The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 827 The Return of the Gods and the Flesh Sea Serpent


There was a loud roar, and the boundless sea water surged into the sky.

Sea Serpent Star At the bottom of the vast sea, in front of the Sea Serpent Abyss, Liang Ji looked at the seventh-order sea snake that had swallowed a large amount of sea water and regained its body and origin again, with a somewhat serious look on his face.

He has been entangled with this unbeatable seventh-level sea snake for more than a day. The source consumption and recovery speed of the natal star are still within his expectations. If he persists for three days, he should be fine.

But one thing was beyond his expectation, that is, the grade, quality, and solidity of the natal magic weapon 'The Thirty-Three Layers of Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower'. It is very close to the level of a seventh-level immortal weapon, but its essence is still only a fifth-level magic weapon. Even if its combat power reaches the seventh level, its quality, sturdiness, etc. are still only the essence of the fifth level.

After more than a day of constant fighting and bombardment, Liang Ji had clearly noticed that the magic weapon of his life, the 'Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower', was about to lose its hold.

"With such a fierce collision and battle, I'm afraid that within half a day, this natal magic weapon will be eaten away and cracked."

"If we continue to fight for one more day, this pagoda will probably completely collapse!"

Liang Ji used his soul to perform sacrifices and check the condition of the natal pagoda. He quickly made an estimate, and his face couldn't help but become heavier.

If the natal magic weapon is destroyed in this battle, the impact on him and the natal stars will be considerable. After all, this 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth' has been cultivated and refined in the natal stars for more than tens of thousands of years. It has already been with the natal stars. The origin of the stars and the laws of the great road are connected, becoming a giant pillar supporting the sky and a pagoda ascending to the sky.

If it collapses, even if the natal stars will not tilt to the southeast and the earth to the northwest, they will definitely suffer huge shocks and backlash; even the underworld of Jiuquan and reincarnation are expected to be affected, causing yin and yang chaos and ghosts. Major issues such as birth, origin turmoil, reincarnation errors, etc.

After all, this Jiuquan underworld was developed and evolved layer by layer by him using the natal magic weapon 'Xuanhuang Pagoda' as the treasure. Its connection and involvement with this natal Pagoda are naturally closer and more important.

In the ten floors below the pagoda, there are even Jiuquan underworld and reincarnation realm evolving in them, which can be seen.

"No! We can't go on like this, otherwise even if we have completed the protection of She Yuanjie and obtained the highest employment reward, if the magic weapon is destroyed, we will suffer a big loss!"

With a thought in his mind, Liang Ji reached out and made a move in the air, and shouted:

"The gods have returned!"

Suddenly, the body of the 'Feng Shen Bang', which was suspended above it and illuminated by a large area of ​​divine light, flew down directly and fell into his natal magic weapon, the 'Xuanhuang Pagoda', and merged with the natal pagoda.

The 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth' suddenly shined with divine light, especially the ten floors in the middle, the ten floors below, and the total twenty-story pagoda, with bright divine light bursting out from it and shooting in all directions.

In the shining divine light, one can clearly see that the nine springs of the underworld and the vision of reincarnation are emerging in the ten-story pagoda below. The figures of ghosts and gods in the underworld are stationed in it, and various "divine edicts" shine above them, blending into their own destiny. The 'Feng Shen Bang' in the pagoda is connected.

Similarly, in the ten-story pagoda in the middle, ten levels of elemental realms evolved and emerged. The figures of the earth gods belonging to each lineage family also appeared in the corresponding elemental realms, offering sacrifices to the 'Divine Edict' and connecting them to the 'God List'. The power of the gods is running at full strength to protect and strengthen the natal pagoda.

"This time, the strength of the natal pagoda has increased again, and it should be able to last for more than a day!"

Liang Ji sensed the situation of the pagoda with his soul and made a quick judgment.

"But in this way, the consumption of the origin and law of the natal stars will increase again!"

"The battle that could last for three days will probably be reduced by half a day!"

With thoughts in his mind, Liang Ji looked at the seventh-order sea snake charging towards him again, his eyes full of solemnity, and he raised the pagoda again and slammed it down.

"Absolutely frozen!"

"Five Mountains Seal the Town!"

"Thunder destroys the world!"

The powerful magical powers of the Familia clan were blasted out through the natal pagoda. Blessed by the power of the gods of the Familia clan, the power was increased several times. They bombarded the seventh-order sea snake, freezing it, suppressing it, and blasting it to pieces.

Even more powerful this time, it directly shattered nearly half of the seventh-order sea snake's body.

But it's still useless. With the endless supply of sea water all around, as well as the support of the sea snake star's origin and even instinctive will, even if the seventh-level sea snake is completely blown to pieces, I'm afraid it can quickly reunite and recover, and cannot be killed at all.

The three seventh-level monsters that were besieging them at this time were, in a sense, the manifestation of the origin, laws, and will of the 'Sea Serpent Star'.

"Perhaps it is precisely because of this that these three seventh-level sea beasts are completely unable to see the wisdom that higher-level beings should have!"

"Time after time, they are just hit with death-like impact, without even a little bit of flexibility, strategy, or cooperation wisdom."

After more than a day of fighting, Liang Ji had already discovered the advantages and disadvantages of these three seventh-level monsters that were born from the source and will of the stars.

It can be said that it has both advantages and disadvantages. It is precisely because it was created by the origin and will of the stars. Even now, it is closely connected with the origin and will of the sea serpent star. It gave them immortality, but also made their Spiritual intelligence and wisdom were directly swallowed up and annihilated by the will of the stars, leaving only chaos and the inability to fight, without the wisdom of higher-level beings at all.

Whether this is considered good or bad, whether immortality or wisdom is more important, is a matter of opinion.

At least, Liang Ji was completely out of temper by the immortality of this seventh-order sea snake.

Similarly, he could also feel that in the other two battlefields, the battle between Wu Shan, Peng Xuanding and two other seventh-level monsters had also entered a difficult and boring state. Although the battle was very fierce, it was without passion.

They were also tortured terribly by the immortal bodies of the two seventh-level monsters.

As for the surroundings of their battlefield, countless low- and middle-level sea beasts and monsters came continuously to fight with his family and Grandma Peng Yue's family. The blood and residual limbs had already turned the surrounding sea into a sea of ​​blood.

Behind him, on the Sea Serpent Abyss, She Yuanjie put himself to death and fought with the Burning Dao Fruit. It was already very effective, completely suppressing the Sea Serpent phantom and even swallowing half of it.

At this time, the sea snake phantom had even begun to devour the blood and stumps of monster beasts that filled the surrounding sea water, turning them into flesh and blood, condensing them into the sea-colored phantom.

As a result, filled and condensed with the origin of the stars, the luck of the sea snake, and the power of the heavenly demon, the sea snake that had transformed from reality to reality was once again shaped into bones, flesh and blood, reincarnated from death, and turned into a real, living giant sea snake.

hiss! hold head high……

The huge flesh-and-blood sea snake that came to life raised its head and roared, seeming to be calling.

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