The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 790 The Name of the Heavenly Demon

In the void star sea, there are countless stars and galaxies, but there are not many that can reach the star field.

Like the 'Yuyang Star' galaxy, the 'Wood Meteor Star' galaxy, the 'Three Holy Stars' galaxy, etc. that Liang Ji and others found when they were exploring the outside world, they were all just one galaxy with one or two stars, surrounded by Surrounded by dozens or dozens of stars, there may be 'spiritual stars' among them, forming a galaxy.

But the star field is different. There must be at least dozens or even hundreds of galaxies gathered in a void to form a star field.

This has more and more precise requirements for the divisions of galaxies and stars, the flow and containment of field forces, etc.

Even in the vastness of the void star sea, there are not many star fields that can be composed of dozens or hundreds of galaxies without direct internal self-destruction.

What's more, in some star fields, due to various reasons, bad environment, extreme power, etc., all galaxies in the star field are dead stars, without the existence of life stars and spiritual vein stars. Such death stars For the Star Alliance, the domain can only be used as a resource collection point, but it has no value in exploring, occupying, or developing.

Being able to find a star field with many living stars in the vast sea of ​​​​stars is no better than panning for gold in the sand.

For this reason, the Star Alliance has only occupied thirty-three star fields in the boundless sea of ​​stars for hundreds of thousands of years, and can only launch a war to open up star fields every ten thousand years or so.

The reason is, of course, that it takes about ten thousand years for the Star Alliance to slowly digest the star fields it has developed and occupied in order to accumulate more foundation, combat power, etc.

But on the other hand, the star field that is suitable for development and occupation is also very difficult to find in the boundless sea of ​​stars.

As far as Liang Ji knows, there is a perennial mission among the senior leaders of the Star Alliance, which is given to many teams of Star Masters who are exploring the outer regions, which is to explore and find star regions where a large number of life stars exist!

If you can find one and report it to the top of the Star Alliance, you can get a large amount of merit, resources, treasures and other rewards, even enough for the average Star Lord team to practice to high-level Star Lords.

This shows how difficult it is to explore and find a suitable star field in the outer star sea.

"I don't know, but the expedition team discovered this 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. I'm afraid they made a lot of money!"

Liang Ji looked at the many official information about the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' released by the Star Network, and thought with envy in his heart.

If the "Dragon Snake" expedition team he led could find this star field suitable for development and occupation, he and Peng Yue would probably be able to practice slowly on the "Book of Merits" and wait to be promoted to high-level star masters.

"However, this star field is actually named after the 'Sky Demon'!"

"Celestial demons are on the same level as first-grade immortals. Is there a ninth-level void demon clan in this star field?"

Liang Ji looked at the name of the star field named by the Star Alliance, and couldn't help but have thoughts in his mind:

"If that's the case, then the first expedition team to discover this star field didn't know if they ran into a ninth-level heavenly demon?"

"If you bump into a sky demon, it will be a huge surprise and a huge shock!"

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji quickly read a lot of information about the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' announced by the Star Alliance's senior officials on the 'Star Network', with a thoughtful look on his face.

Judging from the information released by the Star Alliance’s top brass, the Void Demon Clan is actually the dominant force in this ‘Celestial Demon Star Territory’!

I don’t know what these Void Monsters are thinking. Instead of wandering in the void, chasing starlight, and devouring stars, they occupy every spiritual star in this star field and cultivate various kinds of stars that contain them. Bloodline demon clan.

Those demon clans raised in the stars are much weaker than the void demon clans, and often lose the ability to survive, fly, and chase starlight in the void at middle and low levels, but they are easier to birth, reproduce, and Advanced.

When the monsters in these stars advance to high levels, they can also rush out of the stars and enter the void, and their bloodline evolves into the void monsters!

It seems that these void monsters are trying another way to reproduce and cultivate their kind.

Of course, more detailed and in-depth information has not been published in the internal star network of Tianxingyuan. It is not known whether the senior members of the Star Alliance have not investigated it clearly, or what conditions are needed to obtain more in-depth and detailed information.

Later, Liang Ji saw an unknown message in the communication module of the internal 'Star Network', saying that there was indeed a ninth-order Sky Demon existing and taking over the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. The Void Demon Clan in the domain takes over the spiritual veins and stars to reproduce and develop, which is what the ninth-level sky demon requires. It seems to be an experiment.

It is difficult to determine whether this news is true or not, it is more like a rumor, but it is sought after and recognized by many people in the battlefield star network communication module.

Even under this message, some monks and forces who had entered the battlefield of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' released some specious pictures, videos, etc. for free, saying that it was the ninth-level Heavenly Demon in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' who took action. Movement, sight.

Liang Ji spent his time and clicked through a few, but the results were all vague and specious pictures, and he felt very deceived.

Many people below also cursed liars, but the monks and forces who released the pictures and paid to broadcast the videos explained: "The methods and power of the ninth-level heavenly demon are too advanced, and their methods can only record to this extent. "

"If we want to clearly and completely record the methods and actions of the ninth-level heavenly demon, I am afraid that only a first-level heavenly immortal can do it."

What he said was concise and unashamed, making it difficult for people to doubt whether it was true or false.

At least Liang Ji couldn't tell the truth from the lie for a while.

"If there is really a sky demon sitting in the star field, then you have to be careful in your subsequent actions to avoid running into the hands of the sky demon. No matter how many cards and tricks you have, it will definitely be difficult to survive."

Liang Ji shook his head slightly and looked up at the rest of the team. Everyone had basically finished reading some of the news in the Star Network, and their faces looked half happy and half worried.

"I didn't expect that there might be a ninth-level celestial demon in the star field that was developed this time!"

Peng Yue's grandma, after reading the Star Network information, frowned and said worriedly:

"In this case, this 'Pioneering War' will not be easy to fight. It must be very dangerous. I don't know how many Star Lords and monks will die."

Hearing what she said, Peng Xuanding, who was sitting on the other side, said: "It shouldn't be the case. It's not like there are no first-grade immortals in our Star Alliance. When the time comes, we will have our own immortals to deal with the heavenly demons. It should have limited impact on Xiaoxiu and us, right?"

"No!" Peng Yue's grandma looked solemn and shook her head: "If there really is a war between heavenly immortals and heavenly demons, the scope of the impact and the destruction caused will be terrifying. Even if we are affected by the slightest repercussions, He might die in it."

"You know, in the history of the Star Alliance's previous development wars, the last time we encountered a ninth-level enemy was when we were developing the Quicksand Star Territory!"

"You all know the result. A good star field was directly smashed into pieces. After several repairs by the Star Alliance, it barely formed a quicksand star field."

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