The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 829 The power of the saint and the power of the demon

She Yuanjie used the 'Sky Snake' to swallow the 'Sea Snake'. What he swallowed was all the origin, destiny, past, present and even the future of the 'Sea Snake' on this star. It was everything about the 'Sea Snake'.

Only in this way can it be possible to help him break the shackles of the 'Sky Serpent', find his own path, and have the possibility of becoming a high-level star master.

Therefore, when She Yuanjie succeeded, everything about the 'Sea Snake' was erased from its origin and the law of the great road on this star.

Liang Jiping tried his best, and even relied on the help of the "Elemental Nest" on the "Dragon Snake" starship, to suppress the self-destructing seventh-order sea snake. At this time, it was wiped out of thin air, as if it had never appeared before.

The flesh, flesh, and souls left behind by the self-destruction of the sea snakes were also wiped away, leaving no trace.

If the 'Sea Serpent' is swallowed by the 'Sky Serpent', everything will be lost! Even on this star, the sea snake no longer exists in the memories of all the monsters.

This star may still be called the Sea Serpent Star by the 'Sky Serpent Academy', but there will no longer be any trace of the Sea Serpent in it. Even if the remaining monsters in it have intelligence and wisdom, they will not know what the Sea Serpent is.

Liang Ji looked at the battlefield, and everything related to the sea snake was wiped out and distorted out of thin air. He understood in his heart and was filled with shock.

He couldn't help but look back at the huge 'Sky Snake' that She Yuanjie transformed into and swallowed the 'Sea Snake'. Such a method was astonishing compared to star magic, the power of the Emperor of Heaven, the power of gods, etc.

At least, as far as Liang Ji knows, the middle-level star masters do not have the ability to erase everything of a race in their own natal stars. This is already an extremely deep and subtle issue involving the origin and laws of the stars. kind of operation.

"Perhaps, only saints can have such means!"

"Is this the method inheritance left by the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake'? To deliberately leave a different path for the descendants who will inherit his inheritance?"

Thoughts floated in Liang Ji's mind.

At this time, as the 'Sea Serpent' was swallowed by the 'Sky Serpent', more chain reactions began to erupt, and roars and vibrations began to be heard from the depths of the stars.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, thunderstorms, storms, volcanic eruptions, etc., all kinds of apocalyptic scenes of destruction began to erupt everywhere on the 'Sea Serpent Star', as if the entire star was beginning to be destroyed.

After all, the Sea Serpent Clan has ruled this star for who knows how many years. The origin, destiny, etc. of the Sea Serpent Clan have been integrated into the origin of the star, quite a bit of "replacing the Heart of Heaven with the Heart of the Sea Serpent".

Therefore, when the 'Sky Serpent' swallows the 'Sea Serpent', the Sea Serpent can activate the will and instinct of the stars to suppress and repel the enemy. It can also summon all the monsters in the stars to attack. It can also directly give birth to and control the three-headed seventh-level snakes. Monsters are coming.

These are enough to show the deep control and influence of the 'Sea Serpent' on the origin of the stars.

But now, the 'Sea Serpent' has been swallowed up and wiped away, and the origin of the entire star and the laws of the great road have naturally been affected and backfired, as if a piece of it was torn out of thin air.

The source of the stars is turbulent and torn apart, and when reflected on the entire star, various natural disasters and natural disasters will naturally erupt, just like the entire star has entered the end of the world and is about to be destroyed.

But soon, Liang Ji discovered that although the star had signs of doom, it was only on the surface. The signs of destruction did not penetrate deep into the origin of the stars and reach the laws.

"Although the source of the stars appears to be shaking, it does not appear to be destroyed!"

"It seems that this sea serpent star cannot be destroyed!"

"But that's right. Although the sea snake has a profound influence on the origin of the stars, compared to the entire star, I'm afraid it is only superficial. Although being torn away will have a big impact on the entire star, it will not destroy the entire star!"

"But according to this trend, this 'Sea Serpent Star' will inevitably be downgraded!"

At this time, Liang Ji used the Star Technique Eye Technique to have a panoramic view of the entire "Sea Serpent Star". He could see that the destructive disasters of landslides, tsunamis, storms, and volcanic thunder could hardly threaten the origin of the stars.

But among the torn earth under the sea, the erupting volcanoes, and the cracked abyss, many bright stars can be seen bursting out, floating into the void, and dissipating on the stars.

Those dissipated starlights are undoubtedly the origin of the Sea Serpent Star and the power of the star spiritual veins. Because a piece of the origin is torn off and vibrating endlessly, a large amount of the star origin and the power of the spiritual veins will inevitably escape and float in the stars and the void. among.

When the power of these scattered and lost star sources and spiritual veins exceeds a limit, the spiritual vein levels and star levels of the entire 'Sea Serpent Star' will fall.

But at the same time, now is the time when the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon's Power' is erupting and surging. A large amount of starlight containing the power of Heavenly Demon is washed back from the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' and also rushes into the 'Sea Serpent Star' middle.

It is inevitable that many of them will rush into the origin of the Sea Snake Star and the spiritual veins of the stars through these torn seabeds, erupting volcanoes, cracked abyss, etc., and will be eroded and integrated through the gaps torn apart by the star origins and spiritual veins. Go in, repair, replenish, twist, and create the origin and star spiritual veins of the entire Sea Snake Star.

While constantly leaking its origin, while constantly replenishing the power of the sky demon, at this time, extremely complex and mysterious changes and evolutions are undoubtedly taking place in the origin, spiritual veins, and laws of the 'Sea Serpent Star'.

It involves the changes in the origin of the stars and the creation of the power of the heavenly demon, which are undoubtedly very attractive and make people want to observe and understand the existence. If he can gain something from it, it will be of great benefit to him.

"According to the employment agreement signed with She Yuanjie, the previous battle was so fierce that three seventh-level monsters appeared and two of them almost exploded. I even consumed a lot of my natal star source."

"Even the Earthly Dragon among the three seventh-level monsters is still fighting!"

Liang Ji's eyes turned to the other side of the seabed. Wu Shan was still fighting with the Earthly Dragon. However, without the catalysis of the 'Sea Snake''s will, the Earthly Dragon's strength had been weakening and was about to fall to the seventh level. Wu Shan has completely gained the upper hand.

"Also, in the battle outside in the void, according to the information sent by Peng Yue, two seventh-level void monsters also appeared. One was blocked by the airport of the 'Tian Serpent Academy', and the other was blocked by the 'Dragon Snake' starship!"

"Even now, the battle in the void outside is not over yet. Instead, it has become more intense because a large amount of the source and spiritual starlight of the Sea Serpent Star has dissipated and leaked, attracting more void monsters!"

"With such a powerful enemy, such a fierce battle, and the successful protector completing the devouring of the 'Sea Serpent', this mission can be regarded as a successful completion of the first-class employment conditions."

"According to the agreement, Peng Yue and I can directly leave a mark on the origin of the 'Sea Serpent Star' and seize the origin of the 'Sea Serpent Star' to restore the consumption of the origin of the natal star!"

"Now is the best time. Not only can we seize the origin of the Sea Serpent Star, we can also observe and sense the role and creation of the power of the sky demon in the origin of the star!"

Liang Ji had a sudden thought in his heart and quickly made a decision.

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