The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 750 Taboo Escape Smooth Escape

The starships and starports in the Star Alliance are equipped with forbidden formations and forbidden artifacts. Although they are forbidden things, their functions are often very comprehensive.

In the outer star sea, there are often several situations in which forbidden formations and immortal weapons can be unlocked on starships.

First, if you encounter life stars that cannot be saved, you can unlock forbidden formations and restrictions, destroy the stars, and extract star spiritual veins and other treasures.

In addition, if the starship team encounters a life-threatening crisis in the outer star sea, they can also unlock the taboo formations and restrictions at the critical moment and escape with their lives by relying on the taboo formations and restrictions.

After all, compared to the Star Lords and monks of the Star Alliance, life preservation is the first priority. For this reason, it is acceptable to cause some taboo destruction and damage in the outer star sea.

This is also one of the means to protect the Star Alliance's overseas expansion legions and outer-land exploration teams, and can greatly improve the safety and survival rate of the Star Alliance monks and star masters in the outer-land star sea.

At this time, the taboo formations and magical weapons in the 'Dragon Snake' starship controlled and activated by Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu were this set of taboo means of saving and escaping.

The starlight, fairy light, and divine light full of forbidden power directly destroyed the surrounding void, and the demonic tide in the void was washed into powder wherever it passed. Liang Ji and Peng Yue remained in the void outside to serve as cannon fodder for their families, airships, and spaceships. They are also directly destroyed.

Even the void distorted by the high-level void monsters with the power of law and natural disasters was broken and shattered by the light of destruction full of forbidden power. The high-level void monsters were blasted through defenses and severely injured by these forbidden powers of destruction. , was briefly repulsed.

In fact, even the stars that were being destroyed and exploded below the starship, and all the force impacts that erupted, were blocked and blown away by the taboo power of destruction that erupted and spread above the starship.

In just a short moment, the starship "Dragon Snake" was shaken and shattered to pieces in the void where it was rescued. There was nothing around except the starship.

The next moment, the forbidden starlight, fairy light, divine light, etc. that erupted on the 'Dragon Snake' starship spread and exploded to the limit, and then quickly converged and converged on the starship.

In the starship, the forbidden formations and immortal weapons controlled and operated by Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu turned again. The starship directly turned into a forbidden starlight and rushed into the broken void around it, shuttling through the chaotic and broken void. , use the forbidden starlight to resist and repel all the chaotic and broken void turbulence, and quickly fly away from this void area.

This method of breaking the void, escaping into the turbulence of the void, advancing and escaping is also a taboo method deployed on the starship.

However, the taboo of this taboo method of escape is not that it causes irreparable damage or destruction, but that this method is too dangerous.

Even with the means and power of the Star Alliance's seventh-level starship, if it escapes in the broken and chaotic void, there will still be a high chance of being severely damaged by the broken void, or getting lost in the void. At that time, both the starship and the monks and star masters on the starship will face huge life and death dangers.

Therefore, this taboo method of escaping can only be activated and used when starships, star ports, etc. are facing absolute danger and a life-or-death situation.

The 'Dragon Snake' starship where Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others are located is now surrounded by a violent wave of void demons, and is surrounded by high-level void demon clans who are besieging them in the twisted void. A desperate place.

Although the 'Forbidden Power of Destruction' running and erupting on the starship shattered the surrounding void demon tide and pushed back the high-level void demon clan that besieged me. But these are only temporary, and the 'forbidden destruction' formations and immortal weapons on the starship cannot last long.

Therefore, one can only rely on the 'forbidden power of destruction' to open up a space, and then quickly seize the opportunity to escape with the 'forbidden power of escape'.

Moreover, another very important reason why Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu dared to make this choice was that they had just extracted a generally complete star spiritual vein and suppressed it in the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

You must know that this star spiritual vein not only has the function of quickly replenishing the starship's spiritual stones and energy, but also has a more important function, which is to suppress the power of the void!

In the void star sea, life stars and spiritual vein stars can always suppress and stabilize large areas of void. Thirty-three cities among the Star Alliance's thirty-three star black holes are directly suppressed on the black holes.

One of the most important reasons is that there are star spiritual veins in the life stars and the cities guarding the black holes.

The source of the avenue and the power of creation contained in the star spiritual veins have the powerful effect of suppressing the void, smoothing the turbulent flow of the void, and stabilizing the broken void.

Therefore, Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu seemed to have made a very dangerous choice by activating the 'Forbidden Escape Power' this time. However, under the suppression of the star spiritual veins in the starship, the dangers of Shattered Void and Void Turbulence have actually been eliminated. Reduced to the lowest level.

The only thing you need to worry about now is running and escaping in this broken void. You need to know the direction and don't get lost in the turbulent flow of the void.

In this regard, the 'Dragon Snake' starship also has a unique advantage when it escapes into the void this time.

On the one hand, there are two star master monks, Liang Ji and Peng Yue, who each use their natal stars as their positioning to identify the direction in front of the turbulent flow of the void.

On the other hand, they are now in the void area of ​​'Star Fall', although due to the influence of 'Star Fall', the void in this area is more distorted and the void turbulence is more chaotic.

But the huge devouring power of ‘Starfall’ is also the best direction guide.

Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu only need to control the starship, turn into forbidden starlight and accelerate away from the devouring force of the 'Starfall' explosion.

In this way, with the star spiritual veins inside to suppress the void and straighten out the turbulent flow of the void, and the 'Star Fall' outside to guide the direction, Liang Ji and others took the 'Dragon Snake' starship to directly operate and launch the taboo escape this time, which was much safer. .

After several hours of escaping in the turbulence of the void, the starship had clearly sensed that the devouring power coming from behind was greatly reduced. Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu immediately controlled the starship to escape from the turbulence of the void and return to the void. In the sea of ​​stars.

At this time, it is often another danger that the starship needs to face after performing a 'forbidden escape' to escape.

That is, before the starship escapes from the turbulence of the void, it is completely unable to detect and understand the situation and environment in the outside void. Therefore, the starship needs to gamble on luck when escaping. If it really escapes Falling directly into any dangerous void or desperate situation in the void turbulence will often pose a huge threat to the starship that has just escaped.

Fortunately, Liang Ji and others were lucky this time. The starship escaped from the void turbulence. It was surrounded by the normal void star sea and there were no other dangers.

In this way, they no longer have to consume the power of the star spiritual veins to activate the forbidden formations and fairy weapons on the starship to deal with the crisis and escape again.

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