The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 759 Sea of ​​Elements

"There is actually a nest of elements here!"

Aboard the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Peng Yue looked at the 'Elemental Nest' that was fighting with another starship in the void, his eyes shining brightly and his face full of joy.

She immediately raised her voice and said: "Liang Ji and several senior immortals, I am willing to give up the right to distribute all the high-level spiritual materials harvested in the 'Starfall' field. Please help me with your full help to get this 'Nest of Elements' Down!"

The 'Wanxiang Star Palace' from which Peng Yue was born is known for its ability to deal with and study the elemental spirits of the spiritual world. Even the main inheritance of the 'Wanxiang Star Palace', the 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace', was developed and cast in imitation of the 'Elemental Nest'. .

At the beginning, some fragments of the Nest of Elements appeared on the 'Fengze Star' where the 'Second Star Port Team' was stationed, which attracted Peng Yue to study for many years.

Now that she encountered a complete 'Elemental Nest' here, she naturally didn't want to let it go.

After hearing what she said, Wu Shan, Chu Yue and other immortals also smiled and agreed.

"You're so polite, Fellow Daoist Peng Yue. We are all teammates, and it is our duty to work together to defeat the enemy."

Liang Ji naturally agreed directly and asked: "Peng Yue, you should know the Nest of Elements best. Is there any way to capture this Nest of Elements at the lowest cost?"

Peng Yue couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard the words. He looked at the image of the 'Elemental Nest' in the void that was explored and manifested by the starship, and said in a deep voice: "The Elemental Nest is the foundation of the elemental spirit. It has different levels and different effects and functions. Are not the same."

"The 'Elemental Nest' in front of us can even suppress the seventh-level starship on the opposite side to fight. However, it has not been able to completely capture the starship for such a long time, which means that this 'Elemental Nest' should also be at the seventh level."

"The seventh-level 'Elemental Nest' must have opened up an 'Elemental Sea' inside it, which can directly overshoot, influence, and distort the surrounding void chaos, turning the chaotic void into an 'Elemental Sea' that is most suitable for the battle of elemental spirits. "

"This is a more powerful method than the high-level void demon clan's law of natural disaster, which distorts the field transformed by void chaos."

"Senior Chu..." At this time, Peng Yue said, taking out a colorful crystal block in his hand, handing it over and saying: "Please add this fragment of the 'Nest of Elements' to the starship detection array. , and then carefully explore the void battlefield ahead to see if there are any changes."

Liang Ji could tell at a glance that the fragment of the Nest of Elements was exactly what he had given to the other party. It was one of the two fragments of the Nest of Elements that he had harvested at Fengze Star.

He had already planted the fragment of the 'Nest of Elements' he had left behind into his natal star to enhance the elemental power of his natal star, but he did not expect to give this one to Peng Yue, who still kept it.

"Okay." Chu Yue immediately agreed and took the fragment of the Nest of Elements. Although she was a third-level immortal and a master of formations, she knew that her knowledge and understanding of the Spirit of Elements and the Nest of Elements was definitely not as good as Wanxiang's. Peng Yue was born in Xinggong.

And as Chu Yue added the Nest of Elements fragment to the starship detection formation, the void battlefield picture displayed on the light screen in the main control cabin changed a lot.

What was originally an empty, dark and chaotic void now turns into a colorful and ever-changing ocean of elements in the picture.

Liang Ji and others just looked at the formation detection screen on the light screen, and they all felt that their eyes, minds, and souls were dazzled by the ever-changing 'element sea' that seemed to be filled with all the colors of the universe.

"Hiss... this is the sea of ​​elements?" Liang Ji immediately lowered his head, no longer staring at the dizzying and changing light of various elements in the picture, but he still couldn't help but marvel.

He controls a natal star, and the star naturally contains almost all elemental powers, not to mention that his family itself is divided into ten-lineage family members based on elemental power, and controls the power of various elements.

Even the formations that are arranged to protect and move the stars among the natal stars have a key 'Elemental Wandering Dragon Formation'.

It can be said that although Liang Ji did not enter the "Wanxiang Star Palace" to study and practice, he often communicated with Peng Yue about the way of elements. He considered himself to be quite advanced in the practice and research of the way of elements, even only in Kunlun Planet. Under the palace inheritance's "God List".

But at this time, just seeing the "Elemental Sea" transformed from the twisted and alienated chaotic void of the "Elemental Nest", he was shocked and realized that he was still far behind in the cultivation of the elemental way. .

He wants to integrate the Tao of Elements with the Kunlun Star Palace inheritance and the 'God List', practice it on the natal stars and dependents, find his own path, and find the direction to be promoted to a high-level star master, but it is obviously not enough. Far.

The electric thoughts in Liang Ji's heart turned, and he quickly calmed down his dizziness, and then raised his head again to look at the "Elemental Sea" picture presented in the light screen.

Although the gorgeous and ever-changing 'Elemental Sea' makes people feel dizzy just looking at it, it actually contains the elemental avenue. Not only Liang Ji is trying his best to observe and understand at this time, but also Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Lu Yuetong and others. They all use their own methods to observe the 'Elemental Sea' that twists the void.

In the past period of time, they have all been comprehending the origin and the laws of the great path contained in the 'Star Spiritual Vein', and each has gained something.

Now looking at the "Elemental Sea" in front of us, we might not be able to gain something from it, and verify the avenues and origins obtained through the "Star Spiritual Veins".

At the same time, everyone saw this "Sea of ​​Elements" and understood why the Covenant warship that was fighting against the Nest of Elements was no match at all. At this time, it was completely suppressed and had to send a battlefield signal for help.

Although the Star Alliance's starships are powerful, it is difficult to control and operate the power of origin and law. They rely entirely on the attack and defense of powerful forces. At this time, the starships on the opposite side have been completely transformed by the 'Elemental Sea' derived from the 'Elemental Nest'. Surrounded and swallowed, it has been suppressed from the source and law level, so it is naturally not its opponent.

Even, surrounded by this "Elemental Sea", the starship has no way to escape. If it continues to be entangled like this without external help and rescue, the starship will only be completely swallowed by the "Elemental Sea", no matter whether it is an immortal Even the Star Master cultivator might not be able to escape death.

What's more, if the star master monks on the starship are not careful enough, their natal stars may even be invaded and engulfed by the "Elemental Sea". In the end, the star master's chance of rebirth is directly cut off, causing the star master to completely perish here.

"Whether it is to rescue the starship trapped inside or to capture the Nest of Elements, the first thing we have to do now is to break through the elemental sea that envelopes the battlefield."

Peng Yue pointed at the manifested ‘Elemental Sea’ and raised his voice:

"Generally speaking, there are only two ways to break through this sea of ​​elements. One is to break it with enough power, and the second is to suppress and break it with enough power of origin and law! "

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