The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 834 Gathering the Golden Eagle Demonic Pill Bad News

Phew! Phew...

Outside the 'Sea Serpent Galaxy', sounds of chirping sounded in the void, and golden eagles from the void merged into a demonic tide and charged towards them, as if a golden ocean was surging in the void.



On the edge of the 'Sea Serpent Galaxy', under the star map, a series of 'Yaiju Spaceships', 'Biuan Spaceships', 'Suani Spaceships', 'Jiaotu Spaceships', etc. were arranged in an array to face these impacts. The Void Golden Eagle Tide.

On top of the leading 'Jiao Tu Spaceship', the new generation of 'Ice King' gave an order, and various 'element dissociation' lights suddenly shot out from these spaceships and blasted into the attacking group of Void Golden Eagles.

Wherever the light passed, the Void Golden Eagles of the fifth and lower levels were completely unstoppable. They were either pierced, torn apart, or chopped in half. A large amount of blood, stumps, and broken feathers were scattered in the void.

Only the sixth-level Void Golden Eagle can persist in the light of these 'element dissociations'. The whole body is shining with strong defensive golden light and extremely sharp edges, smashing some of the light and rushing to the star map array. forward.

But before they could rush into the star chart formation, the spaceships of the various clans arranged in a row had already connected into an formation, and the light from the 'dissociated elements' such as the five elements, wind and thunder, poison, ice, yin and yang, etc. suddenly merged into one, forming A beam of 'chaotic dissociation' light filled with destructive power swept directly in front of the star map formation, sweeping and killing all the sixth-order void golden eagles that had been charging hard.

Behind these Familia spaceships, the 'Dragon Snake' starship was parked in the void of the galaxy. A large swath of starlight swept across the battlefield, killing and sweeping the Void Golden Eagle corpses, demon materials, demon pills, etc. from the Familia spaceships. In the starship.

Then the family members stationed in the starship will sort and harvest them, or store them in the starship, or send them to the natal stars of Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and Grandma Peng Yue for temporary storage.

At this time, Liang Ji took out a sixth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill that he had just harvested, handed it to Chu Yue and said, "Senior Chu, I'm sorry to bother you. If I attract another round of Void Golden Eagle, I should be able to gather the five required. It’s a level demon pill.”

Chu Yue directly took the demon pill and said nonchalantly: "It is the right thing for everyone to work together, not to mention that we are hunting the Void Demon Clan. It can meet your needs at the same time, so why not do it."

As she spoke, she had already put the new sixth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill into the 'directional demon luring formation' arranged on the starship. The formation started to move, emitting special starlight and rhythm, which affected all those passing by in the void. The Void Golden Eagle Demon Clan has greater allure and can lure the Void Golden Eagle in the Void Demon Tide to attack this place.

In the past, Liang Ji and others mostly used this 'directional monster luring formation' to find and hunt void mirages. Now, taking advantage of the power of the sky demon tide erupting in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', the void demon tide attacks everywhere. , using this formation to lure the Void Golden Eagle and help Liang Ji complete the collection of the last dozens of fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pills was also a legitimate use.

Of course, the most important reason why Liang Ji and others dared to use the 'Demon Lure Formation' in the violent Void Demon Tide was because the eruption of the tidal power of the Sky Demon in the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' was nearing its end. .

This tidal explosion of the power of the Sky Demon has lasted for more than three months. Recently, the starlight and the power of the Sky Demon that surged from the central area of ​​the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' have become much thinner, and even begun to appear. intermittent situation.

Because of this, the wave of void demons erupting in the nearby void has also weakened a lot. Not only has the number of void demons impacting various galaxies been reduced a lot, but more importantly, these void demons seem to have gradually regained their sanity and no longer be violent regardless of life and death. impact.

Under such circumstances, galaxies such as the Sea Serpent Galaxy that are guarded by the Star Chart Array can completely rely on the array to block the attacks of the Void Demon Tide, and even start to switch from defense to offense, taking the initiative to hunt down the Void Demon in the void. The tide is not only to collect demon materials, demon pills and other resources, but also to weaken the power of the void demon clan in the 'Sky Demon Star Domain'.

In the past few days, Liang Ji and others have observed several times through the detection array of the "Dragon Snake" starship that in the void outside the galaxy, some starships sailed by from time to time, chasing after some void demon tides.

Obviously, at the end of the outbreak of the "Tide of Demonic Power", there are quite a few Star Alliance monks and forces who have turned from defense to offense and taken the initiative.

Liang Ji and others are not strong enough to compare with those starships and monks who actively enter the void to chase the void demon tide. However, using the 'directional demon luring formation' modified by Chu Yue, they came here. At the edge of the Sea Serpent Galaxy, there is no problem in taking the initiative to lure some specific Void Monsters to attack, so as to hunt some needed Void Monsters.

However, in just a few days, Liang Ji's family members had already hunted a large number of Void Golden Eagles, and soon gathered the remaining dozens of fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pills needed.

"Next, we can try our best to exchange resources to accelerate the development and improvement of the fifth-level natal star. I hope to be promoted to the sixth-level star master before the end of this pioneering war!"

Liang Ji looked at the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demonic Pill that he had collected and even exceeded. He nodded with satisfaction and said with some expectation in his heart.

If this pioneering war is just to drink some soup behind the teams of big groups and forces such as Herborist Group, Shandelou, Tianshe Academy, etc., although the gains are not small, they will be limited after all.

If they want to truly gain enough benefits for them to gain a foothold in this pioneering war, they must eventually find a way to participate in the front-line war and seize their own life stars.

Looking at the 'Sea Serpent Star' occupied by Tian Serpent Academy, Liang Ji was really envious.

Although they have also obtained a lot of data and information on the changes in the Sea Serpent Star through starships and the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' brand, but how can they compare to the research on an entire star?

After Liang Ji hunted enough fifth-level Void Golden Eagle demon elixirs, he ended the temptation of the Void Golden Eagle and gave the 'directional demon luring formation' to Peng Yue for use. She also needed to gather the fifth-level star master stage training center as soon as possible. He needs the demon elixir in order to advance as quickly as possible.

After all, although the seventh-level 'Elemental Nest' is powerful enough, it is not as important as its own cultivation and level. What's more, after its own cultivation is improved, it can activate the seventh-level 'Elemental Nest' The power and effect will only be greater.

Time passed day by day, and more than ten days later, Peng Yue also collected all the fifth-level demon pills he needed.

As for Peng Yue’s grandma, she was not from the Star Palace, so she had no need to hunt for the demon pills she needed. She had already bought enough void demon pills from the Star Alliance market for her sixth-order Star Lord stage, and now she doesn’t need them at all. Lacking the demon pill, what is missing is the opportunity and direction to break through to the high-level star master.

Therefore, the 'directional demon luring formation' on the later starships is basically no longer used. It is occasionally used to discover some unique and cherished void demons, such as void worms, void sparrows, etc. Their demon materials and demon elixirs Waiting to be able to sell it at a better price in the Star Alliance.

After more than a month of this, the tide of sky demon power completely subsided in the 'Celestial Demon Star Domain', and the void demon tide was completely gone in the void outside the galaxy. Liang Ji and others used the 'directional demon luring array' Law', it is often difficult to gain anything.

At that moment, they decided to leave the Sea Serpent Galaxy, even the Sky Demon Star Territory, and return to the Star Alliance.

However, just when Liang Ji contacted She Yuanjie and said goodbye to him and the 'Sky Serpent Academy', he saw that the other party's face was a little solemn and he asked with concern.

Unexpectedly, I got a not-so-good news from the other party: this time the 'Tide of Sky Demon Power' broke out, causing several star systems occupied and captured by the Covenant Pioneer Chapter on the front line to be directly attacked by the Void Demon Clan. One of the systems that was breached was exactly what their team from the 'Tian Serpent Academy' had just captured.

Liang Ji's expression changed slightly when he heard this. The team of 'Tian Serpent Academy' had the information that all the seventh-order star masters had been conquered and occupied. So if he wanted to break through the sixth-order star master, he would go to the front line to develop and occupy the life stars. Isn't it enough? Insurance?

But if you want to wait until you can break through to the seventh-level Star Master, you don't know how long it will take. By then, the Star Alliance's pioneering war will have ended.

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