The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 774 Changed his mind

Liang Ji was born in the Kunlun Star Palace, and his research and understanding of elemental spiritual crystals is limited, but his research and understanding of divine crystals is quite deep.

Not to mention other things, he consumed a large amount of spiritual crystals in the process of opening up the Jiuquan Underworld and in the process of refining the 'Feng Shen Bang'; the 'divine edicts' contained in the 'Feng Shen Bang' were also modeled after the divine crystals. Become.

He naturally has a deep understanding of the ‘divine crystal’.

Therefore, when Liang Ji saw the 'divine crystal' taken out from the 'Underworld Mountain', Liang Ji quickly understood a lot of information from it.

The mountain spirits of Hades Mountain have completely embarked on the path of Shintoism, completely refining the spiritual crystals into divine crystals, instead of the 'half spiritual crystals and half divine crystals' crystal cores he had seen before.

At the same time, this divine crystal, which was refined from the spiritual crystal, refined and mastered the reincarnation passage in the mountain, and used this to push the 'divine crystal' to its limit, almost only a hair away from the seventh level.

But this is already the limit that the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' can achieve. The 'Tu Yuan Star' is only of the sixth level, which means that it is destined that a seventh-level existence cannot be born within it.

"So, the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' gave up the divine crystal and the divine position, and directly entered reincarnation with the help of refining and control!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but look up, his eyes seemed to be able to pass through the yin and yang, and see the "Tu Yuan Star" from the underworld to the yang world.

From the divine crystal of the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain', Liang Ji could tell that it should not have been many years since the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' entered reincarnation.

Even according to the time calculation, it should be that when Mu Qingyuan and the Nest of Elements were fighting and fighting in the void outside the 'Tu Yuan Star', the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' chose to reincarnate.

"It seems that not all the natives in the 'Tu Yuan Star' are unaware of the battle in the void."

"At least, the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' has noticed the battle in the void with the help of the 'divine crystal' that is only a thin line away from the first level."

"From this point of view, the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' should be regarded as the strongest person in the 'Tu Yuan Star'."

Liang Ji checked the situation in the 'divine crystal' and quickly deduced more information.

"So, the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' was aware of the war in the void and saw the horror and the road ahead of the seventh-level combat power, so he chose to give up his old body and reincarnate, and wanted to walk a new path with a new body and attack the seventh-level again. Realm?"

"Based on this, the reincarnation of the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' is probably already in the earthly world of the 'Tu Yuan Star'. I just don't know whether it chose humanoid natives after reincarnation, or is it still an elemental spirit?"

"I hope he wasn't killed or captured by me and Peng Yue's family members."

"If he hadn't been killed or captured, would the other party have grown to its peak if he had continued to develop normally, and then come to the underworld to retrieve his old body and the 'divine crystal', and combine the two lives to break through the limit, and even take the entire 'earth element' with him?" Xing' broke through the limit and advanced to the seventh level?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but think of the 'ancient legends' among the stars he had seen in the Kunlun Star Palace. Among them, there were many gods, demons, demons, etc. who chose to reincarnate as adults, and then used their human bodies to break the old shackles, thus breaking through limits and breakthroughs. A legend that reaches a new level and even drives the stars where it resides to advance.

In the Star Lord cultivation system, the perfection of the third-level Star Lord requires the Star Lord's soul to enter the natal star and reincarnate, and then drive the star to grow and break the limit, laying the foundation for advancing to the fourth-level star. There is no need to study and imitate the process of similar legends.

Liang Ji's heart was spinning with electric thoughts, but he never expected that he would see such a legendary scene here on the 'Tu Yuan Star'.

The 'Tu Yuan Xing' he encountered unintentionally and unexpectedly gave him more and more surprises.

Thinking of this, Liang Ji suddenly changed his mind. He waved a starlight and hit it on the projection of the 'Fengshen Bang' in the air. Suddenly, the divine light hanging down from the 'Fengshen Bang' projection dispersed and retracted, and he let go of Zhongshan of the 'Underworld Mountain'. The binding and collection of the divine crystal.


Immediately, the shining 'divine crystal' was pulled directly back into the sacred mountain by the divine light erupting from the 'Underworld Mountain' and the power of reincarnation.

The entire ‘Underworld Mountain’ was buzzing and shaking.

"Tao Master?"

Seeing this, Wu Shanshan couldn't help but come to him and bow, and asked with doubts on her face: "But what happened?"

The mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' is not here. As long as Liang Ji uses the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' to capture the 'god crystal', Wu Shanshan and the others can naturally attack and capture it easily.

Even because the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' has completely transformed the spiritual crystal into a divine crystal, although it has reached the sixth level limit and is only a hair away from the seventh level, because it is a complete divine crystal, Liang Ji activated the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' It will only be easier to capture those crystal nuclei that are half spiritual crystal and half divine crystal.

Therefore, Wu Shanshan couldn't help but be confused when she saw that Liang Ji did not continue to collect the 'divine crystal', but instead let go of the 'divine crystal'.

Liang Ji nodded and said directly without any concealment: "The mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' should have been reincarnated, but I want to see his reincarnation and return, and get this old body and the 'divine crystal'. What kind of growth and changes will there be, and will they have any impact on this 'Tu Yuan Star'."

Although Wu Shanshan has always stayed in his natal star, she was also a monk from the Star Alliance's Immortal Tradition. Even after stationing in Liang Ji's natal star, she saw a lot of information and inheritance that she had never seen before. Wait, so he quickly understood what Liang Ji meant.

"The gods reincarnate and lead the stars to advance together? Isn't this a record in many star legends..."

"In that case, this 'Tu Yuan Star' is indeed worthy of observation and study."

Wu Shanshan muttered, and at the same time ordered the rest of the ghosts, gods and ghost soldiers to stop attacking and destroying the 'Underworld Mountain'.

"Master Taoist, if that's the case, we have to take over and operate this 'Tu Yuan Star' ourselves, and no longer contract it to Herborist Group and Shande Building?"

She thought about the issue of dealing with the 'Tu Yuan Star' again and asked in a deep voice.

Liang Ji nodded slightly. Lu Yuetong had told him before that Herborist Group wanted to continue to contract the development and management rights of the 'Tu Yuan Star'. At that time, he was a little tempted, but because it also involved Mu Qingyuan's opinion, he did not Agree directly.

But now, Liang Ji also changed his mind. He looked at Wu Shanshan and said: "There are many surprises in this 'Tu Yuan Star'. It is worth capturing for research. I am preparing to capture it."

"It's just that Star Gate's 'Pioneering War' is only a few years away. I still need to return to the Star Alliance to make the best preparations..."

Wu Shanshan immediately understood what he meant, and immediately bowed and said: "Tao Master, please rest assured, I am willing to stay and take charge of the layout, development and operation of the 'Tu Yuan Star'."

"I must protect and manage this 'Tu Yuan Star' well for Taoist Master."

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