The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 751 Refining the ‘Starfall’ Galaxy

The starship "Dragon Snake" successfully flew out of the turbulence in the void. Liang Ji and others looked relaxed as they checked that there were no dangerous areas around them and that they had left the "Starfall" field.

At this time, the starship 'Ship Spirit' appeared above the light curtain in the main control cabin and issued a series of prompts: "The starship received a communication request. The other party's authority level is higher than that of the 'Dragon Snake' expedition team. They will be in ten It will automatically connect after seconds, do you want to force it to close?"

Liang Ji and others were stunned when they heard this, and Chu Yue quickly checked the signal reception and communication formations in the starship, and concluded: "It should be the high-level star master in the 'Star Fall' field who is contacting us. .”

"Connected!" Hearing what she said, Liang Ji didn't wait for the ten-second countdown and directly asked the 'Ship Spirit' to connect the communication.

Sure enough, starlight flashed across the light curtain in the main control cabin, and a starlight giant, the 'Star Spirit', appeared in it. Behind it, you could even see the movement and phenomenon of 'falling stars'. It was at this time. One of the high-level star masters in the internal field of 'Starfall'.

"Everyone of the 'Dragon Snake' expedition team." The figure of the 'Star Spirit' appeared on the light screen, quickly swept past Liang Ji and the others, and announced his identity: "I am Hunyuan Yi of Kunlun Star Palace of the Star Alliance. "Mail's high-level mentor Yuan Hezi, and concurrently holds the position of general in the Third Expansion Army of the Star Alliance."

"Liang Ji, a student of Kunlun Star Palace's 'Yu Zi Lineage', has met Master Yuan!"

"Peng Yue, a student of Wanxiang Star Palace, has met Master Yuan!"

"Xia Wu, the third-grade ghost immortal of Shande Tower, has met his senior for a long time."

"Lv Yuetong, the third-level immortal of Herborist Group, has met the senior."

"Wu Shan, a third-grade human immortal from the Star Alliance, has met his senior..."

"Chu Yue, a third-grade qi-refining practitioner from the Star Alliance, has met his senior..."

After hearing the other party's self-reported identity, Liang Ji and others in the starship greeted him one after another and also reported their names and identities.

In the light curtain, the high-ranking star master Yuan Hezi nodded slightly after they greeted them and said: "This time you discovered this fallen star and sent a message to the Star Alliance. This is good. The Star Alliance will be rewarded afterwards."

"I am contacting you at this time to inform you to leave the 'Star Fall' field, because I and several fellow Taoists are going to refine and put away this 'Star Fall' field. If you stay in the field, It is easy to be implicated."

"But it's good now that you have left the 'Starfall' field."

"I will leave a way for you to protect your starship. You should not move around to avoid the aftermath."

Refining the ‘fall of stars’ field?

Put away the entire ‘fall of stars’ field?

Hearing the words of Instructor Yuan Hezi in the light screen, everyone in the starship, including the star master monks Liang Ji and Peng Yue, as well as the third-level immortals Wu Shan and Chu Yue, could not help but look shocked.

In the light curtain, Instructor Yuan Hezi did not elaborate, he only said: "You will know it just by looking here."

As he spoke, a beam of starlight flew from the depths of the 'Starfall' field in the distance, and quickly flew over their 'Dragon Snake' starship. The starlight unfolded into a projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', from which hung down the decrees of the gods. The light shrouded their starships.

At the same time, starlight flashed above the light screen in the main control cabin, and the star spirit figure of mentor Yuan Hezi disappeared and turned back to the 'ship spirit' appearance. It was obvious that the other party had ended the communication contact.

"Quick! Quick..." Immortal Wu Shan urged at this time: "Fellow Daoist Chu and Daoist Xia, activate and operate all the detection arrays and immortal weapons on the starship."

In fact, Wu Shan didn't need to say that Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu had already taken action. Because they had the means left by Yuan Hezi to protect them, they even directly closed other formations and restrictions on the starship, such as flight, defense, invisibility, etc. , free up enough energy and space to fully operate the detection array and taboo, and observe the interior of the 'Star Fall' field.

But the next moment, Liang Ji and others discovered that they didn't seem to need to do any more. Even on the starship, they could clearly see several starlights shooting into the sky from around the 'Starfall' field. rise and meet in the void of the field.

Then, after the starlight converged, a huge, illusory and real 'array' emerged and unfolded in the starlight, expanding rapidly like covering the sky and the earth, shrouding the void of the entire 'Star Fall' field .

"This is……"

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu gave up on activating and operating the exploration formations and restrictions on the starship, and walked out of the starship cabin with Liang Ji and others to the starship deck. Looking directly at the 'formation' unfolding in the void, his face was filled with shock.

But I saw the array of starlight falling from the void, covering the void and the galaxy that enveloped the entire 'star fall' field. The stars that were falling, and a large number of stars that were being destroyed in the galaxy, all fell into it one by one. In the "Array Map", it was collected and refined by the "Array Map", turning an illusory and real "Array Map" into a "Star Map"!

It's just that this "star map" is quite different from the "star map" that Liang Ji and others have seen before. The stars, stars, and void in it are all in the midst of violent destruction and change.

As soon as those stars, stars, and voids that are falling and destroying fall into the "star map", they seem to be suppressed and fixed, and they do not continue to be destroyed in the "star map", as if they have been frozen in time.

"A sleeve holds the galaxy, and a picture controls the void! This is the true method of an immortal. What kind of immortals are we third-level immortals..."

The human immortal Wu Shan looked at the starlight array covering the void and said with admiration and sigh.

Although Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others did not speak, they all had different expressions, indicating their uneasiness in their hearts.

Previously, when they were in the "Wood Meteor" galaxy, they had seen high-level star masters moving stars and repairing galaxies. It was already amazing that the strength and methods of high-level star masters were beyond the reach of Wu Shan and other third-level immortals.

But now, in this place where stars fell, they were shocked to see a high-level star master suppress, refine, and collect a galaxy that was being destroyed with just one picture.

Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Lu Yuetong and other third-level immortals were naturally envious and sighed, while Star Master monks like Liang Ji and Peng Yue were completely yearning and excited. After all, they are Star Master monks. The means and power of these high-level Star Masters, This is the goal that they practice and aspire to.

However, before they could sigh for long, the next moment they saw a large number of black shadows, strong void vibrations, and destructive impacts, coming from the void of the 'Star Fall' field that was suppressed and refined by the 'Star Map' It was like a stormy wave crashing in.

"It's the Void Demon Clan and the Void Turbulence!"

Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu used the formations and immortal weapons on the starship to take the lead in detecting the approaching black wave, their expressions changed slightly and they said solemnly.

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