The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 747 The first test of dragon-human and star spirit methods

Originally, Chu Yue used the forbidden formation on the starship to suppress and bind the star spiritual veins, and Xia Wujiu used the forbidden fairy weapon on the starship to extract the star spiritual veins. Although the process was slow, the slow work and meticulous work could ensure the extraction to the maximum extent. The integrity of the star spiritual veins and the many treasures attached to the star spiritual veins can be preserved as much as possible.

Such as the mother spirit stone ore, the root of the spirit vein, the essence of the spirit vein, etc., can be preserved as much as possible in the process of extracting the star spirit vein, and it can also ensure that the origin of the stars, the laws of the great road, etc. contained in the star spirit vein are as complete as possible. .

In this way, the more complete the star spiritual veins are, the higher their value will be, and they can be sold at a higher price among the Star Alliance.

When the time comes, Liang Ji and Peng Yue may not be able to rely on this star spiritual vein in exchange for the authority to 'seize the origin' of one or two outer life stars.

However, Liang Ji, Wu Shan and others underestimated the terrifying temptation of the star spiritual veins without the suppression and cover of the stars. The leaked source of the avenue and the mystery of creation directly triggered the riots of the void monsters gathered in the surrounding void, and even attracted some The high-level void demon clan twisted the void and rushed towards them.

In this way, they naturally couldn't take too much care, and Chu Yue directly changed the formation to suppress and extract, and joined in the rough extraction of the star spiritual veins.

In this way, although the speed of extracting the star spiritual veins is greatly increased, the destruction of the star spiritual veins and the destruction of the spiritual objects in the stars are also increased several times.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue were in the starship and could clearly see that as the starlight giant hands and starlight chains violently tore the starry spiritual veins like a long river of starlight, a large amount of starlight, spiritual light, spiritual stone veins, original treasures, etc. continued to flow out. The earth was shaken off from the violent shaking and tearing river of starlight, and scattered among the destroyed stars.

Even, due to the rough tearing, obvious cracks began to appear on the long river of starlight. Some starlight as thick as liquid flowed out from those cracks. When it came into contact with the void, it quickly dispersed, distorting the surrounding void and making the void Chaos turned into a sea of ​​stars.

The stars below are accelerating their disintegration and destruction under the contamination and distortion of these liquid starlights.

These liquid starlights are undoubtedly contained in the spiritual veins of the stars, the true source of the stars and the essence of the avenue!

Every drop is worth tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones!

Similarly, the leakage and dispersion of these liquid starlights also caused the temptation of the star spiritual veins to spread into the surrounding void once again. More and more void monsters in the wider and wider void range began to riot, attacking the starships and The stars are coming here.

The high-level void monsters that came from the twisting void also rioted, and even directly twisted and tore the void with the power of law and natural disasters, traveling through the void in an instant.

The power of the lawful natural disaster directly distorted the void around the place where it fell. Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others sent out fourth- and fifth-level family members to block it. The airship and spaceship team had no resistance at all. The high-level people teleported on the spot. The Void Demon Clan distorts the laws of the void and explodes with the power of natural disasters.

A large number of spaceships and the few remaining spaceships quickly collapsed. Bloodline magical powers, elemental fission, earthly divine power, etc. At this moment, facing these violent high-level void monsters and the power of law and natural disasters, it was like a storm. The small sailboat was capsized and destroyed in an instant.

The fourth- and fifth-level dependents on it, even if they summoned the power of the 'bloodline gods' to join them, or were protected by the power of the chaos of the furnace, they had no time to escape. They also fell to the high-level void monsters who teleported and twisted. The law of the void caused heavy casualties under the natural disaster.

Even the two third-level immortals Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong, faced with the high-level Void Monster Clan that suddenly tore apart the void and teleported towards them, could only barely withstand the power of lawful natural disasters erupted by the high-level Void Monster Clan with all their strength. , but they were also defeated steadily by the attacks, and it was difficult to stop the advance of the high-level Void Demon Clan.

"Ship Spirit, activate all attack formations and magical weapons, target the high-level void monsters that are attacking!"

In the main control cabin of the starship, Liang Ji immediately raised his voice and gave the order.

The figure of the 'Ship Spirit' immediately appeared on the light screen. In response to the order, the next moment, starlight, spiritual light, and divine light circulated on the 'Dragon Snake' starship, condensing into various wind, thunder, water, fire, and starlight gods. Various attack methods, magical powers, and magical techniques such as light, heavenly snake breath, and elemental fusion all blasted towards the high-level void monsters in the void ahead.

Amidst the loud roars, the high-level void monsters that teleported and twisted the void to form the lawful natural disaster land were blasted and torn to pieces by these powerful attacks.

Various attacks bombarded the high-level void monsters. Although they may not be able to kill the high-level void monsters, they were enough to break through their defenses, injure them, and bombard the high-level void monsters back again and again, temporarily blocking them. In the distant void, it is difficult to continue to approach the starships and stars, interfering with Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu's extraction of star spiritual veins.

However, with the starship at full firepower, it consumes a huge amount of spiritual stones, energy, etc. stored on the starship.

But as long as the star spiritual veins from the destroyed life stars in front of us can be collected out intact and put into the starship, these consumptions can be made up. Naturally, no expense will be spared at this time.

Even after Liang Ji gave Peng Yue a few words, he left the main control cabin and came to the starship deck. He activated the 'Dragon Star Spirit' in his natal star.

A large number of natal stars' original power continuously gathered, filling the 'mana force field' around him, quickly twisting and transforming it, turning it into the shape of a star, shrouding it around it.

Natal star projection!

It is one of the signature methods of high-level star masters. When Star Master Bian Yuejiao reached the level of fifth-level star master, she reluctantly used this move across levels, allowing her to successfully complete the assessment in the Void Sea battlefield and earn a lot of money. Merits and benefits.

Liang Ji had consulted and learned from him at the beginning, but because it involved some of Senior Bian Yujiao's unique cultivation methods, inheritance, treasures, etc., Liang Ji did not learn the 'natal star projection', but only used the 'mana force field' around his body. Upgraded to a 'starlight force field', strengthening its own protection.

But now, after he advanced to the fifth level of Star Master, the dragon soul merged with the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' and advanced into a young dragon-like star spirit, he found that the method of using the projection of the 'natal star' across levels actually It was done easily.

It's even a bit easier than when Senior Bian Yujiao used it.

Then, under the operation of his 'half-step soul', the projection of the 'natal star' turned into a 'virtual star' in his hands. This was also the cross-level method used by senior Bian Yujiao when she faded out in the Void Sea, and it was extremely lethal.

After Liang Ji used the 'Birth Star Projection', he naturally mastered this move easily.

The next moment, he blasted the 'virtual star' out towards the high-level void monsters in the void. In the roaring explosion, the bright starlight and original power of the 'virtual star' also successfully blasted and torn apart. The high-level Void Monster clan used the power of natural disasters to distort the void and bombarded the high-level Void Monster clan, breaking through its defense and injuring its body!

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