The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 781: Manage connections, win over and care for each other

The origin of first-order stars is limited, and the second-order stars have not opened up the underworld. Only the third-order stars have opened up the underworld. In the origin of stars, the laws of the great road are both yin and yang.

It can be said that Liang Ji and Peng Yue want to seize the origin of the spiritual vein stars in the outer world to supplement the consumption of their own natal star origin, and third-level stars are the minimum requirement.

If not, Liang Ji doubted that other traders in the Star Alliance would directly use the first- and second-order spiritual vein stars from the outer domain to fool them.

But for Liang Ji and Peng Yue, this was enough. After all, they just sold a piece of information and coordinates. It was impossible for others to trade with them for any good or high-level spiritual vein stars.

Shandelou and Herborist Group are willing to provide two fifth-level spiritual vein stars to supply their star origins, mostly because of their good cooperation. The two companies also want to continue to maintain or even deepen this cooperation.

To a certain extent, it can also be regarded as an investment.

"With these eight outer realm spiritual vein stars, plus the Wooden Meteor Star, the Three Saint Stars, the Behemoth Star, and the Earth Element Star, I will have twelve stars that can seize the source of the stars for the recovery of the natal stars."

"In this case, my ghosts, gods, and earth creatures can fight for a longer time, and the dragon, human, star spirit, and half-step soul can also manifest for a long time, but it still needs to be verified."

Liang Ji's thoughts turned around.

Know yourself and your enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger. He needs to familiarize himself with the limits of his power as quickly as possible before the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War" begins, as well as how long his extreme power can last.

"It just so happens that the sacrificial refining of the natal magic weapon 'Xuanhuang Pagoda' has also reached a bottleneck. After I go back this time, I will try to see how long the combination of the dragon-human star spirit and the half-step soul can last..."

On the extraterrestrial stars of the Herborist Group, Liang Ji and Peng Yue each used the projection of the 'Fengshenbang' and the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' to integrate into the origin of the stars. They each tried and operated to confirm that they could successfully seize the origin of the stars. They were both satisfied. The nodded.

The number and quality of star sources that the fifth-level spiritual vein stars can seize are far beyond what the previous third-level spiritual vein stars can compare with.

"Thank you Daoyou Feng. Thank you Herborist Group." After Liang Ji confirmed that it was correct, he thanked the other party again and said with a smile: "Our cooperation with Herborist Group has been very pleasant, and we will definitely be able to cooperate better and more deeply in the future."

"For example, in the 'Pioneering War' that is about to begin, everyone can continue to cooperate in depth."

After hearing his words, the female cultivator surnamed Feng's eyes lit up and she asked with a smile: "Is Fellow Daoist Liang willing to lead the 'Dragon Snake' team to join our Herborist Group in the 'Pioneering War'?"

Liang Ji heard the words and said with a smile: "A large company like Herborist must have huge and detailed plans and arrangements in the Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War'. As outsiders, we are afraid of disrupting your group's plans by joining it rashly." It’s not good.”

Hearing what he said, the female cultivator surnamed Feng was not surprised. Liang Ji's attitude towards the Herborist Group had been known very clearly through Lu Yuetong. If he was interested in joining the Herborist Group, he would have already joined through Lu Yuetong's introduction, and there was no need to wait until now.

At this time, Liang Ji took out some spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, blood essence and other resources obtained from the Behemoth Star and the Tu Yuan Star, handed it over and said: "Fellow Daoist Feng, we are small in number and weak in power. We are in the Star Alliance's pioneering war." "Zhongya doesn't dare to expect to participate in any big actions or plans, or to gain any big gains. I am very satisfied to be able to drink some soup behind big companies and groups like you."

"At that time, I hope that Fellow Daoist Feng can say a few words of kindness to your group and take more care of us."

Although the female cultivator surnamed Feng is also an intermediate star master cultivator, she is not from the Star Alliance Star Palace. Although she works in a large company like Herborist Group, she cannot go to the outer lands to explore, search for the resources and inheritance of the outer realms' spiritual vein stars, etc. , even now in this twin star system, they are still under the protection of the Star Alliance's "Star Map Formation".

Although she can also obtain some external resources and inheritance through the Herborist Group, they are limited after all, so the external spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, blood essence, etc. sent by Liang Ji are exactly what the other party needs.

Therefore, the female cultivator surnamed Feng did not refuse and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Liang, you are too polite. We have always cooperated very happily. I believe it will be the same in the 'Pioneering War'."

But he agreed, and Liang Ji also looked happy.

Although he intends to form a team with Peng Yue to act alone in the 'Pioneering War', he also has a clear understanding of his own strength. It is impossible to compare with the big groups and forces in the Star Alliance, and naturally it is impossible. Charge forward and seize the maximum benefit.

More often than not, it is better to follow behind or beside these large companies, large groups, and even the Covenant Legion, and pick up some oil and water, which is enough for them to digest and profit.

Therefore, not only Herborist Group, but also Shande Building and others, Liang Ji has many business connections. Even two team members, Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu, were about to leave and return to their respective companies. Liang Ji also gave generous gifts for convenience. It is to build more connections in the two companies in order to get more care during the 'Pioneering War'.

In fact, Liang Ji also had many contacts and business connections not only with the two large companies, but also with the Third Pioneer Corps.

He has received news that in this Star Alliance's "exploitation war", some troops from the Third Expansion Army will also participate. If you manage your relationship well, you will be taken care of more in the 'Pioneering War'.

A little something leaked from the hands of these large companies, large groups, and Star Gate Development Corps would be enough for small teams like Liang Ji and Peng Yue to make a lot of money.

Fortunately, Liang Ji has been cooperating very well with Shandelou and Herborist Group over the years. He also has good relationships with Jiang Ting, Liu Yuanling, and the Second Star Port Team in the Third Expansion Corps.

Therefore, it is going well during this time to manage contacts and seek cooperation and care in the 'Pioneering War'.

Basically got satisfactory answers.

After completing the imprint of the last outer star, Liang Ji and Peng Yue teleported back to the Star Alliance through the 'Starlight Gate'.

At the same time, they also received news from Wu Shan, Lu Yuetong, and Xia Wujiu. When they received eight spiritual vein stars in various outer regions, the three of them had already harvested the stars from the outer regions, mainly in the stars. The harvest and sales of the Fallen field have been processed.

In fact, Shandelou and Herborist Group had already booked most of these harvests, so they were processed very quickly.

At this time, the three of them had already transmitted the harvested spirit stones, merits, materials, etc. through the star network to everyone in the team according to the distribution plan previously discussed by the team.

Liang Ji changed the delivery address to Serpentis in the Star Network and started directly on the way home.

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