The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 785 Wang Ziqiu’s choice

"Yes, I have advanced to the third level of Star Master!"

When Liang Ji saw Wang Ziqiu, he first noticed the change in his body shape, and then noticed that his cultivation level had reached the level of a third-level star master, and he was obviously already well above the third-level star master.

All in all, it has been nearly fifty years since the other party became a Star Master monk and entered the Taiyi Star Palace. If his practice progressed quickly enough, he could even advance to the fourth level of Star Master.

Wang Ziqiu is currently only practicing at a higher level than the third-level star master. He has not even reached the perfection of the third-level star master. It is obvious that he is still somewhat limited by his background, finances, resources, qualifications and other conditions.

After all, she was neither from a star lord family nor a wealthy family. Her family could still give her some support at the first-level star lord stage, but when she entered the Taiyi Star Palace and practiced to the second-level star lord stage , neither the Wang family nor the Liang family could give her any support.

Among the two families, only Liang Ji could give her some support and help. However, as long as Liang Ji focused his energy on exploring the outside world and his own cultivation over the years, he could not give her much attention, let alone How much support is there?

Under the family environment and conditions of the Liang family and the Wang family, whether Liang Ji or Wang Ziqiu wanted to achieve success on the road of Star Lord, they still had to rely on themselves after all.

Hearing Liang Ji's affirmation, Wang Ziqiu smiled modestly and said, "Thanks to my cousin's support."

Liang Ji waved his hand and said, "I will help you when you start. Your ability to grow to this point is all your own fault. There is no need to belittle yourself."

Wang Ziqiu said with a smile: "The 'Sun Feathered Serpent' bloodline provided by my cousin, as well as the relationship with the Tian Serpent Academy, played an important role in my cultivation to the third-level Star Lord level so quickly. .”

"If it weren't for the 'Sun Quetzalcoatl' family members, it would be difficult for me to even stand out in the 'Taiyi Star Palace', let alone become a mentor."

"If it weren't for the support of Tian Serpent Academy, it would be difficult for me to keep up with the proud people in the Star Palace in my subsequent practice."

Wang Ziqiu said with some emotion, obviously after decades of Xinggong practice, his knowledge has become broader and higher, and his mentality has become much more mature.

Liang Ji listened to the other party's words, and his thoughts moved slightly.

He has long heard that the training method of the Taiyi Star Palace is different from that of Kunlun Star Palace and Wanxiang Star Palace. They like to recruit more students, and then let the students compete with each other, the strong survive and the weak are eliminated, and real students are born in the competition. A strong person, such a strong person is considered the top even among the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance.

This may be related to the "Bloodline Catalog" inherited by the "Taiyi Star Palace". With blood as the inheritance, only fierce competition and battle can make the blood burn and advance faster and higher.

The fact that Wang Ziqiu was able to stand out in such fierce competition after entering the 'Taiyi Star Palace' and successfully become a mentor is a testament to his strength, means and qualifications.

Although the other party said that it was the 'Sun Feathered Serpent' family bloodline that relied entirely on his support, Liang Ji knew that this 'Sun Feathered Serpent' family bloodline could only provide her with a basis for equal competition, and the victory in the real competition was still On her own.

"It seems that my niece is quite capable."

However, Liang Ji paid more attention to what the other party said later, and couldn't help but ask: "Have you been receiving funding from Tian Serpent Academy?"

Liang Ji himself has always been in contact with the Tian Serpent Academy, but the relationship between them is more of a transaction. When he and Peng Yue discovered various snake alien bloodlines during their expeditions to the outside world, they can exchange the essence and inheritance of these snake alien bloodlines. Give it to the Heavenly Serpent Academy to obtain the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent'.

The transaction between the two parties has always been very pleasant.

At this time, he also remembered that when Tian Snake Academy invited him and Peng Yue, they had used the inheritance of the 'Sage of Tian Snake' to win them over, but they were rejected by Liang Ji and Peng Yue, so it was changed to a deal.

At that time, She Yuanjie, who represented Tian She Academy, had said that he wanted to invite Wang Ziqiu. At that time, Liang Ji only said that he would discuss it with Wang Ziqiu on his own, and it would be up to Wang Ziqiu to decide on his own.

But now it seems that She Yuanjie had indeed contacted and talked with Wang Ziqiu back then, and it seems that Wang Ziqiu's exchanges and cooperation with Tian Serpent Academy were more in-depth and comprehensive, and he was even receiving funding from Tian Serpent Academy.

Wang Ziqiu nodded directly when he heard this and said: "The competition in Taiyi Star Palace is too fierce. If it weren't for the support of Tian Serpent Academy behind me, it would be difficult for me to continue."

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard this, and did not ask further about the specific cooperation and funding plan with Tian Serpent Academy. After all, except for the immortal Taoist monks who are enshrined in the stars of the star master monks, the cultivation of other monks is their own business. How Wang Ziqiu chooses and how to move forward on this path is ultimately her own business.

Even Liang Ji himself has been receiving funding and support from Shan De Lou and Herborist Group!

Naturally, he didn't need to say anything more about Wang Ziqiu.

As long as the other party can clearly see the pros and cons and does not miss his own cultivation and growth, and looking at the other party's current cultivation situation, it is obvious that the choice is right.

"Then what happened when you left Taiyi Star Palace and came back this time? Is it also for the Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War'?"

Liang Ji turned around and asked.

"Of course." Wang Ziqiu nodded and said: "Nowadays, in the entire Star Alliance, from high-level Star Masters to young heretics who have just entered the practice, who is not busy with the 'opening up war' and wants to get a share of it?"

"Of course I am no exception. I can't believe that the opportunity to advance to the fourth-level star master, or even the fifth-level star master, lies in this 'pioneering war'."

Liang Ji frowned slightly when he heard this, and said: "You are only a third-level star master now, and you have not yet practiced the starry art of 'Star Immortality'. If you encounter an accident during the 'Pioneering War', you will not even have the chance to be reborn in the stars of your destiny." No."

"Are you safe to participate in the 'Pioneering War'?"

However, Wang Ziqiu shook his head and said: "Cousin, the training method of our Taiyi Star Palace is different from other star palaces. What we emphasize is the courage to fight and compete. Don't say that I am already a veteran third-level star master monk. , even the juniors and junior girls who have just been admitted to Taiyi Star Palace this year, Star Palace encourages them to participate in the 'Pioneering War'."

"What's more, the pioneering war is a strategic action of the entire Star Alliance. There are so many high-level Star Lords, senior leaders of the Star Alliance, legions, big forces, etc. charging forward. We only need to avoid some forward battlefields that are too dangerous and follow. The danger of sweeping the battlefield from behind is also limited."

"Moreover, I have also joined the team, and there are high-level star masters among them, so my safety is guaranteed, so what should I worry about?"

"Besides, only taking risks can yield rewards. The Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War' only happens once every ten thousand years. Who would be willing to miss it if we meet it!"

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