The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 784: Top-grade natal magic weapon Goodbye Wang Ziqiu

The natal star, the holy land of Longshou Mountain, in front of the ‘melting furnace of heaven and earth’.

Liang Ji's "Dragon Man Yuan Shen" punched the treasure seals into the natal magic weapon "Xuanhuang Pagoda" in the "Heaven and Earth Furnace", and circulated the power of the primordial spirit, the power of the origin of the natal stars, the power of the law of the great road, The power of family members’ incense, faith, etc. are constantly refining the natal magic weapon.

In the 'Heaven and Earth Furnace', there are still a large number of precious fifth-level spiritual materials, treasures, etc. that have been refined and integrated into the pagoda along with the sacrificial refining process.

And all around, there are the 'blood gods' of various clans, the earthly beings in the Yang world, and the ghosts and gods of the Jiuquan underworld. The power of the bloodline of the clans, the power of magical elements, the power of the earthly beings, the power of ghosts and gods, etc. are sacrificed and refined into the 'Xuanhuang'. In the pagoda'.

Under these constant sacrifices, the quality of Liang Ji's natal magic weapon, the Thirty-three-layer Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, has been continuously improved. Among the ten floors below the pagoda, the nine layers corresponding to the Jiuquan Underworld have evolved to be larger and stronger, and are comparable to the Jiuquan Underworld. The connection with the ghosts and gods of all levels of the underworld is getting closer and closer.

In the ten-story pagoda in the middle, the manifested ten-lineage family bloodline element world is also constantly expanding, evolving, and stabilizing. The power of the family members' bloodline, magical power, and elemental power contained in it are constantly improving, and together with the gods of each bloodline, Contacts are also constantly improving.

Furthermore, the figure of the God of Blood and the Earthly One, which was condensed and manifested in this ten-story pagoda, is sitting in it.


On this day, the sacrificial refinement of the natal magic weapon ‘Xuanhuang Pagoda’ seemed to have reached a limit, and it suddenly vibrated and hummed in the ‘Heaven and Earth Furnace’.

There are sounds of bells and chimes coming from the pagoda, and black and yellow light, light of elements, brilliant divine light, etc. burst out from it, flowing above the pagoda, surrounded by the 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth' directly Flying out from the 'Furnace of Heaven and Earth', it hung high in the sky above the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, blooming with immeasurable light and divine power.

"High-quality magic weapon!"

Liang Ji looked at the natal magic weapon hanging in the air and quickly judged its current condition and level.

"It's a pity that I haven't refined it to the level of a 'half-Taoist weapon', and I haven't even refined it to the best magic weapon."

"However, this should be the limit that my natal star can carry now."

"If we continue to sacrifice and improve it, this natal magic weapon 'Xuanhuang Pagoda' will remain in the natal star. I am afraid that the origin of the natal star will have to be continuously consumed to carry and maintain it. In that case, the gain will outweigh the loss."

After all, it has only been more than 20 years since he advanced to the fifth level of Star Master. Even if he tried all his methods and exhausted all means, he could only raise his natal stars to the fifth level (9%), and the strength of the star spiritual veins was even (10%). ) has not been reached, and generally speaking, it can only carry low-grade natal magic weapons.

Now being able to cross two small levels and carry high-grade natal magic weapons with less than (10%) strength of star spiritual veins and origins is because he has a strong foundation with the natal stars, and his heritage and inheritance are quite good.

Liang Ji shook his head slightly, and the 'Dragon Soul' raised his hand to play the treasure secret, and summoned the 'Xuanhuang Pagoda' that was blooming with divine light and power in the air, and continued to stand on the peak of the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, suppressing the mountains and the earth, as if standing tall against the sky. Tianzhu.

"However, high-grade natal magic weapons are enough to enhance a lot of combat power in some key battles."

"When the time comes, ghosts, gods and earth will be stationed in it, and with the blessing of divine power and the origin of the natal stars, it will even be enough to decide the outcome!"

Although he has not reached the level of 'half-dao weapon', Liang Ji is already quite satisfied.

"Moreover, this time the 'Dragon Star Spirit' and the 'Half-step Soul' are combined, and it has indeed been able to persist for a longer period of time. I have now completed the last sacrifice of my life magic weapon at this stage, and I still have the energy to continue to persevere! "

"In this case, during the 'Pioneering War', I will use this 'Dragon Soul' to sacrifice the high-grade natal magic weapon, and if ghosts, gods, and earth come to support me, I will be able to rule the roost below the high level!"

"And if you sacrifice the body of the 'Feng Shen Bang', you should be able to defeat some seventh-level enemies and escape with your life, right?"

Thoughts were floating in Liang Ji's mind, and he wished he could immediately find a seventh-level opponent to try out some moves.

"Perhaps we can ask Wu Shan to help us try our methods?"

As soon as a thought passed through his mind, Liang Ji sensed that the source consumption in his natal star was close to the warning line. At that moment, he stopped consuming the source and directly dispersed the combination of the 'Dragon Star Spirit' and the 'Half-step Soul'. The souls returned to their respective places, and then the dragon soul and soul also dispersed and returned to their respective places.

Among the natal stars, more than a dozen ghosts, gods and earthly beings named Liang and Wang who were recently conferred by Liang Ji have also begun to try to use the methods of the gods and immortals to activate the "God List" in the origin of the stars to contact the outside world. The projections and imprints in the sea of ​​​​stars and the projections of the "Feng Shen Bang" in the twelve spiritual vein stars stimulate and increase the speed at which these "Feng Shen Bang" projections seize the origin of the spiritual vein stars in the outer realm, so as to accelerate the compensation and recovery of the energy consumed in the natal stars. origin.

In the past, such things required Liang Ji, the Star Master, to personally instigate it, but now it can be left to these ghosts, gods and earthly beings who practice the immortal Taoism and are enshrined by relatives and friends.

This greatly freed up Liang Ji's energy and time, and was more conducive to the growth and development of his natal stars.

"Sure enough, it would be of great benefit to consecrate more monks who practice the immortal Taoism among the natal stars."

With emotion in his heart, Liang Ji ended the retreat and walked out of the secret room at home.

Now that he has returned to his family for a few days, after reuniting with his parents and relatives, he ordered his clan members to gather the materials they had purchased and prepared over the past twenty years. He planned to store some of these materials in his natal stars and send some to them. Go to the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

It's easy to do. Just open the 'Star Gate' and let the family members drive out in spaceships and airships. By transporting them in spaceships and airships, these prepared war materials and treasures can be sent to the natal stars for storage.

For star master monks, no matter what kind of stored treasures they are, they are far less safe, convenient, and larger than the storage of natal stars.

Moreover, some resources and treasures can also be sent to the 'Dragon Snake' starship through the natal star transfer, which is also very easy and convenient.

"Zi Qiu has met my cousin." In the living room of the Liang family, Liang Ji, who had just left seclusion, heard that his cousin Wang Ziqiu, who had been admitted to the Taiyi Star Palace, was visiting, so he met her in the living room.

When he saw Wang Ziqiu again, Liang Ji found that the tall, thin woman had become much stronger. She was even as strong as some body-training monks. Compared with the original, she was two extremes.

I don’t know whether it was because I listened to Liang Ji’s advice and worked hard to train and strengthen my body, or because I practiced in the Taiyi Star Palace.

After all, Taiyi Star Palace is famous for its research on the power of various bloodlines, and the inherited ‘Bloodline Catalog’ is even more unique. It may have some impact on the bodies of the star master monks among them.

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