The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 806: Capturing the seventh-level void demon clan

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the dragon-snake giant shadow raised its head and sucked in. All the power charged by the 'Elemental Nest' suddenly collapsed and gathered in its body, as if it had condensed into a 'demon pill'.

It's just that this 'demon pill' shines with the light of various elements. It looks like a 'spiritual crystal', and then it looks like an unformed star, and even looks a bit like a 'nest of elements'.


When the 'demon pill' was condensed to the limit, the dragon and snake phantom opened its mouth and roared, the 'demon pill' exploded in its body like a star exploding, and a bright 'breath of elements' spurted out from its mouth and blasted directly towards the opposite side. The seventh-order Void Colored Bird that attacked.


The seventh-order Void Colored Bird seemed to feel a huge threat, and raised its head and let out a sharp chirp.

The colorful and dazzling light of various elements on his body quickly circulated and converged on several tail feathers behind him. The next moment, the tail feathers brushed towards the 'breath of elements' blasting towards him in the void.

Suddenly, a large area of ​​bright elemental light burst out, colliding with the incoming 'Breath of Elements'.

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji could clearly see in the picture captured through the starship formation that in the elemental light brushed out by the Void Caipiao, the various elemental lights were not simply mixed together, but They are arranged, combined, and connected in various mysterious orders, forming mysterious and vivid 'eyes' in the light of the elements.

Those 'eyes' are shining with more brilliant and mysterious light of elements, and it even feels like those eyes are blinking during the brushing process.

Liang Ji only paid a little attention to observe, and felt that his mind was addicted and twisted, as if he was almost attracted and swallowed by those weird 'element eyes'.

Fortunately, the next moment, the 'Breath of Elements' had collided with the elemental lights all over the 'eyes'. The roaring sound could not even be swallowed up by the void. It reverberated in the surrounding void, and the aftermath of the impact even stirred up the surrounding void. There were wrinkles and even tears.

But then, the star map array of the 'Purple Sun Galaxy' immediately started to operate, and large swaths of starlight flowed in like water, quickly suppressing and restoring these wrinkled and torn voids.

At this time, the elemental light spread all over the strange 'eyes' that the Void Sparrow brushed out, only supported it for a moment, and was directly torn, pierced, and shattered by the 'Elemental Breath' spit out by the dragon snake.

Through the images captured by the starship formation, Liang Ji clearly saw that those mysterious, strange, and soul-devouring 'Elemental Eyes' were easily filled and circulated by the 'Elemental Nest' origins in the 'Breath of Elements' The power tears, shatters, and engulfs you!

"It's really Wan Ke!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but secretly say this.


When the seventh-level Void Colored Bird saw that the elemental light it had emitted was easily blasted away, it felt even more fatal. The colorful feathers on its body almost exploded.

The next moment, the Void Colored Bird's wings were seen flapping violently, and the bright elemental light all over its body, including the elemental light in the tail feathers behind it, instantly converged on its wings.

A pair of colorful wings were like a pair of swords, slashing directly into the void in front of him. There was a bright and sharp elemental light that cut through the void directly like the light of a sword, tearing out a void passage.

The bright elemental light rushed into this void passage, twisting and shaping the chaotic and dangerous void passage into an 'element passage' in a short period of time.

The Void Caipiao escaped directly into the 'element channel' and must use this to escape!

The seventh-level Void Monster Clan is no less intelligent than a high-level monk, so it naturally knows how to save its life. In particular, this Void Bird can use the power of elements to touch the void, and is especially good at escaping. If your life is in danger, you will naturally choose to escape immediately.

However, the Wanxiang Star Palace has studied the Void Colored Bird very clearly, and also knows its methods clearly. Naturally, it has been prepared to restrain its escape early on.

Sure enough, the next moment, the 'breath of elements' breathed out by the dragon and snake spread directly in the void, and the power of various elements enveloped the four directions, and actually faintly transformed into a 'sea of ​​elements', directly covering and distorting the void.

Suddenly, the 'element channel' opened by the Void Caijiao was torn out of the twisted void by the 'element sea'.

Even the 'Elemental Channel' was eroded, engulfed, and transformed by the 'Elemental Sea', taking away control. It was twisted from the original escape channel into a prison and space that blocked, bound, and suppressed the Void Caijiao.

You can see the seventh-level void sparrow struggling violently and chirping in the blocked and suppressed 'element channel'. Its wings, tail feathers, and even its eyes burst out with attacks of various elemental lights. The laws of elements , the power of natural disasters, impacting the 'element channel', trying to break through the blockade and suppress it.

However, the 'Elemental Channel' contained and suppressed by the 'Elemental Sea' is like an extremely solid 'crystal', sealing it tightly and allowing all kinds of attacks to explode and be directly swallowed by the 'Elemental Sea'. It is difficult for multiple 'element channels' to have the slightest impact.

Not to mention escaping from it.

"What a pity!" At this time, in the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Peng Yue sighed and said: "We are not strong enough and do not have suitable treasures, otherwise the seventh-order Void Caijiao would have been suppressed. If it is trapped, it can be captured and captured.”

"A living seventh-level Void Bird is much more valuable than a dead one."

"Whether it is to set up restrictions and accept you as a demon servant, or to use it for various experiments and research, it is far more precious than a seventh-level demon pill and a body of demon material."

Liang Ji's face moved slightly when he heard this, and said: "Then wait first, don't kill this seventh-level Void Colored Bird directly."

"We don't have the strength to capture and take it down. Maybe we can ask the 'Shan De Tower'. They might be interested in this living seventh-level void bird, and they will definitely be able to sell it for a higher price!"

Several people in the team had no objections when they heard this, but Peng Yue also said: "Now the suppression of the 'Void Colored Bird' consumes the elemental sea source of the 'Elemental Nest' every moment, so if Shandelou wants to buy this seventh-level Void Painted Sparrow, it’s best to be fast.”

"If it exceeds three hours, we must kill it here, otherwise the elemental sea of ​​the 'Elemental Nest' will not be able to support it."

Liang Ji nodded and quickly contacted Fang Xingzhu, the person in charge of Shande Building here, to explain the situation.

Lord Fang Xing was also full of surprise when he saw the seventh-level Void Bird that was suppressed and trapped by them, but quickly shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, our Shande Building here is not strong enough to capture this seventh-level Void Bird. Colorful sparrow.”

"It's a pity, it seems I can only kill..." Liang Ji frowned when he heard this.

"Wait a minute..." Lord Fang Xing stopped him and said, "We can't take down the Shan De Tower, but the Taiyi Star Palace stationed here may not be incapable of being taken down."

"Let me help you contact the Taiyi Star Palace stationed here."

Liang Ji's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately thanked the other party.

The power of the Purple Sun in the 'Purple Sun Galaxy' plays a significant role in the growth and mutation of animals. As a star palace that studies bloodline inheritance, Taiyi Star Palace will not let it go.

Among the three life stars of the 'Purple Sun Galaxy', except for the one occupied by Shan De Tower, the other two are occupied by Taiyi Star Palace.

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