The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 782 War Atmosphere Restless Star Alliance

Penglai Star Territory, Serpentine Star.

When Liang Ji and Peng Yue returned this time, they did not take a slow trip back on the starship like last time. Instead, they directly took the teleportation of the 'Starlight Gate' and returned to Serpentis in just a few days.

There are less than three years until the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War", and many actions and war preparations in the Star Alliance have already been put into operation.

The war is about to begin, food and grass go first!

Returning to the Serpentine Star at this time, Liang Ji discovered that several airports in the void outside the Serpentis Star were very busy now. Various starships and starships were coming in and out, transporting monks, supplies, etc., and they were extremely busy.

It was far beyond what he had seen on Serpentis before.

Moreover, Liang Ji could see that most of the starships and starships coming in and out were carrying the banners of senior members of the Star Alliance, legions, and some large companies and organizations.

They are different from the commercial starships and starships that usually carry passengers and cargo. These incoming and outgoing starships and starships are equipped with complete and exquisite formations and restrictions. The "Dragon Snake" starship is not less than generous, and even exceeds many.

Obviously, these starships and starships are real weapons of war, and they are the real heritage of some legions, big companies, and big forces in the Star Alliance.

Although the pioneering war has not yet begun, the atmosphere of war has already enveloped the Covenant.

Even the Serpent Star is no exception. After all, the Serpent Star is also a ninth-level spiritual star in the Star Alliance. It also contains and cultivates some high-level spiritual materials, resources, etc., which can be used in the development war. , and now they are constantly deployed abroad to prepare for the upcoming war.

Entering the Sky Snake Star, from Sky Snake City to Xiu Snake City, Liang Ji and Peng Yue rode the spaceship summoned from the natal star. The monks also seemed to be busier, with expressions of joy or surprise on their faces, and a sense of restlessness seemed to emerge among the stars.

By now, the news that the Star Alliance is about to start a new 'Pioneering War' is already known to almost everyone in the star fields and stars of the Star Alliance.

Even in the Serpentine Star, many low-level heretic monks, young people who have just entered the practice, etc. are also aware of this news.

Naturally, these people will inevitably want to profit from it and get some benefits.

However, if fifth-level Star Master monks like Liang Ji and Peng Yue, who were born in the Star Palace, want to enjoy some leftovers and get some scraps from the 'Pioneering War', they have to prepare decades in advance and painstakingly manage their connections. Looking for more spiritual stars to leave imprints, so I don't have much confidence that I will gain much in the 'Pioneering War'.

The vast number of middle and low-level heretic monks in the Serpentis Star are not even third-grade immortals, and they are not worthy of being recruited by many forces and teams that will join the 'Pioneering War'. They want to gain benefits from this 'Pioneering War' , the benefits of earning are naturally more difficult.

These people can't even leave Serpentis, let alone the Star Alliance and join the real pioneering army.

However, in a pioneering war of the Star Alliance, the places where benefits can be obtained are definitely not only in the outer star seas and star field battlefields developed by the army. It can only be said that it is the easiest place to obtain benefits and merits, and the place where the greatest benefits and merits can be obtained. .

A massive war with far-reaching implications. Naturally, the areas that can be affected and profited are far beyond the battlefields and star fields developed in the outer regions.

Even within the Star Alliance, various star regions, many monks, and small forces can all share the benefits in such a large-scale war.

Of course, people like Liang Ji and Peng Yue can drink some leftover soup and pick up some leftovers during the war.

So what these monks and small forces within the Star Alliance get are basically the residue filtered by others, or even pot water.

After all, for the monks and major forces who participated in the pioneering war, the real good things obtained on the battlefield and in the outer star field must be left to themselves for digestion first, and only those things they don’t like will be allowed to flow into the Star Alliance, allowing them to These middle and low-level monks and small forces are fighting for and digesting it.

But for these middle and low-level monks and small forces, it is by providing services to these big forces and monks participating in the war at the rear, producing war materials, resources, etc., in order to obtain the residues and pot-washing pots that these big forces and monks despise. Water is enough to make a lot of money and eat well.

After all, these middle and low-level heretic monks, small forces, etc. have small bodies and cannot bear and digest much.

It is also for this reason that most of the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War" from top to bottom, from many big forces to middle- and low-level monks, are supportive.

Even in the Serpentis Star, these low- and middle-level monks and small forces are quite agitated, and the atmosphere of war is becoming increasingly intense. However, their faces cannot hide their joy, and in their conversations, they all look forward to being able to open up the war. How much can you gain from it, and can you reach the realm of a third-level immortal?

However, there are almost no people or strength who are anxious about this pioneering war and oppose it.

This is also the self-confidence and pride cultivated by the Star Alliance over hundreds of thousands of years of continuous development and expansion, dominating the void star sea, and has penetrated into the blood and spiritual souls of the Star Alliance monks and ordinary people.

"You will be happy when you hear about the war! This is the atmosphere of a super-level civilization. You only regard the war as a gluttonous feast, and don't worry about the casualties involved, let alone failure!"

In the Jiaotu spaceship, Liang Ji saw that Xiu Snake City was busy and restless. The faces of many low-level monks and ordinary people could not hide their joy, cheering for the "opening up war" that was about to begin. Jin sighed.

"This is the confidence and pride of the Star Alliance! No matter what the war is, our Star Alliance will never fail!"

On the side, Peng Yue was riding a "furnace" spaceship. Hearing Liang Ji's sigh, Peng Yue smiled with a bit of confidence and pride on his face.

Obviously, Peng Yue's confidence and pride in pioneering the war are much greater and heavier than those of the numerous middle and low-level monks and ordinary people in the lower city.

Seeing this, Liang Ji nodded slightly and said no more. He changed the subject and said, "Now that all the preparations are almost complete, after I go home and explain, I will prepare to pack up the many war materials and resources that I have prepared and send them to you." Let’s go to the starship Dragon Snake.”

Peng Yue also nodded in agreement, and the two of them immediately took the spaceship and sailed directly to Xiu She City.

Xiu She City also set up a protective formation. As soon as the two people's spacecraft approached, they were immediately inspected and questioned by the guardian formation, and their identities were verified. Liang Ji and Liang Ji were both Xing Gong Xing master monks from Xiu She City, so they were considered Snake Xiu. He is the pride of the city and has close contacts with many high-level officials in Xiu She City. Naturally, he passed the verification easily and directly entered the city on a spaceship and flew to the door of his respective family.

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