The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 758 Life Star Nest of Elements

The void is boundless and the star sea is infinite. I am afraid that many high-level star masters in the Star Alliance may not know how big the outer star sea is.

For this reason, the expedition teams of the Star Alliance that go on expeditions in the outer regions to search for resources, life stars and other opportunities often go on lonely journeys in each expedition. They may not be able to meet other expedition teams of the Star Alliance once out of ten. It is also rare to receive calls for help from other teams in the outer star sea.

Liang Ji and his team's "Dragon Snake" starship have had several experiences in outside exploration. So far, they have only encountered a starship that had crashed in the original "Starlight Forest". Other than that, they have never encountered another starship. I've been on other expeditions from the Covenant and haven't even found any traces of it.

However, they did not expect that this time they were just changing a route to return to the Covenant. They had no intention of exploring or looking for opportunities. The starship "Dragon Snake" actually received a battlefield request for help signal from the Covenant monks and teams.

This signal is a specialized signal, indicating that the monks and teams with nearby star gates have encountered powerful enemies and are at a disadvantage in the battlefield. They may even be in a desperate situation and cannot deal with the enemy, so they are sent to the surrounding void star sea. A signal for help on the battlefield.

This is different from the sea of ​​​​stars for help they received near the Starlight Forest.

According to the many laws and regulations of the Star Alliance regarding overseas expansion legions and expedition teams, no matter whether it is an overseas expansion legion or an outland exploration team, they cannot choose to ignore it once they receive such a 'battlefield request for help' signal in the outer star sea. The situation must be investigated clearly. If rescue can be carried out, rescue will be carried out directly. If rescue is not possible, the situation on the battlefield and the request for help information must be transmitted to the Star Alliance and ask for help from the Star Alliance.

Therefore, this time the 'Dragon Snake' starship received the 'Battlefield Request for Help' message from the team in the Covenant Alliance, the starship's 'Ship Spirit' immediately sent out bursts of alarm sounds, and passed the alarm and request for help message to Everyone on the starship.

Not only Liang Ji and Peng Yue, but also Wu Shan, Chu Yue and others have already retreated wholeheartedly in the cabin to understand the origin of the 'Star Spirit Vein' and are unwilling to pay attention to external things. This time, they cannot escape the alarm of the 'Ship Spirit' remind.

After a while, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan, Chu Yue and others gathered in the main control cabin. It could be seen that Wu Shan and Chu Yue had frowns and stern faces, obviously unwilling to do so. Being interrupted from comprehending the 'Star Spirit Veins'.

But the laws and regulations of the Star Alliance are not something that a few people can easily violate.

"Senior Chu, Senior Xia, please investigate carefully. Where did this battlefield request for help come from?"

"Let's see if we can find out the specific situation on the battlefield?"

"If it's an enemy we can't deal with, just send the coordinates here and the request for help information to the Covenant directly."

Liang Ji naturally saw the annoyance and reluctance of Wu Shan, Chu Yue and others, so he said directly. The implication was also obvious. If the situation on the battlefield was a little difficult, they would give up and report the news here to Xing. alliance.

Although it is said that the Star Alliance has many laws and regulations regarding external expansion legions and external exploration teams.

However, things in this world have always had policies and countermeasures. Not to mention the Expansion Corps, which is directly under the command of the Star Alliance, it naturally has stricter regulations; but for many expedition teams in the Outland, When the laws and regulations stipulated by the Star Alliance are implemented in the Star Sea, there will inevitably be greater flexibility.

There are always various flexible ways to circumvent and take advantage of these laws, regulations, etc.

Just like this battlefield request for help, if the expedition team that receives the request for help is intentional, they will naturally go all out to rescue; but if they are unintentional, they can naturally avoid it flexibly. As Liang Ji said, slightly exaggerate the danger of the battlefield. Naturally, they can avoid responsibility and push the rescue to the Star Alliance Expansion Corps.

Several people in the team are now considered to be people with rich experience in exploring outside the world. Naturally, they immediately understood what Liang Ji meant.

When Chu Yue and Xia Wu heard this for a long time, their eyes lit up and they agreed.

But at this time, Wu Shan shook his head and said: "Since we have all been awakened and the process of understanding the star spiritual veins has been interrupted this time, there is no need to do this again."

"We'd better carefully explore the battlefield situation. If we can save it, we'd better take action."

"We are all part of an expedition team in foreign lands. No one can say that we will not encounter danger in the future and have to send out a signal for help on the battlefield. At that time, we should also hope that someone will come to the rescue in time, instead of avoiding or evading."

"Forget it, just think of it as a blessing." Chu Yue was the first to say this.

"Let's take a look at the situation first." Xia Wujiu also nodded slightly.

Afterwards, the two of them each took control of the exploration formations and magical weapons on the starship, and started working with all their strength, tracking the direction of the distress signal, and then controlled the starship to accelerate and fly away in the direction of the signal.

The starship "Dragon Snake" turned into light and tracked and flew in the void star sea for several days, and Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu detected more and more information.

"Discover the spectral fluctuations of the stars of life!"

"There are stars of life ahead!"

"The battlefield request for help came from the life star in front..."

Chu Yue controlled the detection formation and was the first to make the discovery.

"Discovered the void fluctuation caused by the battle, and the battle is still going on on the battlefield ahead."

"A large number of elemental power battle traces were found in the battle fluctuations... Comparing the starship database, there is more than 70% probability that one side on the battlefield is an elemental spirit!"

Xia Wujiu controlled the detection artifact on the starship and quickly detected and discovered some information.

Stars of life!

Elemental spirits!

These discoveries also made Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others look a little relieved. If this battlefield rescue can bring something to the team, then at least it can alleviate their depression of being disturbed.

"It is indeed a battle between the Covenant expedition team and the elemental spirits..."

At this time, as the 'Dragon Snake' starship got closer and closer to the battlefield, Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu were able to capture many scenes in the battlefield, which were directly projected and displayed on the light screen of the starship's main control cabin.

Through these pictures, Liang Ji and others clearly saw a galaxy appearing in the starry sea in front of them. There was a star in the galaxy and a life star.

At this time, in the void beyond the life stars, there was a starship and a huge 'Elemental Nest' constantly clashing and fighting in the void.

It can be clearly seen on the battlefield that the starship has completely fallen into a disadvantage. It has been almost swallowed up by various powerful elemental attacks blasted by the 'Elemental Nest'. It can only use the formations and forbidden defenses on the starship to resist it. It's even difficult to escape.

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