The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 835 News from relatives and friends on the front line (Happy National Day!)

"Ziqiu, just be okay!"

She Yuanjie learned from She Yuanjie that there was a sudden change in the battlefield on the frontline of the Star Alliance. The Void Demon Clan took advantage of the outbreak of the "Tide of Sky Demon Power" to break into several galaxies on the front line. One of them was even a galaxy newly opened by the "Sky Serpent Academy". Liang Ji then began to try to contact Wang Ziqiu through various channels to determine her situation.

After all, in this pioneering mission, Wang Ziqiu also joined the team of the 'Tian Serpent Academy'. He was naturally worried about whether there would be any accidents in the galaxy invaded by the Void Monster Wave.

Especially since the opponent's third-level star master has not yet completed his cultivation and has not mastered the "star immortality" rebirth star technique, if there is an accident on the front line, there is probably no chance to save him.

Now that he finally contacted the other party and saw the other party appear alive in the light screen, Liang Ji also relaxed and said it was okay.

"Don't worry, uncle." Wang Ziqiu saw Liang Ji and said with a smile: "There were signs before the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power' broke out. Many teams in the Star Alliance also predicted that the Void Demon Clan might take advantage of this. A lot of preparations have been made in advance for the tidal wave to launch a counterattack.”

"Those like me who are still low-level star masters were sent to the rear by the Serpent Academy before the tide broke out. They did not participate in the front-line battle, so there is no danger."

After listening to the other party's explanation, Liang Ji felt relieved and said, "Fortunately, you were assigned to the rear."

Then he frowned and asked: "Since the Covenant frontline has been prepared for a long time, why did I hear that several galaxies were breached this time? Even one of the galaxies occupied by the 'Tian Serpent Academy' was breached?"

"I heard that although the frontline was well prepared, they seemed to have underestimated the power of the 'power of the sky demon'!" Wang Ziqiu obviously had his own news channels, and immediately explained: "The Star Alliance frontline was just planning this 'power of the sky demon' at the beginning. The eruption of the "Tide of Demonic Power" is regarded as a large explosion of a black hole within the star field, and is also prepared based on the past experience of dealing with large black hole explosions."

"However, no one expected that the distortion and creation of the 'power of the sky demon' would make this tidal impact far more powerful than the black hole explosion, and even trigger many changes, catching the Star Alliance front line off guard. Just now Several star systems were breached."

"The galaxy that Tian Serpent Academy lost was captured not long before the tide broke out. Even before the 'Star Map Array' had time to be arranged, it encountered the outbreak of the 'Tide of the Power of the Sky Demon'."

"Later, when the principal of the school saw something was wrong, he directly ordered the abandonment of the newly occupied galaxy. All teams retreated to join the main force of the Star Alliance, so the casualties were limited."

"That's it." Liang Ji nodded slightly.

"Xiaoji, please ask Ziqiu if you know anything about Director Zhang, Inspector Huang and others? Have anything happened to them?"

At this time, Peng Yue's grandmother signaled to him from the side.

When the 'Sky Serpent Academy' organized its team to join the Star Alliance's pioneering war, it sent invitations to all Star Master monks and high-level monks in the entire 'Snake Star'. Even Liang Ji and Peng Yue received the invitation. , not to mention others.

Similarly, all the star monks in their Snake City were also invited, such as Director Zhang of the Education Bureau, Huang Inspector of the Inspection Department, Director Xia of the Municipal Supervision Bureau, etc., were also invited and chose to join the 'Tian Snake Academy's team.

These people are about the same age as Peng Yue's grandmother, and their situations are similar. Due to inheritance, qualifications, resources and other issues, they have been trapped in the middle stage of Star Lord cultivation for a long time and cannot find the direction and hope to advance to high-level Star Lord. The hope for a final breakthrough lies in this pioneering war.

The 'Tian Serpent Academy' team was the best team they could come into contact with and be invited to. Naturally, they chose to join the 'Tian Serpent Academy' team without hesitation. After all, the 'Tian Serpent Academy' team still had With high-level Star Lords in charge, it is undoubtedly safer and easier to obtain opportunities in the development war.

Even Peng Yue's grandma had received an invitation from the 'Sky Snake Academy' and had some intentions of joining it, but was later dragged into their 'Dragon Snake' team by Peng Yue.

Now that she heard about the sudden changes on the front line, Grandma Peng Yue was naturally concerned about the situation of these old friends who had worked together for many years.

Liang Ji also understood the other party's mood. He nodded slightly and asked directly: "Zi Qiu, do you know the situation of Director Zhang, Inspector Huang and others in our Snake City Repair City?"

Wang Ziqiu nodded when he heard this and said: "I have inquired before. Director Zhang and Inspector Huang are fine, but Director Xia of the Municipal Supervision Bureau was seriously injured, and Director Wang of the Agriculture Bureau died directly."

"However, I heard that Director Wang has mastered the star technique of 'Star Immortality'. It seems that it has not been damaged to the root. Now he is being reborn in his natal star."

Hearing what he said, Peng Yue's grandma's expression changed several times, and finally sighed: "It's better that I'm not dead!"

"Old Wang is the most talented among us. He was almost able to get into the Star Palace, but it was indeed possible for him to master the star technique of 'Immortality of the Stars'. Fortunately, otherwise it would have been dangerous this time! "

"But I heard that several third-level immortals from our Snake Cultivation City died in this Void Monster Clan's counterattack!"

At this time, Wang Ziqiu said again.

There is naturally no shortage of immortals in Snake Cultivation City. Even the Peng family has cultivated Peng Xuanding. Naturally, other Star Lord families also have their own immortal monks. There are even some immortal families, such as the three old families of Zhutengshu. .

For the sake of their own future or the future of their family, many of these immortals also joined the ranks of the 'Tian Serpent Academy' and participated in the frontline development war.

It's just that in such a sudden change when the Void Demon Tribe counterattacks, even the Star Lord monks can't protect themselves, let alone these heretic immortals.

The death was expected, so Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others were not surprised by the news, nor were they as concerned as Director Zhang, Inspector Huang and others.

After confirming the safety of everyone, Liang Ji and others paid more attention to the impact of this sudden change on the front line.

As far as he knew, the Star Alliance's pioneering war has been making great progress and winning continuously since it entered the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. Advancing towards the depths of the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

A large amount of materials, resources, interests, etc. captured were sent to the Star Alliance behind like running water. Those small forces, middle and low-level heretical monks, etc. who could only drink some "washing water" within the Star Alliance all made money from this. The bowl is full.

It can be said that the entire Star Alliance became enthusiastic because of these victories and the large amount of profit income.

Even though Liang Ji and others are in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory', they all know that there are constant calls within the Star Alliance to increase investment in this pioneering war.

Unexpectedly, at this time when things were getting better and the entire Star Alliance was enthusiastic about it, a 'Tide of Sky Demon Power' erupted, which directly dealt a head-on blow to the Star Alliance Pioneer Chapter.

"Zi Qiu, do you know the losses on the front line?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but ask.

Happy birthday to motherland!

Happy National Day to all book friends!

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