The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 749: Cannon Fodder of the Familia, the Power of Taboo Destruction

Although everyone in the Dragon Snake team has decided to retreat, in such an environment, it is obviously not easy for them to evacuate smoothly.

The rioting Void Monsters in the surrounding void fought Liang Ji and Peng Yue's Familia to death. When they wanted to open the 'Star Gate', they were worried that these rioting Void Monsters would follow closely behind their Familia and the spaceship. Attack their natal stars.

What's even worse is that several high-level void monsters have already attacked, and the power of law and natural disasters has distorted the void and enveloped all directions. Wu Shan, Lu Yuetong, Liang Ji and others' natal magic weapons, the list of gods, and the melting pot of all methods were all trapped, and it was difficult to escape for a while.

Even the 'Dragon Snake' starship they were riding on was currently surrounded by a large number of violent void demon tides and high-level void demon clans twisting the void.

It is not easy for them to break out of these encirclements.

What's more, there is a star below that has had its spiritual veins removed and is completely destroyed. At this time, the most intense explosion and impact is erupting.

The power of destruction and the impact of the explosion have directly bombarded the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

Under such circumstances, if they were not careful, let alone successfully evacuate, the entire team and the "Dragon Snake" starship would have fallen here.

In the outer star sea, there are not only cherished resources and treasures, but also dangers.

Fortunately, at this time, Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu had successfully collected the extracted star spiritual veins into the starship and successfully suppressed it.

In this way, not only has the combat power of two third-grade immortals been unlocked, but also the grandmaster combat power can be used to explode the power of various formations and immortal weapons on the starship to the extreme.

Moreover, as the extracted star spiritual veins are put into the starship, the starship also quickly extracts the power of the star spiritual veins, as well as the spiritual stone ore mother carried on the spiritual veins, etc., to replenish most of the spiritual stones and energy that the starship has previously consumed.

Only with sufficient spirit stones and energy can the starship explode with stronger combat power and speed.

In particular, many taboo formations and restrictions on the 'Dragon Snake' starship are now unlocked. Although the star spiritual veins have been extracted, these unlocked taboo formations and restrictions are still in the battlefield because they are still in the battlefield. None have been blocked again and can still be used.

Although these taboo formations and restrictions are powerful, they often consume huge amounts of spiritual stones and energy.

Now that a large amount of spiritual stones and energy have been replenished, many powerful and even taboo formations and restrictions can be used.

Therefore, in the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu quickly determined the retreat plan and directly informed Liang Ji and Wu Shan: "Half an hour later, Daoist Xia and I will directly operate the taboos in the starship." The formations and immortal weapons will shatter this void, and when the time comes, we will take the opportunity to escape and escape in a starship."

"You should watch the opportunity and retreat to the starship as soon as possible. If you can give up some things, give up and cut off the tail to survive!"

"After we return to the Star Alliance this time, what we have gained this time will be enough to increase our strength and combat capabilities several times, so don't be reluctant to part with it."


"no problem!"

"Be prepared..."

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and Wu Shan all responded quickly and agreed.

In the current situation, the longer they fight and are trapped here, the harder it will be to escape, and the greater the cost and sacrifice will be. At the critical moment, they can only abandon the car to save the commander.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue immediately passed down their oracles. A large number of third-level dependents, some fourth-level, and even fifth-level dependents, flying boats, spaceships, etc. in the battlefield began to break out without hesitation, rushing towards each other as if to die. Those violent void demon tides.

Under the desperate attack of these Familia, a small-scale 'Familiar Tide' was briefly formed, which was able to temporarily resist the violent Void Monster Tide all around.

At the same time, under the orders of the two oracles, some fifth-level dependents and spaceships actively stimulated the power of the 'bloodline gods' or the power of the chaos of the furnace to activate the self-destruction formations and restrictions on the spacecraft. Like moths rushing into the flame, they rushed into the void range twisted by the high-level void demon clan with the power of law and natural disaster.

With the power of fighting the origin, self-destruction, etc., tear a crack in the void distorted by the power of natural disasters of these high-level void demon clan laws.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue quickly seized the opportunity, opened the 'Star Gate', and took back some important family members, harvests, as well as the natal magic weapons, the God List and the Ten Thousand Magic Furnace they had sacrificed into their natal stars.

Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong, two third-level immortals, also took this opportunity to quickly break away from the entanglement of the high-level void demon clan and retreat to the starship.

The Star Lord cultivator's dependents are undoubtedly the best targets for 'tail cutting' and 'carriage abandonment' at this time, and they must sacrifice a large number of dependents to ensure the smooth retreat of the monks, immortals, treasures, and important materials.

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, or most of the Star Master monks in the Star Alliance, have long been accustomed to this.

Liang Ji still remembers that in the low-level star master stage, every time in order to cross-level hunting void monsters and obtain demon elixirs to advance their natal stars, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of family members were killed, injured or sacrificed in the battle. .

Only after he advanced to the middle-level star master, the natal stars and the dependent clan initially laid the foundation, and he was able to forge war weapons such as flying boats and spaceships, and most importantly, he mastered the star palace inheritance such as the 'Feng Shen Bang', allowing the dependent clan to fight The strength is greatly increased, and it can even kill the void monsters and enemies across levels.

Under such circumstances, Liang Ji's family members have not suffered the same large-scale casualties and sacrifices as the low-level star masters in recent years, and they can win every battle with relatively small casualties.

However, this does not mean that these dependents have escaped the fate of 'cannon fodder'. In the current time of need, whether it is the third-level family members, or the fourth-level and fifth-level family members who have advanced to the intermediate level, they can only be reduced to cannon fodder again, sacrificing their lives to ensure the smooth evacuation of Liang Ji and others.


Using the family members as cannon fodder, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan, and Lu Yuetong all successfully completed the evacuation and returned to the starship safely. Liang Ji immediately raised his voice:

"Senior Chu, Senior Xia, it's up to you!"

In the void outside, there are actually some family members under Liang Ji and Peng Yue, ranging from third to fifth levels. Under the violent tide of void monsters and the attacks of high-level void monsters twisting the void, they are like strong winds. Duckweed in heavy rain cannot last long.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue can only give up on them now.

In the "Dragon Snake" starship, Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu immediately activated the forbidden formations and fairy weapons in the starship. However, this time it was not the forbidden formations and fairy weapons that extracted the star spiritual veins, but another A set of taboo formations and magical weapons created entirely for destruction.

The bright starlight, fairy light, and divine light flowed from all over the starship and gathered around the starship, like a large water surrounding it. The next moment, there seemed to be a violent wind and tsunami in the water formed by these starlight, fairy light, and divine light. Set off endless waves.

The forbidden starlight, fairy light, and divine light quickly surged and impacted towards the surrounding void. These lights contained forbidden power, vibrating and impacting at extremely high speeds. Wherever they passed, whether it was a void demon tide, lawful natural disaster, or void They were all shaken, shattered, and torn apart instantly.

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