The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 789 Assembly place: Tianxingyuan

"Ding dong! The front is about to reach the 'Tianxingyuan', everyone, please pay attention!"

At this time, a prompt sound came from the ship spirit of the 'Dragon Snake' starship. Liang Ji's heart moved slightly. He raised his hand and pointed it on the light screen in front of him, and the void scene outside the starship suddenly appeared on it.

At this time, there was still a dark void around the 'Dragon Snake' starship, and the stars were twinkling in the distance. However, after a moment, immeasurable light emerged and illuminated the void.

In front of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, a bright galaxy appeared, with a large number of stars shining brightly in the void, spreading out like a 'field of stars'.

In the center of this 'Star Field', there is a huge 'Starlight Gate', which is larger and more majestic than any 'Starlight Gate' that Liang Ji has seen in the past.

The ‘Starlight Gate’ used for teleportation is far beyond the center of each star field within the Star Alliance.

Tianxingyuan, this is the gathering place for all the troops of the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War" and the distribution center for all war materials. The huge "Starlight Gate" in the middle is the battlefield leading to the Star Alliance's expansion of the Star Territory this time!

At this time, Liang Ji connected his subordinates on the light screen in front of him. The perspective of the picture displayed in the light screen changed again. You can see that around the 'Tianxingyuan', there are a large number of stars, light spots, etc. coming in and out, like a stream of stars. The galaxy merges into the 'Tianxingyuan' and flows out from it!

The stars and light spots in these "Galaxies" are like the "Dragon Snake" starship of Liang Ji and others, teams who came from all over the Star Alliance to participate in the "Pioneering War".

The 'Dragon Snake' starship accelerated its flight at this time, and soon merged into a 'Galaxy River'.

At this time, you can see how huge and advanced the 'Dragon Snake' starship they have upgraded for the second time is. After it merged into the 'Galaxy', it was surrounded by various starships, and none of them was the same size. Comparable to the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

The aura, starlight, and power that shine on the starship cannot compare to the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

As soon as the "Dragon Snake" starship entered the "Galaxy River", it was like a giant whale rushing into the river, alarming the surrounding fish, shrimps, crabs and turtles, and they all moved away from the surroundings.

This is not only because the size and power of the "Dragon Snake" starship is at least twice that of ordinary starships around it, but also because the people in the Star Alliance who can usually ride such top starships are either from the top brass of the Star Alliance, or He comes from a big group or a big force, or he has a high status.

After all, he is an existence that the characters in these ordinary starships are unwilling to deal with.

In the "Dragon Snake" starship, Peng Yue's grandmother also observed the external situation through the light curtain. Seeing this, she couldn't help but smile and said: "This time, I experienced a 'Clean Street Tiger' through the light of my granddaughter. ' feelings."

Hearing what she said, everyone in the team couldn't help but chuckle in the main control cabin.

Even the human immortal Wu Shan nodded and said: "I have been wandering in the outer realm of the Star Alliance for many years. I have joined many teams and ridden many starships. I can say clearly that now the Dragon Snake 'The starships, even among all the starships in the Star Alliance, are definitely at the top level."

"It's no wonder that when other starships around us saw us, they all gave way!"

Even within the Star Alliance, the strong are always respected!

Peng Yue answered with a smile: "If grandma is willing, she can permanently station on the 'Dragon Snake' starship and act with us in the future."

While several members of the team were talking, the starship "Dragon Snake" moved forward in the "Galaxy" and soon arrived at "Tianxingyuan".

When they got closer, Liang Ji and others saw clearly that the shining stars scattered in the Tianxingyuan were not real stars, but star ports!

This is a wilderness composed of ‘star ports’!

"Ding dong! The Tianxing original signal is connected, the identity verification is passed, and the starship's location is confirmed..."

The sound of the 'ship spirit' came out from the light screen, but it was the starship 'ship spirit' that controlled the formations and restrictions on the 'Dragon Snake' starship, and was docking and verifying with the 'Tianxingyuan' identity, go through the entry procedures, etc.

All procedures were quickly completed, and the starship "Dragon Snake" was directly controlled by the "Ship Spirit" and sailed towards the designated "Star Port" berth in accordance with the navigation instructions given in "Tianxingyuan".

At the same time, the formation on the 'Dragon Snake' starship was also connected to the internal 'Star Network' in the 'Tianxingyuan'. Liang Ji and others also ended their conversation, each stretched out their hands to point on the light curtain in front of them, and entered Browse the information on the internal Star Network in Tianxingyuan.

The information in the 'Tianxingyuan' internal star network is mainly divided into four modules. One is a module where senior members of the Star Alliance release various information, including an introduction to the 'star field' where the development war is ongoing, the progress of the development war, etc. Wait, it is considered a place where various official information is released.

The second module is a place dedicated to releasing various tasks and recruiting manpower. There are various offensive tasks, hunting tasks, mopping up tasks, garrison tasks, etc. issued by the senior leaders of the Star Alliance. There are also many large companies, big forces, There are even private missions to recruit people to help handle some matters in the war.

The third module is the trading module, which is designed for the various forces and monks participating in the "Pioneering War" to conduct transactions and contacts. There are even many resources and treasures regularly released by the Star Alliance senior leaders, all of which are in the outer domain. Gains from the "opening up the battlefield" can be used to activate the market, inspire people, and attract more monks and forces to join the "opening up the war".

The last module is the communication module, which is designed for the monks and forces from all parties involved in the "Pioneering War" to communicate.

The starship "Dragon Snake" was under the control of the "ship spirit" and sailed towards the designated "star port". Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others had already logged into the "Tianxingyuan" internal star network. , each browsing the information.

Although they have already received a lot of information about the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War", the information obtained from the internal "Star Network" on the front line of this battlefield is undoubtedly the most accurate and timely.

Liang Ji did not rush to look at the missions, transactions, and communication modules. Instead, he carefully looked at the first module, which contained a lot of information about the 'exploitation war' and 'exploitation of the star field' released by the Star Alliance's senior officials.

There is a saying that 'know yourself, know the enemy and you will be victorious in any battle'. They are about to enter the Star Territory battlefield of the 'Pioneering War'. Naturally, they must first understand the situation of this battlefield and Star Territory as clearly as possible before they can be better on the battlefield. , Complete various tasks more safely, earn enough merit and benefits, and avoid falling into it.

"The star territory developed by the Star Alliance this time has already been named, and it is called the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'!"

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