The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 775 Management and Development Rights

In the void outside the 'Tu Yuan Star', within the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

Since Liang Ji had changed his mind and was going to keep this 'Tu Yuan Star' as an object of observation and research, he naturally had to talk to Peng Yue and everyone in the team to get everyone's consent.

After all, they are still a team no matter what, and the fate of the life stars they explore and capture in the void of the outer world requires all members of the team to decide their fate together.

Liang Ji did not hide his discovery in the underworld of the 'Tu Yuan Star', as well as some of his speculations, in order to explain to everyone the reason why he wanted to keep the 'Tu Yuan Star' for research.

Sure enough, after hearing his words and even seeing the sixth-order 'half spiritual crystal and half divine crystal' crystal core he took out, several people in the team also showed interest.

Needless to say, Peng Yue said that the way of elements and elemental spirit crystals were the key to the inheritance of the 'All Things Star Palace' that she practiced. Now that she encountered such materials and examples of turning from spirit crystals to divine crystals, even if she did not pay as much attention to them as Liang Ji did, it was I am quite happy and willing to study it.

After all, the more diverse and special the changes in the elemental spirit crystals, the more likely they are to provide her with more and broader ideas in the research and practice of elemental ways and elemental spirit crystals.

Do some research, why not?

Even though Chu Yue, Wu Shan, and Lu Yuetong were not very interested in the transformation and changes between elemental spiritual crystals and divine crystals, they were all very interested in the advancement of life stars.

After all, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others are all third-level immortals who have reached the end of their cultivation path. If they want to open up a way forward, their biggest hope is the "Earth Immortal Taoism", and now almost all third-level immortals know that the "Earth Immortal Taoism" is trapped 'The biggest bottleneck is how to make the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' be promoted step by step like the star master's natal star, thereby supporting the 'Earth Immortal' to ascend to the position of a first-grade heavenly immortal step by step.

Nowadays, there are many projects in the Star Alliance that are studying various methods and attempts to advance to the stars.

It is Chu Yue who still often participates in the research on the "Sun Altar Formation" of "Yuyang Star", hoping to find opportunities for breakthroughs in star advancement.

However, neither the research on the "Sun Altar Formation" of the "Yuyang Star" nor some other research projects in the Star Alliance have made much progress so far.

In other words, at least in terms of Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Chu Yue and other channels, I haven't heard of any big progress.

But now, everyone unexpectedly encountered an Outland Spiritual Vein Star that was very likely to advance. Naturally, several third-level immortals became very interested.

If we can really figure out the secret of spiritual star advancement and find a way to advance the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', then for Chu Yue, Wu Shan, Lu Yuetong and others, they will have missed the development of the Star Alliance. War' is okay too.

After all, with their cultivation, strength, and power, even if they go all out in the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War", the merits, benefits, and resources they can obtain are limited, and they may not be comparable to those of a spiritual vein that has advanced on its own. The result of research on the stars.

Therefore, the members of the "Dragon Snake" team quickly agreed to Liang Ji's decision to leave the "Tu Yuan Star" to develop and research on his own.

Even Chu Yue and Lu Yuetong intend to stay and preside over the development and research of the 'Tu Yuan Star', waiting for the return of the reincarnated mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' to see if they can lead to the promotion of the 'Tu Yuan Star'.

Hearing this, Liang Ji hurriedly smiled and said: "That's not necessary. I have left Wu Shanshan behind, and she will lead the family to develop and observe the 'Tu Yuan Star'. We can continue to return to the Star Alliance to fight for the Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War' prepare for."

"This way, there will be no delay for both parties. Wu Shanshan will notify me once the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' is reincarnated and returns. I will inform you all at that time, and we will look for an opportunity to come back together to observe the changes in the 'Tu Yuan Star'."

After hearing his words, everyone in the team had different expressions. Lu Yuetong immediately agreed to this arrangement. Although she benefited a lot because she was from the 'Herborist Group', she also lost a lot of freedom.

Just like this Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War', Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan, and Chu Yue are all free agents and can decide for themselves whether to participate in the war and how to participate.

But for example, Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu were from large groups such as Herborist Group and Shandelou. At this time, they must obey the arrangements of the group and company, join their ranks, and participate in the 'pioneering war'.

It can be said that there are advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, even if Lu Yuetong wanted to stay, it would actually be difficult to develop and research the 'Tu Yuan Star'.

Wu Shan was only slightly worried about the safety of leaving Wu Shanshan alone to manage and develop the 'Tu Yuan Star'. Liang Ji explained that he would leave enough family members to help, and after the management and development arrangements were completed, he would transfer her back to her natal star. , just made him feel a little relieved.

Chu Yue, on the other hand, looked hesitant and couldn't decide for a while. Finally, he decided to visit the 'Tu Yuan Star' in person and observe it before making a decision.

Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong also became interested after hearing this, and prepared to enter the 'Tu Yuan Star', especially the underworld, to observe.

Liang Ji had no objection. When they entered Tu Yuan Star for sightseeing and observation, he contacted Senior Mu Qingyuan on the other side of the starship and asked for their opinions on the development of Tu Yuan Star. wait.

As he expected, the other party had mined enough spiritual stones in the 'Tu Yuan Star' to replenish the starship's spiritual stones and energy reserves. Now they were rushing back to the Star Alliance and did not stay to slowly operate and develop it. The meaning of 'Tu Yuan Xing'.

According to what the other party said, if Liang Ji and others were not interested, he was going to contact the family and ask the family to recruit a team to develop and operate it.

Also during the exchange, Liang Ji confirmed his previous guess. Although Mu Qingyuan was not from a high-level Star Lord family, there were many Star Lords in the family, and they had run many companies and groups in the Star Alliance, and even There are many Outland Stars operating in Outland Star Sea, which can be regarded as a wealthy family.

His family also has a complete and mature plan for the management and development of life stars in the outer world.

Liang Ji didn't hide anything after hearing this, and directly explained some of his discoveries, indicating that his team was very interested in the 'Tu Yuan Star' and was ready to capture it for management and development.

As for concealing the other party's discoveries and speculations in the 'Tu Yuan Star', Liang Ji thinks it is completely unnecessary.

For the sake of a 'Tu Yuan Xing' who didn't know whether he could be promoted, he rejected a friend who was originally a life-saving grace and could be a better student of the star master of the fortune palace, and also had a rich and powerful family. Ji doesn't seem worth it at all.

Therefore, Liang Ji explained the situation directly, and then discussed with the other party the management and development rights of 'Tu Yuan Star'.

They can either jointly develop and research with the Mu Qingyuan family, or they can use some resources to buy the development and management rights from the other party. It is entirely up to the other party to decide.

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