The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 778 An attempt

In the boundless void and vast sea of ​​stars, the 'Dragon Snake' starship turned into starlight and flew into the void.

After arranging everything for the Tu Yuan Star and leaving Wu Shanshan to lead a group of family members to stay and operate, Liang Ji and others did not delay any more and directly drove the "Dragon Snake" starship and set off again, rushing towards the Star Alliance. .

After Wu Shan and Chu Yue boarded the starship, they immersed themselves in understanding and researching the 'star spiritual veins'.

Peng Yue, on the other hand, besides comprehending and studying the 'Star Spiritual Vein', also spent a lot of time entering the 'Elemental Nest' bound at the back of the starship to comprehend, practice, practice, etc.

For Peng Yue, perhaps this seventh-level 'Elemental Nest' is a more important and more suitable treasure than the 'Star Spiritual Veins' in the starship.

What she gained from comprehending and refining the 'Elemental Nest' may be more than what she gained from comprehending the 'Star Spirit Veins'.

Liang Ji was currently in the cabin, communicating with Wu Shanshan, who stayed behind at Tu Yuan Star, through his natal stars and the 'Feng Shen Bang', and learned about the development and operation of 'Tu Yuan Star'.

The layout of the 'Star Map Array' has been completed. Some forces and monks within the Star Alliance, as long as they get permission from the 'Tu Yuan Star', can quickly resist the 'Tu Yuan Star' through the transmission of the 'Starlight Gate', mine and purchase Resources, spiritual materials, etc. produced in 'Tu Yuan Star'.

The speed is much faster than Liang Ji and the others returning to the Star Alliance on the "Dragon Snake" starship.

According to the contact between Liang Ji and Wu Shanshan, Shandelou and Herborist Group have sent people to arrive at Tu Yuan Star via the Starlight Gate and begin to participate in the development and operation of Tu Yuan Star.

Although, Liang Ji and the others did not contract out the development and management rights of the 'Tu Yuan Star' this time, but kept it themselves. However, according to the investment agreement Liang Ji signed with the two companies, the two companies also have priority to participate in some operating and mining activities of 'Tu Yuan Star'.

For example, the Herborist Group has identified and contracted hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land in the 'Tu Yuan Star', preparing to turn it into a spiritual field to plant spiritual herbs, elixirs, and spiritual plants.

As Lu Yuetong said before, the power of the earth element of this 'Tu Yuan Star' is extremely strong and active. It is really an excellent place to cultivate spiritual fields and plant spiritual medicines, spiritual herbs, spiritual plants, etc.

Although the Herborist Group did not obtain the management rights of 'Tu Yuan Star' this time and could not directly transform it into a 'Medicine Star', according to the investment agreement originally signed, it was still necessary to enclose hundreds of thousands of acres of land in the Star for medicinal fields. No problem.

Even Shan Delou has sent out personnel to search and investigate everywhere on the 'Tu Yuan Star' to see if there are some unique spiritual plants, monsters, etc. that are not found elsewhere on the 'Tu Yuan Star'.

Such spiritual plants, monster beasts, etc., which are special products among the stars in the outer world, are often very popular as spiritual food materials when transported to the Star Alliance.

Shandelou started with spiritual meals, and now its biggest business is still spiritual meals. Naturally, it will not let go of these spiritual meal materials that are unique to the stars in the outer world.

Liang Ji contacted Wu Shanshan and learned about the actions of Herborist Group and Shande Building in the "Tu Yuan Star". He told the other party that there was no need to interfere too much in the actions of the two companies, and they only needed to pay attention to one or two things.

Both companies have signed investment agreements with Liang Ji, and they have always cooperated happily. He does not want to destroy such a good cooperative relationship. He believes that the two companies will not easily cross the line without great interests or important reasons. , destroying good cooperation.

After all, Liang Ji's cultivation is rising day by day, and he has a background in Kunlun Star Palace, so it is worthy for the two companies to continue to make friends. Especially since the two companies have invested a lot in him, if they give up easily, they will suffer even more losses.

After learning about the management and development of the 'Tu Yuan Star', Liang Ji asked Wu Shanshan about the search for the reincarnation of the mountain god in the 'Underworld Mountain'.

This is the important purpose of Liang Ji leaving the other party in the 'Tuyuan Star'. If they can find the reincarnation of the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain', they will not be able to interfere in his growth and practice, try to guide the other party to break through the limit, or even It is an attempt to guide 'Tu Yuan Xing' to break through its limits and advance to the seventh level.

This is the best way to observe and study the 'Tu Yuan Star', and it is also the way to obtain the most research data and information.

Wu Shanshan, as a ghost and deity enshrined by Liang Ji with the "Feng Shen Bang", and the projection of the "Feng Shen Bang" is imprinted in the origin of the "Tu Yuan Star", can directly contact and mobilize the power of the origin of the "Tu Yuan Star" and even the power of the law of reincarnation.

Undoubtedly, it is the most suitable to find and identify the reincarnation of the mountain god of ‘Underworld Mountain’.

Unfortunately, Wu Shanshan has been searching for the 'Tu Yuan Star' for many days, but has not found anything useful yet.

I don’t know if the mountain god of the ‘Underworld Mountain’ has not been reincarnated yet, or if there is something wrong with the other party’s reincarnation and he has already died and disappeared in the reincarnation?

Or maybe the other party was reincarnated and became a new earth elemental spirit, and was then killed or captured by them?

Thoughts flashed through Liang Ji's mind and then put down. He could only tell Wu Shanshan to continue searching for the reincarnation of the mountain god of the "Underworld Mountain" in the "Tu Yuan Star".

In a sense, the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain' is almost the son of luck of the 'Tu Yuan Star'. It is an existence that is most likely to promote the advancement of the 'Tu Yuan Star'. It must have special powers on the 'Tu Yuan Star'. With little luck, Liang Ji did not believe that the other party would easily fall into reincarnation, or be killed or captured by them.

He even believed that the other party had been reincarnated, but he was still hiding among the many creatures of the "Tu Yuan Star" and was protected by the luck of the "Tu Yuan Star", so he had not been discovered.

After ending his contact with Wu Shanshan, Liang Ji withdrew his mind and consciousness from the 'Tu Yuan Star', but his face was thoughtful.

This time, he left Wu Shanshan in the 'Tu Yuan Star' and led the family members to be responsible for the management of the 'Tu Yuan Star'. In addition to finding the reincarnation of the mountain god of the 'Underworld Mountain', it was not an attempt.

If the management of the 'Tu Yuan Star' is successful this time, after he explores the outer star sea and discovers more life stars, he may not be able to use similar methods to manage and develop them.

After all, as long as he continues to grow, he will definitely be able to find and occupy more life stars in the outer star sea in the future. They cannot all be developed and operated like the "Behemoth Stars" by Shan Delou and Herborist Group.

Then it really becomes working for two big companies.

As for the family, it is not growing as fast as him. It is not known how long it will take to develop and operate these foreign stars by relying on the family's strength.

So we can only try to rely on Wu Shanshan and her family to develop and operate it.

"But if this attempt succeeds, we will try to recruit and station more immortal Taoist monks in the natal stars."

"In this regard, perhaps we can start from the family."

"There are always some people in the tribe who cannot continue on their path of cultivation, or who are about to expire. They can try to be consecrated as ghosts, gods, and earth beings, and follow the path of gods and immortals..."

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