The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 783: Edicting Relatives and Friends

"...In the name of the Emperor of Heaven, Liang Hu is granted the title of the fifth-grade Qingchi Jinfeng City City God, and he is in charge of Jinfeng City and the surrounding three hundred miles..."

"...In the name of the Emperor of Heaven, the beams are sealed as the fifth-grade green imperial edict of Chunbaicheng City God, and he is in charge of Chunbaicheng City and the surrounding three hundred miles..."


"...In the name of the Emperor of Heaven, Wang Tao is granted the title of Fifth-Rank Qing Jingwu Judge Ghost and God..."

Among the natal stars, Liang Ji unfolded the 'Apotheosis of Gods List' and was conducting a new round of consecration of gods in the yin and yang realms of the natal stars. As the oracle of his conferment of gods fell, blue divine edicts flew out from the 'Apotheosis of Gods List'. Falling into the old souls below.

The next moment, divine light burst out, shaping the divine body on these souls, and the divine light was intertwined into crowns, divine robes, divine weapons and other equipment.

In a short time, each of these old souls became much younger, and their divine power and aura reached the fifth level, stirring up the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, with unparalleled power.

This is the monk of the Immortal Taoism. As long as a divine decree enters the body and there is enough power of incense belief, even the soul that is already old, approaching the end of its life, and very weak can transform into a young man in an instant and master unparalleled power. Divine power, cultivation, and strength even surpassed those in life.

Of course, if you are a cultivator of the Immortal Taoism in the Star Alliance who relies on your own practice, you also need to work hard to cultivate and plan the power of incense belief. Otherwise, if the power of incense belief is insufficient and the practice is insufficient, even if there is a 'divine decree', you will often fail. It is difficult to be promoted, and once your life span is over, you will also die of old age.

Only now can we throw ourselves into the stars of the Star Lord who controls the 'Bang of Conferred Gods', and directly accept the divine edict from the Star Lord of the 'Bang of Conferred Gods'. From then on, our lives and paths are controlled by the Star Lord, and are tied to the Star Lord's natal stars. Only when we are united can we practice and advance to the divine decree without having to work hard on our own practice and the power of incense and faith.

After all, the star master's natal star can provide them with the most abundant power of incense and faith, and the star master can also directly improve their 'divine edict' and their cultivation level.

In this way, it can be regarded as exchanging life and death, freedom and path in exchange for survival and future.

Most people don't want to choose, and most star owners won't accept it.

This time, Liang Ji decided to select some people who were nearing the end of their lifespan and had no hope of future among their family members and friends to introduce them to him because of the upcoming "Pioneering War" and the urgent need to strengthen the combat power of the dependents and gods in the natal star. Among the stars, he was enshrined as ghosts, gods and earthly beings, and practiced the Taoism of gods and immortals, cooperating with him to run the origin and avenue of his own stars, and in the subsequent "opening war", he could better lead his family members, ghost soldiers, etc. to fight and manage.

Of course, it is also because these people are all relatives and friends of Liang Ji, and they are basically either surnamed Liang or Wang. They are related to Liang Ji and his parents within five generations, so both parties can rest assured.

Liang Ji felt relieved and allowed these people to enter his natal star and conferred them as gods.

And these people can also safely accept Liang Ji's edict, at least leaving their lives and paths in the hands of their relatives, without worrying about being casually used as cannon fodder or even consumables.

Soon, Liang Ji completed the "God List" and conferred dozens of relatives and friends to gods in the underworld of Jiuquan and the Yang world of stars. He then left behind the inheritance of the "Shenxian Dao Tradition" so that they could practice among the stars and become familiar with the gods. strength.

After all, although the strength, origin, and practice of these gods who are enshrined in the stars of their natal stars are all in the 'divine edict' granted by Liang Ji, and they do not need to work too hard or practice hard, they still need to be familiar with the Taoism of the gods. All kinds of inheritance, methods, and techniques must be familiar with the power of the gods.

Liang Ji's imperial edict was not to let them retire and enjoy happiness in their own natal stars, but to use the inheritance and methods of the immortal Taoism they practiced to enhance the combat and management capabilities of their natal stars and their dependents. Naturally, they cannot be allowed to do so. They are too relaxed.

Even after these relatives, friends and gods became familiar with the inheritance and methods of the immortal Taoism, Liang Ji was going to send more inheritances such as the Tao of Formation, the Tao of Tools, the Tao of Talismans, and the Tao of Alchemy for them to learn and study. After all, they don't need to practice and have a lot of time. It would be good to study and study the inheritance of these skills.

If you can cultivate a great master of skills, whether it is Dan Dao, Weapon Dao, Formation Dao, Talisman Dao, etc.

During these decades of exploration in the outer realm, Liang Ji had a profound insight into the level of great masters of formation, weapon, and alchemy such as Chu Yue, Xia Wujiu, and Lu Yuetong, as well as their role in the outer star sea and the outer spiritual stars. .

It was difficult for Liang Ji to keep Chu Yue, Xia Wujiu, and Lu Yuetong by his side, so he could only find a way to cultivate his own master of skills in his own star.

Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, it is still a direction to try and work hard.

After the imperial seal was over, Liang Ji's soul returned to its true form. The dragon soul that circled above the natal star raised its head and let out a dragon roar, flew into the natal star and went straight to its origin to merge with the "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" and transform into a dragon-human star spirit form.

At the same time, the soul in the body merges with the Nascent Soul and turns into a half-step Yuanshen.

He first experienced in detail the consumption of the source of the natal stars by the two states, and now that the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' slowly gathered the source of the stars from the twelve spiritual stars in the outer star sea, it supplemented the consumption of the source of the natal stars. .

"Just by simply maintaining the state of the dragon-human star spirit and half-step soul, the consumption and replenishment have not yet reached a balance, but there is not much difference."

Liang Ji sensed and observed it and nodded slightly, quite satisfied.

"However, once the dragon-human star spirit fights with the half-step soul, the consumption of the source of the stars will be even greater, and the replenishment of this source is still far from enough."

"Not to mention, the strongest form of the dragon-human star spirit and the half-step soul."

With a thought in his mind, Liang Ji's 'half-step soul' directly escaped into the natal stars and merged with the dragon star spirit.

Sure enough, even if nothing is done at this time, the consumption of the source of the natal stars will double in an instant. The source replenishment of the twelve outer realm spiritual stars can no longer keep up with this consumption.

"It is still necessary to imprint more spiritual vein stars from the outside world to use as natal stars to supplement the original 'blood pack'."

"However, now there is no time to explore the outer star sea and find new stars of life."

"We can only hope that the Star Alliance can gain something from the 'Pioneering War' and imprint more spiritual stars."

"Now, although the replenishment cannot keep up with the consumption, the time for the half-step soul to merge with the dragon-human star spirit has been greatly extended. Let's take this opportunity to complete the last sacrifice of the natal magic weapon 'Xuanhuang Pagoda' at this stage."

Thoughts were floating in his mind, and Liang Duanyu's "Dragon Soul" teleported to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, the natal star, in front of the "Heaven and Earth Furnace" where the natal magic weapon was sacrificed.

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