The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 811 The treasure of the seventh-level demon clan

In the void outside the 'Chongzi Galaxy', Liang Ji used the power of his natal stars and Nascent Soul to open a 'star gate', and took back the natal magic weapon 'Xuanhuang Abaota' into the natal stars to warm and repair it.

At the same time, a large number of fifth-level dependents drove spaceships out of the "Star Gate" and directly attacked the large number of Void Golden Eagles behind the seventh-level Void Golden Eagle.

Among the group of Void Golden Eagles that followed the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle, the strongest ones left are only the sixth-order, and more are only the fourth-, fifth-order, or even low-order Void Golden Eagles.

And with Liang Ji's current strength of the Familia in the natal star, even the sixth-order Void Golden Eagle is fully capable of killing across ranks. Naturally, he has no fear of these remaining Void Golden Eagles, and instead regards them as his own. things.

In particular, dozens of fifth-order Void Golden Eagles among them are the main targets of the family members and spaceships sent by Liang Ji. It is important not to let one fifth-order Void Golden Eagle escape. After all, with the proportion of the fifth-order Void Demon Clan condensed demon pills, although It's not 100% yet, but it's close.

By escaping a fifth-level void golden eagle, Liang Ji most likely lost a demon pill.

And he has not yet collected a hundred fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pills to meet the needs of the fifth-level cultivation of his natal stars, so naturally he is not willing to let any one go.

When Liang Ji sent his family members to strangle the remaining Void Golden Eagles, the seventh-order Void Golden Eagles that were trapped and suppressed by the "Elemental Sea" finally fell completely.

At this time, Liang Ji and others discovered another benefit of the 'Elemental Sea'. Under Peng Yue's control and operation, the original power of the 'Elemental Sea' turned out to be a natural disaster that went out of control after the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle fell. All the power of the law was suppressed, and it was sealed in the corpse of the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle and the demon elixir. There was almost no loss of control or leakage, and no Taoist abnormality was formed.

Under such circumstances, the corpse and demon elixir of the seventh-level Void Golden Eagle contain more abundant power of the law of natural disasters, and their value will naturally increase dozens of times!

"The Elemental Sea of ​​the 'Elemental Nest' actually has such a function..." Liang Ji couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the corpse of the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle lying in the 'Elemental Sea', exuding the power of the pressure of law. .

"No! No, it should be said that it is not just the elemental sea of ​​the 'Elemental Nest' that has such an effect!" But soon, a flash of lightning flashed in Liang Ji's heart, and he came to some understanding: "It should be said that the origin of reaching a high level , the power of law and means basically have similar effects."

"Otherwise, those high-level star masters who hunt high-level void demons will basically not get the complete corpses and demon pills of the high-level void demons."

"The high-level star masters must also have such means to prevent the high-level void monsters from becoming Taoist after their fall."

"As for the deaths of those high-level void monsters who left Taoist visions in the void, it should be that the high-level star masters who killed them failed and failed to completely control and occupy them. Naturally, they also failed to stop the killing in time. The high-level Void Demon Clan became Taoist, leaving behind many demon-slaying relics."

Liang Ji knew clearly in his heart that the 'Elemental Nest' in the 'Dragon Snake' starship was also at the seventh level, reaching a high level. The origin of the 'Elemental Sea' contained in it was naturally a high-level means, with the ability to suppress and block the fall. Naturally, it is not surprising that the high-level Void Demon Clan’s Taoist Vision has an effect.

This is undoubtedly good news for Liang Ji and others.

After all, this means that if they can continue to use the 'Dragon Snake' starship to kill the seventh-level void demon clan in the future, they will have a high chance of obtaining the complete seventh-level demon corpse and demon elixir. Naturally, the harvest will be greater and more valuable. .

At this moment, the human immortal Wu Shan took out a long fairy sword and began to divide the corpse of the seventh-level void golden eagle. The long sword in his hand was obviously specially made to decompose demon corpses, and it had also reached the level of a seventh-level fairy weapon. But at this time, it is still quite difficult to cut on the seventh-level Void Golden Eagle.

This is also the reason why the fallen seventh-level Void Golden Eagle has not been enlightened, and the power of the Golden Law of Natural Disaster has not dissipated. Although it has fallen, its golden feathers, and even its skin, flesh, muscles and bones still contain a certain amount of the Golden Law. With such power, its physical body still retains part of the characteristics of the 'indestructible golden body'.

Wu Shan had to continue to use the great magical power of the 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth', and use all his strength to activate the long sword in his hand, so that he could slowly cut open the body of the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle.

After a lot of hard work, I finally took out a demon elixir from the corpse of the seventh-level void golden eagle. It can be said that the void demon clan has reached the seventh level and is 100% capable of condensing demon elixirs. As long as it does not lose control of Taoism, it will definitely be able to activate it. Come out of the demon pill.

This demonic elixir is as big as a hill and is covered in red gold. There are still black ice-like freezing residues on it. This is obviously the method used by the ghost fairy Peng Xuanding to freeze the soul. There are still remnants of it, which shows that his method is impressive.

And inside the demon core, you can still see the demon soul of the Void Golden Eagle, which is very complete and clear, almost exactly the same as its body. However, at this time, it has been penetrated like its demon body, and there are even many broken parts.

However, there is still a golden radiance in the demon pill, which is like starlight, and like the golden domain that the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle previously transformed into the twisted void. This is the power of the golden natural disaster law controlled by the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle!

Human Immortal Wu Shan held this seventh-level demon elixir in both hands, with a look of joy on his face.

According to the distribution plan discussed during the battle, this seventh-level Void Golden Eagle demon elixir will be allocated to him. After all, the three star masters Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and Peng Yue’s grandmother do not need this seventh-level demon elixir to develop their lives. Xingchen, the path of cultivation of other people in the team is not in line with it, so naturally there is no need for it.

On the contrary, the human immortal Wu Shan can refine the power of the golden law in this demon pill and try to practice the method of 'unbreakable golden body' mastered by the seventh-level Void Golden Eagle.

If it can succeed, it will undoubtedly greatly increase Wu Shan's strength and combat power. When the time comes, he can have the power of heaven and earth, three heads and six arms, plus an indestructible golden body, and the three great immortal magic powers. Even with his cultivation as a third-grade heretic immortal, he will probably dare to compete with him. The ordinary seventh-level Void Monster Clan faced each other and acted recklessly.

This is also a good thing for the 'Dragon Snake' team, and Liang Ji and others are naturally very supportive.

Wu Shan put away the demon elixir and continued to divide the remaining demon corpses. Without the nourishment and protection of the demon elixir containing the power of the golden law, the strength of the remaining seventh-level Void Golden Eagle corpse was more than doubled, and the body was golden. The feathers became much darker, and it became much easier to cut with the fairy knife in Wu Shan's hand.

The usable demonic materials, such as a body of golden feathers, flesh, flesh, bones, etc., were quickly divided and preserved, and sent to the starship.

It can be said that the seventh-level Void Demon Clan is full of treasures. Even if these flesh, blood, muscles and bones are separated and sold, they can be sold for a lot of money. Moreover, these seventh-level items are usually settled with high-grade spiritual stones. For For middle-level star masters such as Liang Ji and Peng Yue, this is a considerable amount of income.

As long as they can hunt and kill a few more seventh-order void monsters during this pioneering war, just by selling the materials from these seventh-order void monsters, they can probably borrow money from their respective star palaces, and The debts owed for purchasing the starship and upgrading the 'Dragon Snake' starship twice have been paid off.

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