The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 830 Projection Observation: Dramatic Changes in Sea Serpent Star

She Yuanjie had successfully swallowed the 'Sea Serpent' with the 'Sky Snake' and was digesting the benefits, no longer caring about the outside world.

However, according to the agreement that Liang Ji and others signed with the other party, now that they have successfully swallowed the 'sea snake' for the other party's Dharma protector, the employment agreement will naturally come into effect, and they will be able to receive different levels of remuneration in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.

This was already stipulated when the employment agreement was signed and clearly stated in the agreement. Presumably She Yuanjie already knew a little bit about the situation at that time. After knowing that he was successful, it would be difficult to take care of the outside world. Naturally, it would be difficult to lead Liang Liang personally. Ji and others received their reward.

That’s why it’s stated directly in the employment agreement that they can get paid directly after completing the agreement.

Now was undoubtedly the best time to receive the reward. Liang Ji immediately contacted Peng Yue who was on the "Dragon Snake" starship in the void, and told him about the changes in the "Sea Snake Star", so that the other party could also seize the opportunity here. Leave an imprint on the origin of the stars, so that you can personally observe and experience the changes in the origin of the stars and the creation of the power of the sky demon.

At the same time, Liang Ji activated the 'Fengshen Bang', and the divine light shone out from the natal pagoda, and the body of the 'Fengshen Bang' that merged into it flew out immediately.

At this time, the seventh-level Sea Serpent has been wiped out, and the battle in the Sea Serpent Star has basically stopped. Liang Ji naturally does not need to continue to maintain these fighting forms, wasting the origin of his natal star in vain.

However, as the body of the 'Feng Shen Bang' flew out, several more cracking sounds were heard from Liang Ji's natal magic weapon, the 'Xuanhuang Pagoda', and the cracks that appeared on it spread again, grew, and even increased.

Obviously, without the suppression and protection of the 'Feng Shen Bang', the heavy damage suffered by the natal magic weapon in the previous battles has further deepened.

In an instant, Liang Ji himself and his natal stars were implicated and backlashed. The sea of ​​consciousness and the ‘primordial spirit’ were shaken, and the origin of the stars was shaken.

Liang Ji immediately took it back to the natal star, stood on the holy land of Longshou Mountain, and used the origin of the natal star and the power of the Great Law to nourish and restore the trauma suffered by this natal magic weapon.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the 'primordial spirit' was somewhat shaken due to the involvement and backlash of the natal magic weapon, and even almost dispersed, returning to the state of 'dragon star spirit' and 'half-step primordial spirit'.

However, Liang Ji immediately mobilized the source of his natal stars to stabilize the 'primordial spirit', and continued to consume a large amount of the source of stars to maintain the operation of the 'primordial spirit'.

The purpose is to observe and feel the original changes in the "Sea Serpent Star" and the creation of the heavenly demon from the perspective and induction of the "Yuan Shen" through the projection of the "Feng Shen Bang".

What he can gain from this will naturally be more than what he can observe and understand from the perspective of the ‘Nascent Soul’.

Liang Ji immediately stopped delaying and immediately activated the body of the 'Feng Shen Bang' in the sky. A projection flew out from it and sank directly into the stars below, directly into the spiritual veins and origin of the stars.

The whole process went very smoothly, with almost no resistance encountered, and the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' has been imprinted on the origin of the 'Sea Serpent Star'.

"This is because the 'Sea Serpent Will' has been erased, and a piece of the star's origin has been torn off. It is still in shock, missing, and chaos, so there is no intention to prevent foreign objects from entering the origin and the star's spiritual veins!"

"So, the source of this star will neither stop the power of the heavenly demon nor block my projection of the 'God List'!"

As soon as Liang Ji had a thought in his mind, he already understood his intention.

At the same time, a projection of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' fell from the sky, and also disappeared into the stars. It was branded into the origin of the stars without any hindrance. It was Peng Yue's brand!

Liang Duanyu took one look and retracted his thoughts. The "Yuan Shen" in the sea of ​​consciousness used all his strength to observe and understand the original situation of the "Sea Serpent Star" through the projection of the "Feng Shen Bang".

All along, based on Liang Ji's practice experience, or concept, the origin of stars and the spiritual veins of stars have always appeared as a "long river of starlight".

The countless ‘starlights’ in the long river are the origin of stars.

This is the 'world view' formed by the Star Alliance monks who have studied and practiced since childhood. Perhaps the origin of stars and spiritual veins are formless and immaterial chaos, but in the 'world view' of the Star Alliance monks, it is just a large area of ​​starlight. , a galaxy.

Similarly, in the eyes of the gods of the super-level civilization 'God Realm', the origin of stars may be countless divine lights; in the eyes of the elemental spirits of the 'spiritual world', the origin of stars may be the 'Elemental Sea' and so on.

Whether they are monks or mortals, their understanding of the world is always limited by their knowledge, vision, and concepts.

At this time, Liang Ji observed and sensed the original situation of the Sea Snake Star through the projection of the "Feng Shen Bang" from the perspective of the "Yuan Shen". What he saw was still a galaxy and countless starlight.

However, at this time, the galaxies and starlight in the 'Sea Serpent Star' are in chaos and turmoil, just like a river bursting its banks, and the flood waves begin to rush around uncontrollably. Once allowed to develop, it will It is very likely to develop into an out-of-control flood and destroy everything.

At that time, the 'Sea Serpent Star' will not only be downgraded, but may actually be destroyed.

Liang Ji observed and sensed the changes in the origin of these stars and the power of the spiritual veins through the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang'. Although it was chaotic and turbulent, there was still something for him to study and understand, and he could also use it to develop and protect his own natal stars. middle.

At the same time, he also clearly observed and sensed through the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' that a large amount of heavenly demon power invaded these stars and galaxies, blending with the starlight, as if a special pigment was introduced into the river, slowly flowing The infestation changes the color of the river.

It’s just that this ‘power of the sky demon’ not only changes the color of the ‘Galaxy’, it also has the power to distort and transform the ‘Galaxy’, which is much more powerful than the ‘Pigment’.

"The power of the heavenly demon has invaded the origin of these stars, but it cannot be directly captured and sent into the origin of the natal stars. Otherwise, it may be easy for the power of these heavenly demons to take the opportunity to invade the natal stars!"

"The impact and damage to the natal stars will be unpredictable at that time."

Liang Ji felt awe-inspiring in his heart, and immediately activated the 'Fengshen Bang' to restrict and block the projection of the 'Fengshen Bang' imprinted on the origin of the 'Sea Snake Star', blocking the power of the heavenly demon from entering the natal star through the projection of the 'Fengshen Bang' possible.

"It's just that in this way, this sea serpent star can only be used as a research target, but it will not be able to provide source recovery for the natal star!"

A thought flashed through his mind, and he quickly suppressed it. Liang Ji took the time to observe and understand the erosion, distortion, and creation process of the power of these demons in the origin of the Sea Serpent Star, as well as the impact on the origin of the Sea Serpent Star. He combined these observation data and gains All the information is recorded in the 'Star Book' for comparative data in future studies of 'Celestial Demon's Power' and 'Celestial Demon's Creation'.

boom! Rumble...

After an unknown amount of time, violent roars and vibrations came from the depths and origin of the Sea Serpent Star. The spiritual veins of the stars shrank directly, and the spiritual energy on the stars was rich and rapidly weakened. After all, the seventh-level Sea Serpent Star could not hold on. , fell directly to the sixth-level spiritual star, and fell from the high-level star to the middle-level star.

At the same time, the surface of the stars began to undergo changes. A large number of huge cracks and abyss appeared on the sea floor, and a large amount of seawater poured into them. A large number of undersea mountains and continents began to rise continuously, rising above the sea surface and turning into land.

A star with 90% of it occupied by the ocean is changing towards a star with land occupying most of the area as it falls down the level.

The Sea Serpent Star has completely become a star unsuitable for Sea Serpents to live in!

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