The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 805 Void Colored Bird

After signing the employment contract, the 'Dragon Snake' starship sailed away from the vicinity of a pair of 'Purple Suns' and sailed towards the outside of the 'Purple Sun Galaxy'.

"According to the employment contract, we need to deal with at least two seventh-order void monsters!"

Liang Ji reached out and touched the light screen in front of him, calling out the situation of the incoming demon wave from outside the 'Purple Sun Galaxy'. In particular, the figures and information of dozens of seventh-level void demon beasts quickly appeared on the light screen.

This is information from the demon tide collected by organizations such as Shandelou and Taiyi Star Palace stationed in the "Purple Sun Galaxy" using the "Star Chart Array". It is very accurate.

"In addition to the two seventh-level void demon clans, for every additional seventh-level demon clan we capture, our reward from Shan Delou will be increased by 60%!"

"Let's see which two seventh-level void demon clans are the most suitable to target?"

Liang Ji presented the information of a dozen incoming seventh-order void monsters on the light screen, allowing everyone to choose the targets to attack.

His eyes fell on one of the giant eagles, which was covered in red gold. This golden eagle spread its wings and soared in the void, like a golden continent traveling and advancing in the void. Wherever it passed, golden laws erupted in its body. The power of the natural disaster split and tore the void into pieces, twisting it into a golden heaven and earth.

Liang Ji recognized it at a glance. It was a seventh-level Void Golden Eagle!

However, Liang Ji had no intention of choosing this seventh-order void golden eagle as the target of his attack.

After all, what he needs now is the demon elixir of the fifth-order Void Golden Eagle instead of the demon elixir of the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle; and, in the battle with the fifth-order Void Golden Eagle, Liang Ji is very clear about the terrifying defense of this golden body. Power, as well as the sharpness and terrifying power of the metal's power of natural disasters and the power of law.

The seventh-order void golden eagle is definitely the most difficult to deal with among the dozen or so seventh-order void monsters that are attacking.

Liang Ji and the others have limited strength and do not even have a high-level star master. Naturally, they will not choose such a difficult target.

However, behind these seventh-level Void Golden Eagles are a large number of mid-level and low-level Void Golden Eagles, including many fifth-level Void Golden Eagles. If time and combat power allow, Liang Ji might be able to hunt down a group of them. The fifth-level Void Golden Eagle harvested a batch of fifth-level Void Golden Eagle's demon elixirs to store.

Although the number of fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pills Liang Ji currently has is enough for him to use for a long time until he cultivates his natal stars to above fifth-level (50%), if he can take this opportunity to replenish some more, Even if you gather all the remaining required demon pills, you will naturally be more relaxed in the future. You no longer have to search and hunt for the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle just to get the demon pills needed.

"I think this seventh-level Void Painted Bird is pretty good!"

Peng Yue took the lead in making a choice, stretched out his hand to touch the light screen, and a figure of a giant bird surrounded by colorful light and with colorful feathers appeared on the light screen in front of several people.

The giant bird looked a bit like a peacock. Its feathers were bright and colorful, shining with the light of various elements. The whole body was filled with the power of dazzling elemental laws, twisting the void into an elemental area.

At first glance, Liang Ji almost thought he saw a small 'sea of ​​elements'.

"This Void Colored Bird actually masters the power of so many elements?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but be a little surprised. This was also a kind of void monster he had never seen before.

After all, the star sea is boundless, and even the Star Alliance may not be able to fully count the types of void monsters in it. How many galaxies has Liang Ji visited so far? How can we see so many kinds of void monsters?

Peng Yue introduced: "I have seen this kind of Void Colored Bird in the Wanxiang Star Palace. It is a kind of void monster that is very popular among the star master monks of the Wanxiang Star Palace. It uses its demon elixir to infuse the natal stars. The bloodline of Cai Que Familia is very consistent with the inheritance of Wanxiang Star Palace."

"The Vientiane Star Palace even controls a small black hole in the outer star sea, in which a large number of these void sparrows are specially raised for research."

"Some high-level Star Lord instructors in the Star Palace often use their merits in exchange for demon elixirs like this one to cultivate promising future generations of Star Lord monks."

"When I was refining the 'Elemental Nest' with my mentor and installing it on the starship, I heard my mentor say that the power of the 'Elemental Nest' is the best to restrain this kind of void sparrow!"

After Peng Yue introduced the Void Color Sparrow, he quickly explained the reason for choosing it as the target of attack.

"Okay! Then choose it as the first target!"

Liang Ji naturally had no objection when he heard this, and the rest of the team also agreed. He immediately reached out and clicked on the light screen to select the seventh-order Void Caijiao.

Immediately, their choices were transmitted to the starships and airports of other forces on the battlefield through the star network system of the 'Star Map Array', so that the starships and airports of other forces would not compete with them for attack targets.

Fortunately, before them, no other team had chosen this seventh-level Void Bird as an attack target, otherwise they would not be able to compete with others.

This is the battlefield order stipulated by the Star Alliance and cannot be broken easily.

The Void Colored Bird can be spotted by the Vientiane Star Palace and selected as a breeding target. Its strength and combat power are actually not low at all. The power of various elemental laws controlled by it not only has various fighting methods, but can even be combined to form a more powerful weapon. The killing move was definitely one of the best among the dozens of seventh-order void monsters that attacked, and even surpassed that of the seventh-order void golden eagle that Liang Ji was paying attention to.

Naturally, no other team is willing to rashly choose this seventh-level Void Bird as the target of attack and battle. It is more likely to use the star map array of the 'Purple Sun Galaxy' to suppress and kill it in the end.

That is to say, Peng Yue happened to have enough understanding of it, and there was a seventh-level 'Elemental Nest' on their 'Dragon Snake' starship, which happened to have a huge restraining effect on it, so Liang Ji and others would choose it. as an offensive target.

In the 'Star Network', the joint command headquarters of this battle immediately responded to their choice, approved their choice, and prepared for their 'Dragon Snake' starship in the 'Star Map Formation' Open up a special passage forward and kill directly towards the seventh-order Void Colored Bird.

"Dragon-Snake Breath Formation, activate!"

"The Nest of Elements starts charging!"

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Chu Yue controlled the starship formation and fully activated and operated the 'Dragon Snake Breath Formation', while Peng Yue controlled the 'Elemental Nest' and operated the 'Elemental Nest'. 'The original power of the elemental sea charges the 'Dragon Snake Breath Array'.

hiss! hold head high……

Amidst the roar of the snake, a huge illusory and real dragon and snake phantom appeared on the "Dragon Snake" starship. As the "Elemental Nest" charged, the dragon and snake phantom quickly condensed from the virtual In fact, dazzling and colorful elements appear around the body, and the light is like clouds and mist.

"Charging completed!"

"Dragon Snake Breath, activate!"

The next moment, the giant shadow of the dragon and snake that was solidified from the void seemed to raise its head and take a deep breath. Suddenly, the power of elements in its body and the many elemental lights emerging around it quickly collapsed and condensed towards the center of its body!

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