The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 786 The Team of Tian Snake Academy

Liang Ji couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this, and asked: "What team did you join? There is also a high-level star master sitting here!"

"Of course it's the team from Tian Serpent Academy." Wang Ziqiu said with a smile: "The principal of Tian Serpent Academy will personally lead the team to participate in the Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War'."

The principal of Tian Serpent Academy is indeed a high-level star master.

"I just didn't expect that even Tian She Academy organized a team to participate in the 'Pioneering War', and even the principal was dispatched." Liang Ji couldn't help but marvel.

And considering Wang Ziqiu's long-standing relationship with the Tian Serpent Academy, and even receiving funding from the Tian Serpent Academy, it is not surprising that he would join the Tian Serpent Academy's team.

Wang Ziqiu heard this and said: "A major event like the Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War' involves countless interests, and everyone in the Star Alliance is involved in it. How could Tian Serpent Academy give up this opportunity?"

"Not to mention the needs of Tian Serpent Academy's own development, the principal of Tian Serpent Academy also wants to find some opportunities to take further steps in the 'Pioneering War'."

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard the words, and he just sighed. In fact, he could react without Wang Ziqiuduo's explanation.

The trend of profit is what the people want. There are too many benefits in the strategic action of opening up an entire star field, which will naturally attract everyone's hearts.

"Cousin." At this time, Wang Ziqiu changed the subject and said, "I am here this time to represent Tian Snake Academy to invite you and Senior Sister Peng to join the team of Tian Snake Academy."

"With the cultivation and strength of you and Senior Sister Peng, if you join the team of Tian Serpent Academy and are cared for by high-level star masters, you will definitely be able to make great achievements in the 'Pioneering War' and earn the most benefits."

Liang Ji smiled and shook his head when he heard this, and said, "So, it was the 'Tian Serpent Academy' that asked you to be a lobbyist?"

Wang Ziqiu nodded and shook his head, and said with a smile: "I invited you here myself, but the 'Snake Academy' really wants to invite you to join the team."

Liang Ji said: "The family has been preparing for this 'Pioneering War' for more than twenty years. You should know that I have planned to form a team with Peng Yue and participate in the 'Pioneering War' on my own."

"If we were willing to join someone else's team, we would have chosen to join."

The cultivation and strength of him and Peng Yue are undoubtedly very popular. If you want to join the team, whether it is a team of a large company such as Shandelou or Herborist Group, or a team formed by some seniors, seniors, or even Xingxing Teams formed in the palace can easily join.

There are also many high-level star lords in these teams, and even high-level star lords from star palaces.

Wang Ziqiu nodded repeatedly and said: "Of course I know this. More than 20 years ago, I learned about the news that the Star Alliance was preparing to start the 'Pioneering War' through my family, so I started making preparations in advance, so that I could take the first step, or even Make a fortune."

"If it had been delayed to the point where everyone knows now, the prices of various war materials on the market would have increased several times, and it would be difficult for me to prepare even if I wanted to."

After saying that, she smiled at Liang Ji again and said, "This is again thanks to my cousin's care."

Liang Ji waved his hands and said: "Forget it, this is not a big deal. In fact, it was not too early when we got the news. Some important and key materials in the war, the family has exhausted all means and channels over the years, but after all, they have not been able to get them." Can be found and purchased.”

Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh slightly as he spoke. Although he and his family had started preparing for the 'Pioneering War' more than 20 years in advance, all kinds of war materials and resources were now in place, which basically satisfied him.

However, some key items have already been looted and monopolized in advance by senior Star Alliance officials, pioneering legions, high-level Star Lords of the Star Palace, and some well-informed large companies and groups, such as Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others with medium status. There is no chance of contact at all, which is really helpless.

"Hehe, so it's better to join a reliable team at this time." Wang Ziqiu persuaded with a smile at this time: "Although Tian Serpent Academy got the news not much earlier than us, some key resources and treasures are also up for grabs. However, the senior members of the Star Alliance, legions, large companies, etc., but the Serpentis Academy has been inherited for a long time, and even has the heritage left by the Serpentis Saint."

"There is no need to rush to buy some strategic level treasures, key resources on the battlefield, etc. at this time. The school has already reserved them."

Liang Ji looked thoughtful when he heard this. It is true that these long-established schools, forces, etc., can slowly accumulate knowledge and collect war preparation resources over a long period of time, thousands or tens of thousands of years. There is no need for a newly rising power like the Liang family to encounter an opportunity like the 'Pioneering War' and have to rush to collect war resources and treasures from the market. Some important items and key resources often have nowhere to collect.

However, he still shook his head firmly and said: "Both Peng Yue and I have been preparing for this 'pioneering war' for decades and have rejected many invitations, and today's Snake Academy is no exception."

"However, if you can't join, you might as well cooperate."

Liang Ji changed the subject and suggested.

Just like he had previously cultivated connections and managed relationships among Shan Delou, Herborist Group, and the Third Expansion Corps, in order to gain more care and cooperation in the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War."

Now that we know that Tian She Academy has also organized a team to prepare to participate in the 'Pioneering War', and it seems to be well prepared. Not only does it have high-level star masters in charge, but it also lacks strategic resources, etc. It can be seen that its strength is not as good as Shan De Lou, Herborist Group, etc. It's a big company, but it can definitely be considered a second- or third-rate force in the 'Pioneering War'.

In this way, Liang Ji naturally doesn't mind recruiting another cooperative network in order to get more care in the 'opening up war'.

After all, in a large-scale war like this, the more allies the better.

Moreover, based on the good relationship they have had with Tian Serpent Academy over the years, I believe the other party will not refuse to cooperate.

Sure enough, after hearing Liang Ji's words, Wang Ziqiu shook his head helplessly, and then sighed and said: "Cousin, before I came here, senior She Yuanjie made a bet with me, saying that it would be difficult for me to persuade you to join the team of Tian She Academy. , the most likely thing is for everyone to work together as an alliance.”

"I tried to persuade him because I was unwilling to do so. Now it seems that I don't know my cousin as well as Senior She Yuanjie."

Liang Ji couldn't help laughing when he heard this, shook his head and asked, "Are you okay now, Fellow Daoist She?"

Wang Ziqiu shook his head and said, "It's not too good. He has already reached the level of fourth-level star master, but he has never chosen to advance to the fifth-level star master."

"Why is this?" Liang Ji couldn't help but ask.

"I heard from him that the road ahead followed the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake' too deeply. The fifth and sixth-level star masters behind him must follow the path of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake', otherwise they will not be able to follow the path of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake'." There is no chance to advance to a high-level Star Master."

"Because he has never been sure of his own path, he has been stuck in the fourth-level star master and dared not advance to the fifth-level star master."

"Now we're just waiting to see if we can find a suitable opportunity in this Star Alliance's 'Pioneering War'."

Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh and shook his head when he heard this.

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