The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 765 Life-saving grace

The core of the 'Nest of Elements' was suppressed by Peng Yue with the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and it was no longer able to resist or escape.

However, this 'Elemental Nest' is also a seventh-level existence after all. It is the same level as Liang Ji's 'Dragon Snake' starship. Naturally, it is impossible to take this 'Elemental Nest' directly into the starship and take it away. .

At this time, the only option is to tie this 'Elemental Nest' behind the 'Dragon Snake' starship and carry it as a pendant in the void star sea. After returning to the Star Alliance, Peng Yue can invite 'Wanxiang' The high-level Star Master Mentor in the Star Palace took action to help her refine the 'Nest of Elements' so that it would not only be included in her natal stars, but also included in the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

"But at least it can assemble its 'Dragon Snake' starship together. Whether it is to provide power and energy for the 'Dragon Snake' starship, or to provide elemental power and elemental origin for the starship formation, it will not be better than" How much difference does the star spiritual vein have?"

"Furthermore, with this 'Elemental Nest' assembled with the 'Dragon Snake' starship, my family members and my own combat power can also be improved with the help of this 'Elemental Nest'" The improvement is even greater than my occupying and imprinting the origins of several life stars!"

On board the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Peng Yue told Liang Ji the benefits of the 'Nest of Elements'.

Liang Duanyu's eyes lit up when he heard what the other party said, and his face showed joy. Not to mention how much this 'Elemental Nest' has improved Peng Yue's own combat power, it can provide a large amount of energy and the power of the elemental source for the 'Dragon Snake' starship, greatly improving the 'Dragon Snake' starship. 'The starship's combat effectiveness and endurance are undoubtedly worth the amount of energy they spent on the source and avenue of the 'Star Spiritual Vein' to capture it this time.

After all, for the Star Alliance, the 'Star Spiritual Vein' is an extremely important strategic resource. Although the 'Star Spiritual Vein' suppressed in the 'Dragon Snake' starship was discovered and extracted by Liang Ji and others from the outer star sea, but After it is transported back to the Star Alliance, they probably can only sell it to the Star Alliance in exchange for a large amount of merit and spiritual stones.

For this reason, on the way back, the team put almost all their thoughts and energy on the comprehension of the 'Star Spiritual Vein'. They wanted to take advantage of the 'Star Spiritual Vein' in their hands to gain as much insight from it as possible. Income, get more benefits.

But this 'Elemental Nest' is different. It is not a strategic resource of the Star Alliance. It is only of great use to some monks in the Star Alliance. Although it is also an extremely precious thing, with the two mid-level stars Liang Ji and Peng Yue Lord, and coming from the background of Kunlun Star Palace and Wanxiang Star Palace respectively, there is no doubt that there is no problem if they want to keep it and become an important component and trump card of their 'Dragon Snake' starship.

As a result, in the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War" that is about to begin, their combat power will be greatly improved, and they will have strong enough trump cards, which will also greatly affect their performance and battles in the "Pioneering War". There are benefits.

"Perhaps, we can also use this to recruit some experts to join the 'Dragon Snake' starship!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but have more thoughts in his heart.

He and Peng Yue were preparing to make a difference in the Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War', but with their cultivation, strength, and power, it was difficult to recruit some immortals and masters to join the team.

After all, for many third-level immortals, even if they cannot join the team of high-level star lords, they can still choose to join the team of sixth-level star lords, or join the teams of some large companies or large groups, no matter It is undoubtedly more beneficial to their own safety or to earn profits and meritorious deeds in the 'pioneering war'.

How many people can look up to their team with only two fifth-grade star masters? They are still two novices who have just entered the fifth-level star master.

Not to mention the others, in their current expedition team of "Dragon Snake", so far only one human being, Wu Shan, chose to stay and join their team because of the relationship between Wu Shanshan and Liang Ji.

The rest, not to mention Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu, even Chu Yue, although he is also a Sanren, has never expressed that he wants to stay and participate in the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War" with them.

"Perhaps we can talk to Chu Yue again after returning this time? She should be interested in the assembly of the 'Lair of Elements' and the 'Dragon Snake' starship."

A thought passed through Liang Ji's mind. At this time, Peng Yue, with the help of Chu Yue, Xia Wujiu and others, had restrained and suppressed the 'Elemental Nest' with layers of formations, fairy weapons, etc., and dragged it to the 'Dragon Snake' Behind the starship,

Seeing that they had taken care of the 'Nest of Elements' on one side, Mu Qingyuan on the other side also drove the starship over and docked with their starship.

Mu Qingyuan walked out of his starship, came to the deck, and thanked Liang Ji and others in person: "Thank you to Junior Brother Liang and Junior Sister Peng for saving me, and thank you to all the seniors for saving their lives."

Behind Mu Qingyuan were the team members following him, a total of nine people. Although there was no Star Master monk, the nine people were all third-level immortals.

Based on the number and combat power of these immortals alone, the combat power of Mu Qingyuan's starship team even exceeded that of Liang Ji's "Dragon Snake" starship.

This time, the 'Dragon Snake' starship happened to have the 'Star Spiritual Vein' suppressing it, and the 'Elemental Nest' had obviously consumed a huge amount of money in the battle with Mu Qingyuan's starship. Liang Ji and the others took advantage of it.

Therefore, in response to the gratitude of Mu Qingyuan and the immortals behind him, Liang Ji and others returned the favor one after another and said: "Senior Mu is so polite. This time we took advantage of him and picked up this 'Nest of Elements'."

"Senior Mu doesn't blame us for just taking advantage of the difficulties to make a fortune and reap the benefits."

Mu Qingyuan smiled and waved his hands: "It's just a 'nest of elements'. Not to mention that I practice the 'World Tree' inheritance of the Creation Star Palace. This 'nest of elements' doesn't have much effect on me." , On the contrary, Senior Sister Peng Yue was born in the Vientiane Star Palace, so she obviously needs this 'Nest of Elements' more."

"More importantly, compared to the lives of me and my teammates, this 'Elemental Nest' is even less worth it."

"What's more, you won this 'Elemental Nest' yourself."

"Speaking of which, we should also thank you for your life-saving grace." Mu Qingyuan said, pointing to the life star in the void in the distance, and said: "Xuedi Liang, Xuemei Peng, and all seniors, this 'star of life' is Not long after our new discovery, we were attacked by the 'Elemental Nest' before we had time to develop it."

"Now I will transfer this 'Life Star' to you for development and occupation. It can be regarded as a thank you for your life-saving grace."

Liang Ji and others refused after hearing this. They only said that the 'Elemental Nest' was defeated by both parties. They were very satisfied with being able to win the 'Elemental Nest', but they could no longer take away the life stars discovered by the other party's expedition. .

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