The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 812 Dao Hua loses control and Ziyang falls

When Liang Ji and others drove the "Dragon Snake" starship to continuously capture the seventh-order Void Caijiao and kill the seventh-order Void Golden Eagle, in the entire "Chongzi Galaxy", the garrison forces such as Taiyi Star Palace and Shande Tower were , are also using their own methods to fight against the incoming seventh-level void demon clan and the void demon tide.

The star chart formation blocked and suppressed, starships and starports took the initiative to attack, fairy weapons and magical powers impacted across the void, and auras and starlight shone across the galaxy.

Seventh-level void demon clans were constantly being killed in the void, and large areas of void demon tides were crushed and emptied.

When Liang Ji and others finished dividing the demon corpse of the seventh-order void golden eagle, and then looked at the battlefield, they found that there were not many seventh-order void demons left inside or outside the 'Chongzi Galaxy', and these remaining seventh-order void demon clans The demon clan has basically been blocked by the teams from Taiyi Star Palace or Shandelou, and they are fighting.

"It seems like there is no way to earn more extra rewards from Shan De Lou."

Liang Ji felt a little regretful when he saw this. According to the employment contract they had signed with Shan Delou, in addition to these two seventh-level void monsters, for every additional seventh-level void monster they captured, the reward would increase by 60%. .

Now there is no chance.

As a large company in the Star Alliance that spans multiple star fields, the Taiyi Star Palace is the star palace that majors in the 'Bloodline Catalog' and has the deepest research on the Void Monster Clan. Even those who stay here in the 'Chongzi Galaxy' Their power was limited, but it was also very considerable. They directly captured most of the dozens of seventh-order void monsters.

Of course, more of this is due to the star map array that covers the "Chong Purple Galaxy". After all, it is a large array developed by the Star Alliance to imitate the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array". It has always been the star map of the Star Alliance. In the outer star sea, the important means of occupying, ruling, and guarding the galaxy naturally has its powerful power.

However, despite this, Liang Ji saw several Taoist phenomena left behind after the death of the seventh-order void monsters in and outside the 'Chongzi Galaxy', either distorting a large area of ​​void into a sea of ​​fire, or turning ' A corner of the Star Map Array was twisted and torn into a desert, even shattering a large number of stars, tearing a nearby galaxy into large void fragments, etc.

These are the traces and scars left in this void and galaxy area after the death of the seventh-level Void Monster Clan, which are difficult to remove and recover in a short period of time.

Obviously, although the power left by Taiyi Star Palace and Xander Tower in the 'Chongzi Galaxy' is very powerful and can continuously kill many seventh-order void monsters, it is obviously not strong enough, at least they do not have strong enough origins and laws. The power of these seven-level void monsters that were killed out of control and transformed by the law of natural disasters was suppressed and bound in the bodies of the void monsters and demon pills, preventing them from being transformed in the void to avoid twisting and tearing large areas. The void, the galaxy.


boom! Rumble...

At this moment, a roar of a void demon beast sounded, followed by continuous explosions and roars.

Liang Ji turned around to look, but he saw a seventh-level void monster with three heads, one in the shape of a tiger, a leopard, and a lion. At this time, under the suppression of the 'Star Map Array', he was also suppressed by a member of the Taiyi Star Palace. The airport was forcibly bombarded.

However, the airport of Taiyi Star Palace could not prevent the Taoist transformation phenomenon after the death of this seventh-level void demon clan, especially since this seventh-level void demon clan has three heads and actually possesses the power of three laws and natural disasters. They are water element, fire element, and void force respectively. They can be regarded as the strongest and most difficult existence among the dozens of high-level void monsters that attacked.

The Ether One Star Palace's research and restraint methods on the Void Demon Clan also relied on the 'Star Map Array' to suppress them. It took multiple and long-term attacks from the airport to kill them, but it was difficult to stop them from becoming enlightened.

But at this time, something went wrong with this Dao Transformation. What erupted in its body was the power of the two laws of water and fire, which collided directly with each other. The conflict directly caused a greater explosion and loss of control. In addition, the power of the last void law was mixed into it, and the surrounding void was suddenly distorted, exploded and shattered. Even the star map array that enveloped and suppressed the 'Chong Purple Galaxy' was torn apart and destroyed.

Many stars in the 'Chong Purple Galaxy' were destroyed by this explosion and out-of-control Taoism.

The next moment, it seemed that a limit had been reached, and it seemed to be the follow-up reaction of the three-headed seventh-level void demon clan's out-of-control Taoism. However, several Taoism relics were seen scattered inside, outside and around the 'Chongzi Galaxy'. 'Suddenly they all lost control.

The power of laws and natural disasters that was originally twisting the void all exploded and expanded, spreading and twisting towards the interior of the 'Heavy Purple Galaxy'.

This time, the star map array that enveloped the 'Chong Purple Galaxy' no longer worked. The void was distorted, the stars were shattered, and the star map array was torn apart.

What's even worse is that the two purple stars in the center of the "Double Purple Galaxy", the distortion and transformation of the power of the stars and the power of the sky demon are already showing signs of being out of control, causing chaos among the surrounding life stars. Loss of control and destruction.

At this time, under the influence of the out-of-control power of natural disaster laws and the power of high-level void monsters in these 'Taohua ruins', the two 'Purple Suns' that were already unstable and on the verge of losing control finally could no longer hold on. Completely starting to lose control and fall.

A large amount of out-of-control purple star power and remaining sky demon power erupted from the two 'Purple Suns', sweeping across the surrounding galaxies and the void. Wherever they passed, the void was distorted, the stars were torn apart, and the 'Chong Purple Sun' Among the three living stars in the galaxy, destructive images began to appear.

The birds and beasts, various animals, bugs, monsters, etc. that live in the stars all began to grow and expand rapidly under the illumination and nourishment of the out-of-control power of the purple sun and the power of the heavenly demons. It quickly grew in size, and even eventually lost control. Its power grew rapidly, even exceeding the level of the stars of life, causing the stars to backfire and lead to destruction.

These out-of-control animals, monsters, bugs, etc. are killing, fighting, and destroying wantonly in the three life stars. It seems that all three life stars are beginning to reach the end of life and toward destruction.

What's more, Liang Ji clearly realized that the third-level family members who were sent to the 'Life Star' controlled by Shande Tower and were responsible for strangling the out-of-control insects were also shining under the out-of-control power of the Purple Sun and the power of the Heavenly Demon. Under the influence, mutations and distortions began to occur.

His mind quickly projected over and turned into a starlight projection among the stars. When he looked down, he suddenly saw a large number of his dependents from all branches mutating, and their bodies twisted and swelled, as if the blood of the 'Father, Heaven, Elephant and Earth' was running. Great supernatural power.

The bloodline power they controlled was directly out of control under the influence of the power of the Purple Sun and the power of the Heavenly Demon. The Prisoner Niu Familia, the Jiajuan Familia, the Chaofeng Familia, etc. all began to distort, return to their ancestors, and turn towards the Ox Demon and Wolf Demon. The images and bloodlines of demon clans such as harpies and harpies have become distorted and developed.

Liang Ji's face changed slightly when he saw this, but he did not give up on these twisted and empty Familia. Instead, he opened the 'Star Gate' and sent out flying boats and spaceships to capture these out-of-control Familia and bring them back to their natal stars.

And as the airships and spaceships sailed in, the star of life that was already heading for destruction collapsed faster and faster.

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