The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 756: Improving the natal magic weapon

In Liang Ji's natal star, there are hundreds of cities built by the family members of each lineage. Outside of the royal cities of each lineage, there are also hundreds of fifth-grade Qingchi City Gods.

In the battle of 'Starfall', the number of fifth-order heroes who returned from the fifth-order dependents he sacrificed was sufficient.

However, given Liang Ji's current level of natal stars, the strength of his spiritual veins, and the origin of the stars, it is difficult for him to confer the position of hundreds of fifth-grade Qingchi City God at one time, and the origin of the stars cannot hold so many fifth-grade Qingchi.

Therefore, Liang Ji only consecrated more than twenty fifth-grade Qingchi City Gods in the Xingchen Yang Realm this time, and the number was almost the same as the number of fifth-grade Qingchi civil and military judges he conferred in the Jiuquan Underworld.

Liang Ji has always maintained a similar balance in the number and rank of his natal stars, yin and yang realms, ghosts, gods, and earth creatures.

This is conducive to maintaining the balance of the origins and laws of the two realms, and is more beneficial to the development of the entire natal star.

After conferring more than twenty fifth-level city gods and numerous fifth-level clan heroes, they can only continue to cultivate in the Jiuquan underworld, waiting for the next increase in the source of their natal stars to add new opportunities for conferring and gods. Bit.

Completed the fifth-grade green imperial edict and the city god's seal, and also granted more sixth-grade red edicts and seventh-grade white edicts to the earth and hair gods, involving all aspects of the natal stars and the dependents, and sorting out the origins of the natal stars and the laws of the world. Meticulousness and order enhance the original quality of the world.

Of course, these Red and White Emperors and Mao Shen's subjects are basically the third-level, fourth-level and other dependent heroes who sacrificed and returned in the "Starfall" battle.

In the battle of 'Starfall', the number of third- and fourth-level family members sacrificed was dozens or hundreds of times more than that of the fifth-level family members. Even if Liang Ji could arrange for these third-level and fourth-level family members to pass through the 'Reincarnation Pond' 'Reincarnation, but not all third- and fourth-level dependents are willing to choose such rewards.

There are also many third-level and fourth-level dependent heroes who are willing to be granted the title of seventh-level white edict, sixth-level red edict ghosts, gods, or earth creatures among their natal stars.

It can be said that such rewards and the reincarnation of the merits of the ‘Reincarnation Pool’ have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The dependents who choose to be reincarnated with merit in the ‘Reincarnation Pool’ will enjoy a lifetime of glory and rights, and with the addition of merit, they can basically grow into a fifth-level dependent.

Moreover, after they grow into fifth-level dependents and their soul origins grow stronger, they will undoubtedly be able to grow and advance more easily whether they stay in the Jiuquan Underworld or continue to reincarnate.

Even in the future, when Liang Ji advances to the sixth level of Star Master and the natal stars advance to the sixth level, it will be easier for these dependents with stronger soul origins to advance.

The third-level and fourth-level dependents who give up the reincarnation of the merits of the 'Reincarnation Pool' and directly choose to accept the seventh-level white edict or the sixth-level red edict can directly exist as gods in their natal stars and coexist with heaven and earth. Shine with the stars.

But on the other hand, it is more difficult for these clan heroes who have been conferred as gods to continue to grow and advance. Unless they have achieved special merits, they will almost always be trapped in the seventh-grade white edict and the sixth-grade red edict in the future. , but it is difficult to advance and grow simultaneously with the advancement of the natal stars like those dependents who choose to reincarnate with merit in the 'Reincarnation Pool'.

It can only be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it all depends on the choice of these third- and fourth-level family members.

After completing the conferral of the new batch of ghosts, gods, and earth beings, Liang Ji waved his hand and sent the "Gods List" back to the origin of the stars to continue to be nourished and refined.

His soul flew to the holy land of the natal star "Dragon Head Mountain" and looked at the natal magic weapon "Thirty-three-layered Black and Yellow Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth" being sacrificed in the "Heaven and Earth Furnace".

As he advanced to the fifth-level star master, this natal treasure tower, which was bound to his natal star, was successfully promoted from the natal treasure weapon when he was the fourth-level star master to the fifth-level natal magic weapon.

However, because the time is still short, the refining and improvement of this natal magic weapon are limited. In the previous battle of 'Starfall', it was almost entirely dependent on the temporary presence of ghosts and gods, as well as the gods of the bloodline of the dependents, to refine the natal magic weapon Xuanhuang Pagoda. The power is raised to the extreme and explodes across levels.

However, due to its limited quality and limited refinement, even if there are ghosts, gods, and earth creatures stationed in it, the power of the cross-level explosion is limited.

Even during the battle of 'Starfall', the Xuanhuang Pagoda suffered many damages.

Now, with enough time, and the fifth-level resources, spiritual materials, and fifth-level gods in the natal star have also grown up, Liang Ji naturally has to seize the time to refine the natal magic weapon Xuanhuang Pagoda. , improve its quality and level as much as possible, so that it can play a stronger combat power and play a greater role in the subsequent Star Alliance development war.

At this time, the Xuanhuang Pagoda stands in the "Heaven and Earth Furnace", and around the "Heaven and Earth Furnace" are fifth-level weapon refiners, fifth-level array masters, and fifth-level talisman masters who have grown up from various families. The fifth-level spiritual materials and resources generated on the natal stars are sent to the "Heaven and Earth Furnace" for refining and integrated into the Xuanhuang Pagoda.

The thought in Liang Ji's mind changed, and a dragon roar sounded.

The dragon soul wrapped around the natal star flew up, rushed into the source of the star, and merged with the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei", and quickly grew the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" into the "Dragon Star Spirit" in the form of a young man.

At the same time, his soul returned to the dantian of the body's sea of ​​consciousness, and his soul merged with Yuanying and turned into a half-step Yuanshen.

The next moment, the Dragonite star spirit merged with the half-step soul, entered the natal stars, and arrived in front of the "Heaven and Earth Furnace" in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

Star Lord monks, when they reach the third-level Star Master and seventh-level soul refining stage, can enter their natal stars with their souls and travel between the Yin and Yang realms of the stars as their souls. However, the things they can do in their natal stars with their soul bodies are: limited.

When a star master monk reaches the sixth level of star master and the fourth level of god transformation, he can enter the natal stars with his soul, just like entering the natal stars personally, using his soul to control the power of heaven and earth, and contact and operate the origin of the natal stars. With the power of the Great Law, there are many more things that can be done.

Although Liang Ji is only a fifth-level star master now, the combination of the 'dragon star spirit' and the 'half-step soul' can allow his 'half-step soul' to enter the natal star in advance and achieve many powers. Only God can do things.

At this moment, Liang Ji's "Half-Step Yuan Shen" came to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, the "Heaven and Earth Melting Furnace", and the Yuan Shen seal mobilized the power of the stars and heaven and earth, the power of the source, the laws of the great road and other powers, and poured it into the magic weapon of his life. In the thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth, the power of the soul is used to refining and improving the natal magic weapon.

The power of the sixth-level star master's soul was originally used to refine the natal magic weapon. Now Liang Ji has used the power of the soul to join in the sacrifice of the natal magic weapon in advance. Naturally, he can improve the quality and grade of the natal magic weapon. Sacrifice and elevate to the highest level.

Even if there are enough resources and spiritual materials and the natal star can withstand it, it is not impossible to refine and upgrade it into a 'half-way weapon'.

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