of creation that exploded from the 'star spiritual vein'.

He immediately looked around and found that not only he and Peng Yue were fascinated by the original avenue and the mystery of creation erupted by the 'star spiritual vein', but also the third-level immortals such as Chu Yue and Wu Shan, and even the void monsters and dependents in the surrounding void. The others were all fascinated by this 'Star Spiritual Vein', and they all stopped fighting for a moment.

The power of this 'Star Spirit Vein' is almost comparable to the charming power of the 'Light of Creation' that he saw in the distance on the Void Sea battlefield.

However, this time he was not completely fascinated like last time. He didn't know whether it was because the charm and mystery contained in the 'Star Spiritual Veins' were not as good as the treasure 'Crystal of Creation' born in the Void Sea; or because of his current cultivation level. After advancing, you can condense into a dragon-like star spirit and a half-step soul in a short time. Only then can you resist such addiction and temptation.

Thoughts were racing in Liang Ji's mind, and at the same time he felt that the dragon-man star spirit and half-step soul were rapidly consuming his natal star source, and it was obviously difficult to maintain it for much longer.

At the moment, he did not dare to delay, and immediately reached out and touched the control light curtain in the main control cabin of the starship, triggering the alarm on the starship.

The next moment, the piercing siren filled the ears of Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others, waking them up immediately.

No need to explain, several people understood the situation instantly, and immediately used their own methods to suppress their minds and resist the temptation and power of the 'Star Spirit Vein'.

At the same time, in the surrounding void, the exposed 'star spiritual veins' emitted the source of the avenue, the mystery of creation and other starlight, as if throwing a large piece of fresh meat into the herd, and suddenly attracted and seduced a large number of people in the surrounding void star sea far and near. The Void Demon Clan rioted and rushed towards the 'Star Spiritual Vein' one after another.

Liang Ji and others even saw that in the distance in the void, a large area of ​​void was directly distorted, turning into various seas of fire, storms, fog and other natural disasters that were quickly attacking.

Obviously, the origin of the stars and the mystery of the avenue contained in the star spiritual veins are extremely attractive to many seventh-order void monsters.

"Trouble!" Wu Shan woke up from his addiction to the 'Star Spirit Vein', quickly checked the situation in all directions, and said with a solemn expression: "I didn't expect the temptation of the 'Star Spirit Vein' to be so great. If this continues, not only will it be difficult for us to extract it, The complete star spiritual vein may still be planted here!"

It was the first time for Liang Ji, Wu Shan and others to extract the star spiritual veins of the life stars, and no one had experience.

Even the Star Alliance often blocks and hides this kind of taboo knowledge, and even Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others have little contact with it in the Star Palace.

Naturally, no one expected that extracting the star spiritual veins would be so dangerous and cause so much trouble.

"Fellow Daoist Chu and Daoist Xia, please speed up the extraction. Don't worry about the loss of star spiritual veins. You can harvest as much as you can now!"

"Ship Spirit, turn off all collection formations and restrictions, and use all your strength to activate defense, attack formations, and restrictions to resist the attack of the high-level Void Monster Clan!"

"Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and the rest of the middle and low-level void demon clan will be left to you!"

"Fellow Daoist Lu, follow me to block the high-level Void Demon Clan!"

Wu Shan quickly arranged and suggested.

"Everyone go all out to protect this star spiritual vein as much as possible!"

When Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others heard this, no one objected and they all acted quickly.

Chu Yue directly controlled the forbidden formation on the starship, and the starlight that stared at and locked the star spiritual veins also began to twist, and also pulled the star spiritual veins and quickly tore them out.

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