The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 757: Regulating the Star Spiritual Veins, Battlefield Request for Help Signal

Among the natal stars, Liang Ji used the 'Dragon Star Spirit' and the 'Half-Step Yuan Shen' to merge, successfully entered the natal stars, and personally presided over the sacrifice of the natal magic weapon 'The Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth' ,promote.

It is not necessary to directly upgrade it to the level of a 'half-dao weapon', but at least to upgrade its quality, power, combat power, etc. to a high-grade magic weapon or even the ultimate magic weapon in advance.

Every improvement he gets now, no matter how insignificant it is, will probably determine the outcome of a battle, victory or defeat, or even life and death during the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War".

It is directly related to how many merits, benefits, etc. he can obtain in the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War".

Therefore, Liang Ji naturally went all out and was unwilling to let go of any possibility of improving and enhancing his combat power.

Unfortunately, with the strength and origin thickness of his current natal star's spiritual veins, the time it takes for the 'Dragon Star Spirit' and the 'Half-Step Soul' to merge and operate is still very short.

Therefore, Liang Ji's sacrifice to the natal magic weapon 'Xuanhuang Pagoda' was also intermittent.

After the 'Dragon Star Spirit' and the 'Half-step Yuanshen' persisted and dispersed, they left the natal magic weapon to be slowly warmed and refined in the 'Heaven and Earth Furnace', allowing their subordinate clan weapon masters, formation masters, etc. to continue. Slowly smelting and sacrificing various spiritual materials and treasures, and after he has restored the origin of his natal star, he can continue to sacrifice with the 'half-step soul'.

While waiting for the origin of his natal stars to be restored, Liang Ji was not idle either. He was also observing and comprehending the spiritual veins of the stars that were suppressed in the 'Dragon Snake' starship; Fruit, the list of gods, and the cooperation of the consecrated ghosts, gods, and earthly creatures, trying to adjust the laws, orders, and original operations of the natal stars, so as to influence and adjust the spiritual veins of the natal stars, and verify that he has no involvement in the "star spiritual veins" on the starship. income.

The Star Master's natal stars are all refined into Death Stars, and then with the help of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array", he refines the demon pills from the Void Demon Tribe to advance and grow into Life Stars.

The star spiritual veins in the natal stars seem to be naturally generated, but they are mostly influenced by the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array", and there is some "artificial creation" in them.

There cannot be anything wrong with this artificially created ‘star spiritual vein’, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many star masters who would become first-level immortals and ascend to sainthood.

However, the artificially created "star spiritual veins" cannot escape some "craftsmanship" in them. Compared with the stars in the void star sea, the "star spiritual veins" in the life stars created from chaos are still inferior.

This is also an important reason why Star Lord monks often need to find their own path after reaching the sixth level of perfection before they can advance to the seventh level Star Lord and become a high-level Star Lord.

They need to find their own path, remove as much "craftsmanship" as possible, and find their own path.

Therefore, in the Star Alliance, there are actually many star master monks who have reached the sixth level of star master cultivation and cannot find their own path. They will take the initiative to study and understand the life stars and star spiritual veins created by the chaos in the void star sea. ', I want to find some direction in this 'chaotic creation' so that my natal star can successfully advance to the seventh level.

Although Liang Ji has only been a fifth-level star master for more than ten years now, and is still far away from the consummation of the sixth-level star master, this does not prevent him from understanding in advance, finding his own path, and preparing to advance to a high-level star master.

Especially this time, his team was lucky enough to extract a complete 'Star Spiritual Vein' and suppress it in the starship. The opportunity was right in front of him, and he would naturally not let it go.

Not only him, but also Peng Yue has vaguely found his own path and direction. Now he also spends the whole day practicing in seclusion in his cabin, observing and understanding the 'star spiritual veins' suppressed in the starship. As long as you can get some small gains, whether it is to improve your combat power or make the path of a high-level star master a little clearer, it is a huge gain.

As for the four third-level immortals Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Xia Wujiu, and Lu Yuetong, let alone them. They practice the heretical Taoism. Up to now, they can only practice and advance to the realm of third-level immortals. There is no way forward. They can understand and master The origins, the power of the law, the Star Lord, the gods, and even the high-level Void Demon Clan are all quite different.

But now, a complete 'Star Spiritual Vein' is right in front of us, which contains a lot of power of the original avenue, the law of creation, etc. Naturally, the four third-level immortals will not let it go. Ever since the starship embarked on the road to return to the Star Alliance After that, the four immortals almost never left the cabin. They were all trying their best to comprehend and comprehend the origin, avenue and power of laws contained in the 'Star Spiritual Veins', hoping to understand and master more. , deeper origin and power of law.

In fact, among the heretical traditions of the Star Alliance, there has been a saying that if a third-grade heretic immortal can completely understand and master the origin and laws of a ninth-level star, then he can directly Promoted to a first-class heavenly immortal and ascended to sainthood.

This statement has never been confirmed, but it is recognized by many third-level immortals and even high-level Star Lord monks. Moreover, there has always been a shortage of ascetic monks and immortals in the Star Alliance who are dedicated to understanding the origin and the laws of the great road, and want to use this to open up a system for outsiders. Find a way forward.

Wu Shan, Chu Yue and others may not have the perseverance and ability to study hard, but it does not stop them from seizing the time to understand more of the great ways contained in the 'Star Spiritual Veins', so as to enhance their mastery of the origin and power of laws. Improve your combat power.

They also want to gain something from the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War", and it is always good to increase their combat power as much as possible before then.

In this way, as time passed day by day and year by year, the 'Dragon Snake' starship sailed calmly in the void, and the 'ship spirit' operated various formations and restrictions on the starship, exploring along the way. passing void.

There are often some less important discoveries that are directly ignored by the restrictions set by Liang Ji and others; only one or two discoveries that can alarm Liang Ji and others take several months or years, but they basically just pass the news to Liang Ji and others. Ji or Peng Yue, Liang Ji or Peng Yue can handle it.

Wu Shan, Chu Yue and others have all been in seclusion for many years. No matter how many important discoveries the 'Dragon Snake' starship made in the void, they could not grasp more of the source and law of power than they could by comprehending the 'Star Spiritual Vein'. Improving one's own combat power is more important.

Until this day, Liang Ji was using the 'Dragon Star Spirit' and the 'Half-Step Soul' to continue to refine and improve his own magic weapon, the 'Xuanhuang Pagoda', when the starship spirit suddenly heard warning sounds:

"Warning! The starship has received a distress signal from the Covenant battlefield. According to the Covenant Expedition Expedition Regulations, this starship team is obliged to go to investigate and rescue!"

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