The 'Elemental Nest' had been fighting the starship piloted by Mu Qingyuan for an unknown amount of time, and its internal resources, combat power, elemental spirits, etc. were all consumed.

Furthermore, it was suppressed and locked by the "Starlight Dragon Snake" transformed into the "Dragon Snake" starship through the "Star Spirit Vein", making it difficult for the origin and power of the internal "Elemental Sea" to explode.

He could only rely on the remaining elemental spirits to stop the attacks and killings of Peng Yue's family members.

But now, with the entry of Liang Ji's family members, even if they are inferior to these elemental spirits in terms of control and operation of elemental power, so that they are no match for these elemental spirits inside this 'Elemental Nest', they are still It was the straw that broke the camel's back.

As Liang Ji's family members continued to attack, in the battlefield of passages extending in all directions inside the 'Nest of Elements', the elemental spirits that were firmly blocking the way forward finally couldn't hold on and collapsed!


Peng Yue's Snake Tail Familia immediately seized the opportunity and escorted the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' to attack with force, rushing past these collapsed elemental spirits and rushing into the core area inside the 'Nest of Elements'.

Even Liang Ji's family members were no match for the elemental spirits in this 'Elemental Nest'. At this time, under the collapse of the elemental spirits, they also rushed into the inner area of ​​the 'Elemental Nest' with almost no hindrance.

Therefore, Liang Ji could clearly see the situation in the core area inside the 'Nest of Elements' through these family members. It was a 'sea of ​​elements' that filled the core area inside the 'Nest of Elements'.

It's just that at this time, the 'Elemental Sea' seems to be obviously exhausted. There are not many elements in the sea, only occupying a shallow layer at the bottom, and it is difficult to even make waves.

And even so, there are still large swaths of starlight falling in the 'Elemental Sea', suppressing and binding the few elements on the seabed.

"Sure enough." Liang Ji was not surprised when he saw this. "The 'Elemental Sea', the origin of this nest of elements, has been almost consumed, otherwise it would not have been suppressed and captured so easily."

"Speaking of which, this time it's a case of 'the snipe and the clam fighting over each other', taking advantage of Mu Qingyuan."

Liang Ji looked at the situation in the 'Nest of Elements', his face did not change much, but Peng Yue's face was full of surprise and could not hide his surprise.

Inside the 'Nest of Elements', Peng Yue's Snake Man Familia quickly poured into the core area, forming formations around the 'Elemental Sea' that was about to dry up. At the same time, they raised the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' that they had protected.

The next moment, the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' was seen flying into the 'Sea of ​​Elements', erupting with brilliant light of elements and light of chaos, heading towards the center and core of the 'Sea of ​​Elements'.

Wow! Wow! Wow…

At this time, even if the 'Elemental Sea' is about to be exhausted, and there is not much elemental origin left at the bottom. Even if a large area of ​​starlight falls and is suppressed, the remaining elemental power and origin at the bottom of the 'Elemental Sea' cannot help but violently stir and shake. Get up and try to stir up waves and splashes to resist the suppression of the 'melting pot of all laws'.

However, not to mention the depletion of the 'Elemental Sea' at this time, the power that can be exploded is limited; not to mention, the 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace' is a treasure and inheritance developed by the Vientiane Star Palace to study the inheritance of elemental spirits in the spiritual world. , specially used to deal with and restrain the elemental spirits. At this time, there are naturally ways to suppress and restrain the power of this 'Elemental Sea'.

But when he saw a vortex gradually emerging from the suppressed 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods', covering it, Liang Ji recognized it at a glance. It was Peng Yue who had refined into the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods'. The vortex of chaos in the Crucible.

At this time, strands of chaotic power burst out from the vortex and fell down. Wherever they landed, they immediately suppressed the surging waves and tumbling power of the elemental origins in the 'Elemental Sea'.

Soon the entire 'Elemental Sea', which was about to be exhausted, was suppressed by this 'melting pot of all methods', and the situation was calm and it was difficult to make waves.

At this point, the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' is no longer blocked and falls directly into the center and core of the 'Elemental Sea'.

Buzz! Rumble...

At that moment, the entire 'Elemental Nest' shook and shook violently. The movement was even stronger and louder than the previous explosion of the 'Elemental Nest' and the fight against the Starlight Dragon Snake.

The almost exhausted 'Elemental Sea' is now shaking and shaking violently. It is no longer the elemental waves in the 'Elemental Sea', the surging and ups and downs of the original power, but the entire 'Elemental Sea'. The vibration was like an earthquake, almost shaking and overturning the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' suppressed in the center of the 'Elemental Sea'.

At this time, surrounding the "Sea of ​​Elements", a large number of Peng Yue's Snake Tail Familia took action, either prostrating themselves to perform sacrifices, or using the power of various elements, or even directly cutting their bodies and forcing out blood essence to perform blood sacrifices. of.

The majestic power of faith, elemental power, and bloodline power of the family members have gathered into the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Laws', refining and strengthening the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Laws', causing it to burst into brilliant light of elements, powerful Once it is stabilized and suppressed, no matter how the 'Elemental Sea' vibrates or shakes, it will be difficult to overturn or shake it.

hiss! hold head high……

At this time, the sound of snakes hissing and roaring could be faintly heard from outside the 'Elemental Nest', but the starlight that invaded the 'Elemental Nest' and fell from the 'Elemental Sea' erupted again, directly shaking and shaking the entire 'Elemental Nest' Suppress it.

Obviously, this is the starlight dragon and snake transformed from the starship formation controlled by Chu Yue outside the 'Nest of Elements', once again showing its power.

Under such internal and external suppression, neither the 'Elemental Nest' nor the 'Elemental Sea' could resist anymore. Peng Yue's 'Metal Furnace' was successfully refined into the 'Elemental Sea', producing a large amount of elemental aura and light of chaos. , erupted from this 'melting furnace of all methods', eroding and refining towards the surroundings.

As the origin of the 'Elemental Sea' was eroded and refined, many elemental spirits inside the 'Elemental Nest' who were still fighting, fighting, and resisting became confused. Some were still fighting and fighting, and some gave up resistance. Yes, some escaped from the 'Elemental Nest', and some even directly turned against other elemental spirits.

"Okay!" On the deck of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Peng Yue's nervous expression was completely relaxed at this time. He couldn't hide his joy and said loudly: "Senior Chu, you can stop operating the formation and let go of the enemy." The Nest of Elements' suppression."

Inside the starship, Chu Yue immediately stopped the operation of the 'Dragon and Snake Formation' after hearing Peng Yue's words, and also ended the extraction of the origin and power of the 'Star Spiritual Vein'.

In just a short moment of fighting, they had already extracted and consumed a large amount of the source and power of the 'Star Spirit Vein'. If the time had lasted longer or the battle had been more intense, they might not be able to guarantee the 'Star Spirit Vein'. Pulse's level will no longer drop.

On the starship deck, Liang Ji also withdrew his attention from the 'Nest of Elements' at this time, looked at Peng Yue and asked: "You will take down the 'Nest of Elements' now?"

"No..." Peng Yue shook his head directly and said: "I just laid a mark to ensure that the 'Elemental Nest' will no longer resist, attack us, or escape, but I want to completely refine and capture it. , it will take more time to slowly refine."

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