The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 828: The Disappearing Sea Snake at the Time of Desperation

The huge sea serpent, whose flesh and blood had been reunited, raised its head and screamed in summons.

The next moment, roars and explosions sounded, and many sea snakes rushing from the surrounding sea exploded one after another. The blood, flesh, and souls of countless sea snakes rushed towards the huge sea snake that raised its head and summoned, merged into its body, and grew. His body!

From the low-level sea snake to the middle-level sea snake, and even to the end, Liang Ji saw the seventh-level sea snake that was entangled and fighting with him in front of him. The body shape and the power of the origin and law in the body began to expand, vibrate, and tear apart. There are obviously signs of self-destruction.

"Stop them, don't let them explode!"

Behind him, in the Sea Serpent Abyss, among the heavenly snakes that were fighting to the death with the huge flesh and blood sea snake, She Yuanjie's final roar could be heard.

It can be seen that as the fleshy sea snake devoured a large amount of self-exploding sea snake flesh and soul, its size, strength, and power increased again, and even had the potential to break the limit of the star and break through the seventh level.

Roaring and shattering sounds continued to be heard from the surrounding heaven and earth, and the Sea Snake Star seemed to be suffering from backlash, and began to show signs of collapse and destruction.

Obviously, this huge sea snake represents the fate and origin of the sea snake. After being overwhelmed by the 'Sky Serpent' and constantly being devoured, it directly launched its final desperate killing move, even regardless of the endurance limit and existence of the 'Sea Serpent Star'. .

The effect of this is also very obvious. The huge flesh and blood sea snake that devoured a large amount of self-destructing sea snake's flesh and soul has once again caught up with the 'Sky Serpent' in combat power, and is as entangled and fighting with it.

If two more seventh-order sea snakes are spawned and self-destruct, and the flesh, soul, origin and power of law are all integrated into the body of this huge flesh and blood sea snake, their combat power will definitely be pushed to a new peak and completely broken. The limit of the seventh level, breaking the limit of the Sea Serpent Star, can also completely suppress the 'Sky Serpent'.

When the time comes, the 'Sea Serpent' swallows the 'Heavenly Serpent', and under the influence and creation of the 'Tide of the Power of the Sky Demon', it will break and then immediately promote the 'Sea Serpent Star' to another level and become an eighth-level spiritual star. no way!

Therefore, She Yuanjie among the 'Sky Snakes' directly roared, asking Liang Ji and others to stop the last two seventh-order sea snakes and prevent them from self-destructing and integrating into the flesh and blood sea snakes.

After a roar, She Yuanjie's figure melted away and completely merged with the 'Sky Snake', pushing the 'Sky Snake''s combat power and power upward once again.

And just this slight gap has become the key gap that determines victory or defeat, life or death!

hiss! hold head high……

The huge flesh and blood sea snake was once again overwhelmed by the 'Sky Serpent', and was torn apart and devoured bit by bit by the 'Sky Snake'. The flesh and blood sea snake still couldn't help but raise its head and hiss again, issuing a more urgent and shrill call.


At this time, there was a sudden roar and explosion in the distant sea. The impact of the explosion swept across thousands of miles of sea, setting off boundless seawater and impacting all directions.

It was the shrunken, transparent, and invisible seventh-level sea snake that blew itself up first.

"Nine Yin Underworld! Seal!"

In the explosion, Peng Xuanding's roar came out.

The next moment, his figure escaped from the space and was in the center of the explosion. Countless yin and cold powers erupted from his body and swept around. The surrounding hundreds of miles of sea were frozen and solidified in an instant. , turning into a 'underworld' filled with the power of extreme yin and cold.

And all the flesh, flesh, demon soul, origin and law power of the self-destructed seventh-level sea snake are now emerging in this dark and cold 'underworld', frozen in it, constantly vibrating and eroding. , Drilling into the camp, confronting and wearing down the Yin and Cold power of the 'Nether Realm', trying to break out.

But at this time, Peng Xuanding's body was integrated with the "Underworld", and he used all the power of the origin and laws he controlled to fight and resist these forces, but he was frozen to death, making it difficult to break out for a while.

It was also at this time that Liang Ji discovered that the source and law of power that Peng Xuanding mastered that could freeze the soul was not simply the power of ice, but the power of the underworld that reached the extremes of yin and cold!

"To be able to cultivate in such a dark and cold underworld, Peng Xuanding must have entered the real underworld to practice, and even came into contact with the origin of the underworld!"

"I just don't know if he is in contact with the underworld origin in the form of a celestial serpent? Or the underworld origin of some indigenous star? Or is it just the natal star underworld origin of which star master?"

A thought flashed through Liang Ji's mind, but he quickly suppressed it.

At this time, his soul could clearly see that the source and law power in the huge seventh-order sea snake in front of him was also violently vibrating, boiling, and expanding, and was about to self-destruct!

"She Yuanjie!" Liang Ji couldn't help shouting when he saw this: "If the reward this time is not satisfactory to me, I will look good on you!"

Before the long roar ended, a bright starlight shot out from its natal pagoda, directly into the void above the Sea Serpent Star, and connected with the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

The next moment, the bright elemental light shot down from the 'Dragon Snake' starship and from the void, directly connected to its natal magic weapon.

Based on his natal magic weapon, a large amount of elemental light spread in all directions and turned into an illusory and real 'element sea', directly covering and suppressing the huge seventh-order sea snake that was about to self-destruct, preventing it from self-destructing.

Click! Click...

The power of borrowing the starship and the 'Elemental Nest' in this way is indeed powerful, but the pressure and damage to Liang Ji's natal magic weapon are also doubled. However, in a moment, Liang Ji can already hear subtle cracks from his natal magic weapon. From the magic weapon.

Looking with the soul, one can already see subtle cracks emerging.

Time seems to be passing by like years at this moment, but it is also urgent to race against time.

In the surrounding sea area, due to the self-destruction of a large number of sea snakes, a large number of Liang Ji's family members had no opponents and were free. At this time, they gathered one after another, forming battle formations around him and the natal pagoda, or holding sacrifices and blessings. Pagoda, add even a little bit of power to the pagoda.

Despite this, the tiny cracks and tiny cracks gradually intensified and gradually extended from the inside of the pagoda to the outside.

At this time, even if Liang Ji didn't use his soul to check, he could already see a crack emerging on the natal pagoda with his naked eyes, and it was still spreading and expanding.

In the distance, Peng Xuanding transformed into the Yin Zhihan 'Netherworld'. At this time, a large number of cracks have appeared inside during the confrontation. It seems that it has not been long since it was broken and washed away.

hiss! Roar……

hold head high!

After an unknown amount of time, Liang Ji suddenly heard two roars coming from the direction of the abyss behind him, one desperate and shrill, the other passionate and exciting.

At the same time, he suddenly felt that the seventh-order sea snake under his suppression was like a popped balloon, shrinking and weakening rapidly, even dying, withering, and decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared in this place in the blink of an eye. In the sea, it seemed as if it had never appeared before, leaving not even a trace.

"She Yuanjie succeeded!"

When Liang Ji saw this, he suddenly understood and his eyes lit up!

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