The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 777 The restrictions of the ascetic monks Wu Shanshan stayed behind

Although the third-grade Immortal and the third-grade Void Refining Star Master are both in the third-grade realm, their cultivation and strength are very different.

Third-level high-level star masters can already refine the void into reality, move stars, and repair galaxies. However, most third-level immortals have difficulty moving even some of the larger stars in the void. At most, they have to use all their strength to smash them, let alone It is said that refining the void becomes the truth and repairs the galaxy.

The reason lies in the mastery of the source and the power of the Great Law.

High-level star master monks have their natal stars as their foundation and background. They can grasp and operate the origin of the entire natal stars and the power of the law of the great road. They can use the power of seventh-level or higher stars as pry bars to pry and move other stars, as long as they are not High-level stars such as eighth-level and ninth-level stars are naturally very easy to do.

However, the power of the origins and laws of the great way that third-level immortals can grasp and operate is very limited. They rely entirely on their own practice and insights. Often, it takes more than three thousand years of life to comprehend and master the power of the origins and laws. I'm afraid it's even harder than some low-level stars.

Therefore, if they are allowed to move the stars with their own power, how can they succeed?

However, after all, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Xia Wujiu and others have also comprehended the 'Star Spirit Veins' for several years, and the power of their origins and laws that they have understood and mastered has also greatly increased. This time, they arranged the star map in the 'Tu Yuan Star' galaxy. Although it is still difficult for the Grand Formation to refine the void into reality and repair the galaxy, it can barely do it by verifying the power of the source, the power of the law and the avenue that it has mastered, carving the stars, and pushing some satellites and small stars. .

With the successful deployment of the 'Star Map Array', it was smoother and better arranged than the previous arrangements, which made Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others quite satisfied.

"What a pity!" Seeing that the 'Star Map Array' was activated, connected with the Star Alliance's innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array', and successfully opened the 'Starlight Gate' to be transmitted to the Star Alliance, Wu Shan's face suddenly changed with joy. Slightly restrained, he sighed and said: "The comprehension of the 'Star Spiritual Vein' has its limitations. We heretical immortals do not have the natal stars as the foundation and restraint of the Tao. If we comprehend the 'Star Spiritual Vein' too deeply and for too long, it will It is easy to be swallowed up by the 'star spiritual vein', and the Tao will be transformed into it!"

"Otherwise, the ascetic may not be a different path."

Liang Ji was not surprised when he heard this. If it weren't for the limitations and limits of comprehending the 'star spiritual veins', many third-level immortals in the Star Alliance would have gone to the outer star sea to destroy some life stars and seize the star spiritual veins for enlightenment. Practiced.

No matter how strict the laws of the Star Alliance are, how can they control the boundless void and countless stars in the outer star sea?

As for the limitations and limits, Liang Ji is also very clear. Above the third-level cultivation of the Star Master monk is the second-level Hedao. It can be seen that the path of cultivation must eventually follow the path of first Hedao and then detachment.

Star Lord monks can combine their own natal stars and then transcend to become a first-class heavenly immortal. This is safer and easier.

But even so, every year in the Star Alliance, there are many high-level star masters who fail to merge with the Tao, and the Tao is transformed into their natal stars.

At the beginning, the 'Giant Shark Star' that Liang Ji entered when he was a first-order star master was the natal star left by a failed star master; and his current mentor in the Kunlun Star Palace, the 'Red Jade Mentor' ’, and has been cultivating in harmony with the natal stars for decades, but no more news has been released so far, which makes people worried.

This is the case for the high-level star masters of the Star Master Taoist lineage. If these third-level heretical immortals understand the 'star spiritual veins' too deeply, how can they escape the danger of 'integration of the Tao' and then 'Tao transformation'?

"Okay! The 'Starlight Gate' has been successfully tested and can be transmitted directly to the Star Alliance. The layout of the 'Star Map Array' has been successfully completed."

At this time, Chu Yue presided over the test of the operation of the ‘Star Map Array’ and came to join a few people and said:

"With the protection of this 'Star Map Array' and the 'Starlight Gate' that can be transmitted at any time for support, there is no problem in occupying and operating the 'Tu Yuan Star'."

"Not bad." At this time, Xia Wujiu also came over, looked at a few people and said: "We have been delayed here on the 'Tu Yuan Star' for almost two years, and there are only a few years left before the Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War'. It’s better to start again and return to the Covenant as soon as possible.”

Xia Wujiu and Lu Yuetong were both members of large companies and large groups. When the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War" broke out, they would all have tasks assigned by the companies and groups, so they urgently needed to rush back to the Star Alliance before the "Pioneering War" broke out.

And they were unwilling to give up their understanding of the 'Star Spirit Vein', otherwise it would be a good idea to directly teleport back to the Star Alliance through the 'Star Map Array' arranged in the 'Tu Yuan Star' galaxy at this time.

At this time, all they could do was urge the 'Dragon Snake' starship to set off quickly and take the starship back to the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard the words. Both he and Peng Yue had imprinted the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' and the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' into the origin of the 'Tu Yuan Star', and could seize the star origin of the 'Tu Yuan Star' at any time to make up for the shortcomings of their own stars. Source consumption.

At the same time, he also left Wu Shanshan and enough family members to cooperate with Wu Shanshan in the development and operation of "Tu Yuan Star"; Peng Yue also left some family members in "Tu Yuan Star" , not only to develop various elemental spiritual objects and resources, but also to enhance and cooperate with Wu Shanshan's combat power.

Coupled with the protection of the 'Star Map Array' and the transmission of the 'Starlight Gate', at least there is no need to worry too much about safety.

However, he still looked at Wu Shan and asked what he meant.

Wu Shan had been quite worried about leaving Wu Shanshan alone here before. If the other party wanted to stay and sit in the "Tu Yuan Star" and accompany Wu Shanshan, it would naturally be fine.

Wu Shan nodded slightly at this time and said: "Let's set off and return to the Star Alliance. I will go with the starship."

"I have talked with Shanshan here. She now also has a fifth-level cultivation. She can also mobilize the power of the source and avenue in the natal stars of Fellow Daoist Liang, and cooperate with the family members left by Fellow Daoist Liang and Fellow Dao Peng, as well as the 'Star Map Formation' Guarding is enough to protect yourself even if you are attacked by a seventh-level enemy."

As he spoke, he shook his head slightly and said, "The path of cultivation ultimately depends on myself, and I should let her go on her own."

Wu Shanshan is the only descendant left by the human immortal Wu Shan. She was almost beaten to death because she offended the star master monk. Senior Wu Shan finally managed to save a little bit of his soul, and relied on stationed in Liang Ji's natal star to accept the "God List" 'Feng was granted by the gods, practiced the immortal Taoism, and nourished with the power of incense and the origin of the natal stars, and he was rescued with difficulty.

Because of this, the immortal Wu Shan has taken great care of Wu Shanshan over the years and has been watching over her carefully, for fear that she would have problems again.

Otherwise, Wu Shan, an experienced human immortal monk, would not have stayed in Liang Ji and Peng Yue's team, accompanying them on their adventures in the outer regions, or even participating in the Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War'. Remain firmly in the ranks of Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

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